

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Vanlighet, försäkran och riskmedvetenhet: äldreboendens självpresentationer på Instagram under covid-19-pandemin

Denna studie undersöker hur äldreboenden presenterade sina verksamheter på Instagram under covid-19-pandemins första år, genom kvalitativ analys av fyra intervjuer med företrädare för äldreboenden, samt 1748 bilder från två Instagramkonton.Resultatet visar att medan boendenas företrädare i intervjuerna beskrev år 2020 som kaosartat, presenterades livet på äldreboendena på Instagram som aktivt och

All cause and cause specific mortality in obsessive-compulsive disorder : nationwide matched cohort and sibling cohort study

OBJECTIVE To estimate the risk of all cause and cause specific mortality in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) compared with matched unaffected people from the general population and with their unaffected siblings. DESIGN Population based matched cohort and sibling cohort study. SETTING Register linkage in Sweden. PARTICIPANTS Population based cohort including 61 378 people with OCD a

Decrease of 7T MR short-term effects with repeated exposure

Purpose: Although participants in 7 T magnetic resonance (MR) studies tolerate ultra-high field (UHF) well, subjectively experienced short-term effects, such as dizziness, inconsistent movement, nausea, or metallic taste, are reported. Evidence on subjectively experienced short-term effects in multiple exposures to UHF MR is scarce. The purpose of this study is to investigated experience of short-

När människan försvinner - En studie om själv-avhumaniseringens roll i sambandet mellan politisk extremism och radikalisering

Denna studie undersöker själv-avhumanisering och dess roll i samspelet mellan politisk extremism och radikalisering. Vår frågeställning var “Påverkar själv-avhumanisering på gruppnivå respektive individnivå samspelet mellan politisk extremism och radikalisering?" Vi ville också bekräfta att det finns ett samband mellan radikalisering och extremism, och påverkar själv-avhumanisering på grupp-

Trade-offs between precision and fluctuations in charging finite-dimensional quantum batteries

Within quantum thermodynamics, many tasks are modeled by processes that require work sources represented by out-of-equilibrium quantum systems, often dubbed quantum batteries, in which work can be deposited or from which work can be extracted. Here we consider quantum batteries modeled as finite-dimensional quantum systems initially in thermal equilibrium that are charged via cyclic Hamiltonian pr

Zumba och den Andre: En visuell studie av Zumbas marknadsföring från ett postkolonialt perspektiv

It can be seen as if though Zumba has taken it upon themselves to mend the growing gap between humans of different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds in the world. Zumba and the Other investigates Zumba from a postcolonial perspective and questions the methods which Zumba use to reach their supposed ambition of uniting the world in one dance class. Zumba and the Other asks the question of who Z

Klimatflykting, inte en riktig flykting? De sjunkande önationernas argumentation för asyl utifrån rätten till liv.

Det internationella rättssystemet har ännu inte erkänt ’klimatflyktingar’ som flyktingar berättigade asyl, trots att klimatförändringarna resulterat i att människor tvingats evakuera sina hem. Stilla havets så kallade ’Sinking States’ är samtidens främsta klimatoffer och belyser rättssystemets brister i att skydda de som drabbas. Syftet med arbetet är därför att utreda hur två olika asylrätts fall

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Use of Diplomats in Its Intelligence and Terrorist Operations against Dissidents : The Case of Assadollah Assadi

The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has two main intelligence organizations: the Ministry of Intelligence (MOI) and the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The two organizations are highly active on foreign soil with malign activities like assassinations. In 2018, the third secretary of the IRI embassy in Austria, Assadollah Assadi, was arrested and later convicted o

Blicken – en relation mellan inne och ute. Analys och tolkning av två interiörer av Ola Billgren

This study concerns two photorealistic oil paintings by Ola Billgren: Venetian Blind, 1965 and Interior, 1971-1972. These paintings are from his neorealist period and are representative for Billgren’s style in the 1960s and early1970s. There is a subtle underlying feeling of anxiety imbedded in these two paintings. A sense of distance is also present. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate h

Genetic constraints in genes exhibiting splicing plasticity in facultative diapause

Phenotypic plasticity is produced and maintained by processes regulating the transcriptome. While differential gene expression is among the most important of these processes, relatively little is known about other sources of transcriptional variation. Previous work suggests that alternative splicing plays an extensive and functionally unique role in transcriptional plasticity, though plastically s

Life’s Essential 8 in relation to self-rated health and health-related quality of life in a large population-based sample : the SCAPIS project

Purpose: To monitor cardiovascular health, in 2022, the American Heart Association (AHA) updated the construct “Life’s Simple 7” (LS7) to “Life’s Essential 8” (LE8). This study aims to analyze the associations and capacity of discrimination of LE8 and LS7 in relation to self-rated health (SRH) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Methods: This study from the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage

Pre-supernova feedback sets the star cluster mass function to a power law and reduces the cluster formation efficiency

Context. The star cluster initial mass function is observed to have an inverse power law exponent around 2, yet there is no consensus on what determines this distribution, and why some variation is observed in different galaxies. Furthermore, the cluster formation efficiency (CFE) covers a range of values, particularly when considering different environments. These clusters are often used to empir

Investigation of Size Exclusion Columns for analysis of peptide and protein pharmaceutical

Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) is a crucial analytical tool employed by Novo Nordisk for the assessment of potential aggregation in active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) derived from peptides and protein biopharmaceuticals. This investigation focuses on SEC analyses conducted under denaturing conditions, utilizing Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HULK) adapted columns. Intrigui