Synthesis, Characterization, and Novel Fluxional Mechanisms of Triosmium Clusters Containing the Highly Flexible Ligand Ph2PC2H4SC2H4SC2H4PPh2 (PSSP)
Treatment of Ph2PC2H4SC2H4SC2H4PPh2 (PSSP) with [Os-3(CO)(11)(NCMe)] under mild conditions yields [{Os-3(CO)(11)}(2)(mu-PSSP)], 1, and [Os-3(CO)(11)(PSSP)], 2. In cluster 1 the ligand links two trinuelear cluster subunits, coordinating via its phosphine moieties. In cluster 2, the ligand is coordinated through one of the phosphine groups, while the remaining part of the PSSP ligand is oriented in