

Din sökning på "*" gav 527405 sökträffar

Motion dependent spatiotemporal smoothing for noise reduction in very dim light image sequences

A new method for noise reduction using spatiotemporal smoothing is presented in this paper. The method is developed especially for reducing the noise that arises when acquiring video sequences with a camera under very dim light conditions. The work is inspired by research on the vision of nocturnal animals and the adaptive spatial and temporal summation that is prevalent in the visual systems of t

Attention and the Evolution of Intentional Communication

Intentional communication is perceptually based and about attentional objects. Three attention mechanisms are distinguished: scanning, attention attraction, and attention-focusing. Attention-focusing directs the subject towards attentional objects. Attention-focusing is goal-governed (controlled by stimulus) or goal-intended (under the control of the subject). Attentional objects are perceptually

15-Year Follow-up of Neuromuscular Function in Patients With Unilateral Nonreconstructed Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Initially Treated With Rehabilitation and Activity Modification: A Longitudinal Prospective Study.

Background: It has been suggested that neuromuscular function is of importance in the overall outcome after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Hypothesis: Good neuromuscular function can be achieved and maintained over time in subjects with ACL injury treated with rehabilitation and activity modification but without reconstructive surgery. Study Design: Case series; Level of evidence, 4. Met

Lip kinematics in long and short stop and fricative consonants

This paper examines lip and jaw kinematics in the production of labial stop and fricative consonants where the duration of the oral closure/constriction is varied for linguistic purposes. The subjects were speakers of Japanese and Swedish, two languages that have a contrast between short and long consonants. Lip and jaw movements were recorded using a magnetometer system. Based on earlier work sho

Environmental permitting as a driver for eco-efficiency in the dairy industry: A closer look at the IPPC directive

This study contributes to the discussion on the potential of the IPPC Directive to serve as a driver for eco-efficiency through the analysis of case studies of British, Finnish and Swedish dairy industries and the corresponding regulatory bodies. The signals given to the companies on the required improvements and the focus of the permitting process - on the manufacturing process rather than end-of

SEA and strategy formation theories: from three Ps to five Ps

A transition to environmentally sustainable societies should involve a significant and comprehensive — strategic—change. Much of the promise of SEA is associated precisely with its perceived capacity to facilitate such a strategic transformation by influencing selected ‘strategic decisions’. This paper examines the potential effectiveness and limitations of such an approach in light of contemporar

Skolpolitik, skolutvecklingsarena och sociala processer : Studie av en gymnasieskola i kris

Popular Abstract in Swedish Föreliggande avhandling är en fallstudie vars empiriska material utgörs av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer, deltagande observationer och textdokument. Avhandlingen uppmärksammar ett händelseförlopp på en nystartad svensk gymnasieskola. Förloppet inleds med kommunens och rektorns stora visioner för verksamheten och avslutas med att en samstämmig lärargrupp avsätter rektThis dissertation is based on a case study of a series of events at a newly started Swedish high school. The study employs a qualitative methodology comprising of interviews, participant observation and analysis of text documents. The series of events opens with the grand visions of the municipality and the school's principal for the school and concludes with the teachers at the school unanimously

Changes in the activity and protein levels of CSF acetylcholinesterases in relation to cognitive function of patients with mild Alzheimer's disease following chronic donepezil treatment

Objectives. To evaluate long-term changes in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in CSF and blood following donepezil treatment in relation to the concentration of donepezil and cognition in AD patients. Methods. CSF or blood (or both) samples of a total of 104 patients with mild AD were used [MMSE score 23 +/- 0.4; age 75 +/- 1 years (mean +/- SEM); n = 53 for CSF and n = 51 for plasma/red blood

Toward solar energy conversion into fuels: Design and synthesis of ruthenium-manganese supramolecular complexes to mimic the function of photosystem II

To mimic the electron donor side of Photosystem II (PSII), a number of supramolecular model complexes have been designed and synthesized. Ruthenium(II) tris-bipyridyl complexes have been used in most cases as photosensitizers, mimicking the function of P-680 in PSII. As electron donors, monomeric and dimeric manganese complexes and tyrosine have been introduced into the supramolecular systems, mod

Substitution reactions of [Pt(dien)Cl](+), [Pt(dien)(GSMe)](2+), cis-[PtCl2(NH3)(2)] and cis-[Pt(NH3)(2)(GSMe)(2)](2+) (GSMe = S-methylglutathione) with some sulfur-bonding chemoprotective agents

Sulfur-containing compounds are used as rescue agents to protect normal tissue from the toxic side effects of cis-[PtCl2(NH3)(2)] (cisplatin) without affecting its anti-tumour activity. Reactions of the model complexes [Pt(dien)Cl](+) (1) and [Pt(dien)(GSMe)](2+) (2) (GSMe = S-methylglutathione) with the rescue agents glutathione (GSH), thiourea, thiosulfate, and diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC) have

Protein complexes of the plant plasma membrane resolved by Blue Native PAGE

With the characterization of the total genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa, several putative plasma membrane components have been identified. However, a lack of knowledge at the protein level, especially for hydrophobic proteins, have hampered analyses of physiological changes. To address whether protein complexes may be present in the native membrane, we subjected plasma membranes is