

Din sökning på "*" gav 526500 sökträffar

The Use of Management Control Systems in the Hospitality Industry

Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyze the use of management control systems in the hospitality industry. Methodology: The study is mainly a descriptive, multiple case study based on deductive reasoning. However, explanatory elements occur. The nature of the study is to a large extent qualitative and is primarily based on interviews and analysis of current management control

CSR Compliance and Disclosure in BRICS: An intra- and inter-country comparison

The constant debate over corporations’ responsibility towards shareholders or stakeholders has provided opinions in excess, though answer few, especially in the context of emerging markets, namely, BRICS. This paper advocates a stakeholder approach that goes hand in hand with corporations’ economic motive. Through the assessment framework developed in the empirical study, an analysis of CSR activi

The Impact of Climate Variability on the Hydrological Response of the Lake Urema Wetland, Mozambique

Lake Urema Wetland - literally and geographically the heart of Gorongosa National Park in central Mozambique and its main source of fresh water, is evidently vital for the ecosystem of the park, including all of its inhabitants. The extension area of Lake Urema Wetland varies strongly throughout the year, following a natural seasonal cycle. However, year to year deviations, together with the fact

Bostadsbubbla eller inte - en studie av regionala huspriser i Sverige 1995-2008

Bostadsmarknaden i Sverige påminner idag mycket om den marknad som sågs i de flesta länder före finanskrisen 2007. Priserna på bostäder har stigit kraftigt och bolånemarknaden kännetecknas av hög skuldsättningsgrad med korta räntebindningar och små amorteringar. Det liknande mönstret väcker oro och spekulationer om en eventuell prisbubbla på den svenska bostadsmarknaden. En bubbla kännetecknas av

Imagination and its association with internal control in middle childhood

The present study investigated the relation between imagination, motivation and locus of control. The participants were 95 children (53 girls and 42 boys) born between 1998 and 2001. Motivation was measured using “Achievement Goal Questionnaire” and theoretical background on motivation was oriented in “Achievement Goal Theory”. “Mastery goal orientation” (goal to develop ability) was hypothesized

Due Diligence i förhållande till garantier vid företagsförvärv

En grundläggande faktor till allt företagande är att skapa värde för aktieägarna. Ett sätt att skapa värde i ett företag är genom förvärv. En väl genomförd due diligenceundersökning är en möjlighet att undanröja en del av de risker som är förenade med bolagsförvärv. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera förhållandet mellan garantier som utfärdats av säljaren och den undersökningsplikt som åligger

Det sociala intranätet - ett forum för medarbetares deltagande, dialog och lärande? En fallstudie av Electrolux E-gate Community.

Ämne: Traditionella intranät misslyckas ofta med att skapa lärande men med det sociala intranätet har hoppet återvänt. Sociala intranät är ett nytt fenomen varför forskning om dess betydelse för organisationer är bristande. Syfte: Att undersöka hur det sociala intranätet kan vara ett forum för deltagande, dialog och lärande. Metod och material: Konversationer på Electrolux sociala intranät, E-gate

CSR - lagstiftning eller självreglering?

Globaliseringen av kulturen, ekonomin och politiken leder till gränsöverskridande interaktioner för många aktörer mellan regioner och länder. I takt med att kommunikationen blir allt snabbare och når allt fler platser ökar kontakten mellan människor och ger ögonblickligen information om händelser från alla jordens hörn. Nya innovationer och medicinska genombrott stärker livskvaliteten och ökar livThe globalization of culture, economy and politics leads to cross-border interactions of actors across regions and countries. As communication gets faster and reaching more places contact between people is increasing and information on events from every corner of the world is accessible. New innovations and medical breakthroughs will strengthen the quality of life and increase life expectancy for

Sociala medier som företagsanpassat kommunikationsmedel

Sociala mediers popularitet har på senare tid växt allt mer, vilket har gjort att även företag har fått intresse för att använda sig av det. Sociala medier erbjuder kommunikation på flera plan genom funktioner som chatt, blogginlägg och inlägg som kan ses och kommenteras av många användare etc. I denna studie har vi undersökt på vilket sätt och i vilken omfattning användning av sociala medier som

