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Shoulder pain after stroke: prevalence, contributing factors and consequences in daily life

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att öka kunskapen om skuldersmärta efter stroke avseende förekomst, bidragande faktorer och konsekvenser i det dagliga livet. Stroke är i Sverige den vanligaste orsaken till funktionsnedsättning hos vuxna. Vanliga funktionsnedsättningar vid insjuknandet är nedsatt rörelseförmåga i ena kroppshalvan, känselnedsättning, balaPost stroke shoulder pain, PSSP, is a common type of pain after stroke, but still further knowledge of this condition is needed. An increased knowledge of prevalence, contributing factors and impact on the individual’s life could enhance the possibility to find more effective treatments and therefore more studies are needed. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate PSSP with a special focus

Insect herbivore counteradaptations to the plant glucosinolate-myrosinase system

The glucosinolate-myrosinase system found in plants of the Brassicales order is one of the best studied plant chemical defenses. Glucosinolates and their hydrolytic enzymes, myrosinases, are stored in separate compartments in the intact plant tissue. Upon tissue disruption, bioactivation of glucosinolates is initiated, i.e. myrosinases get access to their glucosinolate substrates, and glucosinolat

Effect of reoxygenation and Marenzelleria spp. bioturbation on Baltic Sea sediment metabolism

Nutrient reduction and the improvement of bottom water oxygen concentrations are thought to be key factors in the recovery of eutrophic aquatic ecosystems. The effects of re oxygenation and bioturbation of natural hypoxic sediments in the Baltic Sea were studied using a mesocosm experiment. Anoxic sediment box cores were collected from 100 m depth in Kanholmsfj rden (Stockholm Archipelago) and mai

The structures of T6, T3R3 and R6 bovine insulin: combining X-ray diffraction and absorption spectroscopy

The crystal structures of three conformations, T6, T3R3 and R6, of bovine insulin were solved at 1.40, 1.30 and 1.80 angstrom resolution, respectively. All conformations crystallized in space group R3. In contrast to the T6 and T3R3 structures, different conformations of the N-terminal B-chain residue PheB1 were observed in the R6 insulin structure, resulting in an eightfold doubling of the unit-c

Effects of CO2 and light on tree phytochemistry and insect performance

Direct and interactive effects of CO2 and light on tree phytochemistry and insect fitness parameters were examined through experimental manipulations of plant growth conditions and performance of insect bioassays. Three species of deciduous trees (quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides: paper birch, Betula papyrifera; sugar maple, Acer saccharum) were grown under ambient (387 +/- 8 mu L/L) and elevate

Determination of reducing ends with flow injection analysis with amperometric detection: application to enzyme-hydrolysed methyl cellulose

A novel method for detection of reducing ends of sugars is proposed, based on the use of Fe(CN)(6)(3-) as the oxidant in combination with amperometric detection and flow injection analysis (FIA). The method is very sensitive, giving values of < 10 mu M for the limit of detection for a series of mono- and oligosaccharides. Samples can be analysed every 30 s, and injection can be made fully automate

Joint effects of different human papillomaviruses and Chlamydia trachomatis infections on risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri

This case-control study based in Nordic serum banks evaluated the joint effects of infections with genital human papillomavirus (HPV) types, and Chlamydia trachomatis in the aetiology of cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Through a linkage with the cancer registries, 144 cases were identified and 420 controls matched to them. Exposure to past infections was defined by the presence of specific IgG a

Targeting the polyamine biosynthetic enzymes: a promising approach to therapy of African sleeping sickness, Chagas' disease, and leishmaniasis

Trypanosomatids depend on spermidine for growth and survival. Consequently, enzymes involved in spermidine synthesis and utilization, i.e. arginase, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC), spermidine synthase, trypanothione synthetase (TryS), and trypanothione reductase (TryR), are promising targets for drug development. The ODC inhibitor alpha-difluoromethylo

A rat model for testing pharmacologic treatments of pressure-related bone loss

Fluid pressure, instability, or particles have been suggested to initiate the process leading to loosening of prosthetic implants. In a rat model where bone resorption is caused by oscillating fluid pressure, the resorptive response seems much stronger than the response that can be induced by particles or instability. Bone resorption is caused by osteoclasts. It has been suggested that the formati

A general theory of environmental noise in ecological food webs.

ABSTRACT We examine the effects of environmental noise on populations that are parts of simple two-species food webs. We assume that the species are strongly interacting and that one or the other population is affected by the noise signal. Further assuming that a stable equilibrium with positive population densities exists, we are able to perform a complete frequency analysis of the system. If onl

Biomarkers predict radiographic progression in early rheumatoid arthritis and perform well compared with traditional markers

Objective. To evaluate the performance of biochemical and traditional markers in predicting radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods. One hundred thirty-two patients with early RA were treated with nonbiologic therapies for 2 years and studied longitudinally. Genomic DNA was analyzed for presence of the shared epitope. Levels of matrix metalloproteinases (matrix metalloprotei

Characterization of a naturally occurring mutation (L107I) in the HNF1 alpha (MODY3) gene.

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Maturity onset diabetes of the young type 3 (MODY3) is a monogenic form of diabetes mellitus caused by mutations in the gene encoding for hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha, HNF1 alpha. In this study we have examined the in vivo and in vitro effects of a mutation (L107I) outside the DNA binding and dimerization domains in the N terminal part of the HNF1 alpha gene. METHODS: Beta-ce

Targeting hyperglycaemia with either metformin or repaglinide in non-obese patients with type 2 diabetes: results from a randomized crossover trial

Aim: Metformin is the 'drug-of-first-choice' in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) due to its antihyperglycaemic and cardiovascular protective potentials. In non-obese patients with T2DM, insulin secretagogues are empirically used as first choice. In this investigator-initiated trial, we evaluated the effect of metformin vs. an insulin secretagogue, repaglinide on glycaemic regula

Restructuring a ministry of health - an issue of structure and process: a case study from Uganda.

This paper analyzes the recently undertaken restructuring of the Ministry of Health in Uganda, which was carried out because the previous structure did not comply well with the decentralization framework or policy. The Ministry was put under pressure by higher political levels, supported by the donor community, to restructure. The paper describes the principles that were guiding this operation, an

Quality of life in palliative cancer care: results from a cluster randomized trial

PURPOSE: To assess the impact of comprehensive palliative care on patients' quality of life. The intervention was based on cooperation between a palliative medicine unit and the community service and was compared with conventional care. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A cluster randomized trial was carried out, with community health care districts defined as the clusters. Patients from these districts who h

Maturing XP through the CMM

Extreme programming (XP) and the capability maturity model (CMM) are two recently emerging models addressing the difficulty of developing and delivering high-quality software products. The CMM gives guidelines for what to do at an organizational level, while XP says how to develop software at a project level. Together these models form a comprehensive framework for structuring the software develop

Energy gaps and interaction blockade in confined quantum systems

We investigate universal properties of strongly confined particles that turn out to be dramatically different from what is observed for electrons in atoms and molecules. For a large class of harmonically confined systems, such as small quantum dots and optically trapped atoms, many-body particle addition and removal energies, and energy gaps, are accurately obtained from single-particle eigenvalue

Financial bootstrapping in small businesses: examining small business managers' resource acquisition behaviors

In recent years, small businesses have received much attention from policy makers and researchers, in that these businesses are considered important for economic growth and job creation. At the same time small businesses are assumed to face major problems in securing long-term external finance, which is regarded as restraining their development and growth. Small business managers are assumed to us