Är du man nog? Japanska mäns språkanvändning i samhället

Japanese men’s language is, in contrast with Japanese women’s language, an understudied subject. Previous investigations lacks of the single focus that investigates only the men’s language and their sociolinguistic patterns. How Japanese men speak in the Japanese society, is often related to how stereotypical masculine men use their language. Stereotypical views that probably are born from the mas

The topic particle

The Japanese postposition which in this paper is to be referred to as the topic particle wa, is said to be possessing functions which have been thoroughly debated and analyzed by numerous linguists. It has as a result brought upon us a number of distinguishable theories concerning the qualities of this particle, providing us with different analyses to comprehend. Depending on which theory one

Dorian Gray, Or, The Modern Narcissus

In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave this reflection, Narcissus died. Doctor Faustus was, in both Marlowe’s and Goethe’s version, a highly successful scholar who makes a deal with the devil. The devil gets Faustus’ soul in exchange for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. The young, beautiful Dorian Gray rea

Personalansvarigas föreställningar kring arbetsrelaterad mobbning och interventioner

The main purpose of this qualitative study was to achieve better understanding in terms of staff officer’s notions about work-related bullying and interventions. There were two issues. The first one was what are the general performances on the phenomenon of bullying in the workplace? The second question was what are the performances about interventions? Seven personnel officers from Sweden were th

Framework for Evaluation of Strategies for Pooling of Repairable Spare Parts

Background: The ability to quickly provide parts for the supply of advanced technical systems in equipment-intensive industries (such as airlines and nuclear power plants) is critical to the systems overall performance. In order to maintain a targeted system availability large quantities of spare parts are often required which in turn results in excessive inventory costs. Seeing as inventory syste

Evaluation of a transport and logistics IT tool -A case study of ABB

Executive Summary This thesis report presents a framework to be used for evaluating IT tools to support transport and logistic be split into three steps show applied on ABB to provide a decision basis and rationale to invest in a logistics IT tool. • The pre-study aims is set up, to ide improve the performance of criteria on which the IT tools should be evaluated investment as well as benefit calc

Expansion Study of growing markets in Europe Strategic options for Betsafe

Betsafe is still a young company that have seen a great success in a short span of time. To remain successful it is therefore important that they don’t become complacent and remain visionary. However, a successful company must also balance its risk‐taking. In the end it is vital to find the right opportunities that fits the company and of course to be able to make the right decisions. In this proj

Genom Stanley Kubricks lins

A auteur analysis of Stanley Kubrick with a intermedial focus. The paper explores the directors evolution from still photography to movies, and tries to find similarities between the two on both a aestetich level as well as in the way they are made. The purpose is to find out if Kubricks eye for detail and his perfectionism came during his work in films or if it's been with him all along. The

Combating human rights violations and forced labour in Myanmar: the approach of the UN and the ILO

The practice of forcing a person to perform work without his or her consent and the denial of freedom to leave work has been part of human history for centuries. Despite great effort by the international community to combat forced labour, this scourge is still a prevalent practice in both developed and developing countries, with old as well as new forms of coercion being carried out every day. Mil

TURNAROUNDS-Modeling the Probability of a Turnaround

The objective of this paper is to examine the possibility of predicting the recovery of a distressed firm into a turnaround based on its current financial situation and a set of variables that are considered of having a significant impact on the turnaround probability. To assess this problem 150 firms are used that were distressed at some point during the period 1991 to 2001. These firms were all

Från Ideell till Kommersiell - En studie av ishockeyföreningars verksamhetsidé

Syftet med vår studie är att studera hur ishockeyföreningars strategiska arbete stödjer deras verksamhetsidé. Därför vill vi studera hur ishockeyföreningars verksamhetsidé vuxit fram. Avslutningsvis vill vi identifiera svårigheter som föreligger strategiskt arbete i ishockeyföreningar. Utifrån en abduktiv och kvalitativ ansats har vi genomfört en fallstudie av fyra stycken ishockeyföreningar. Vi h