

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

The role of institutional innovations in the transition to low-carbon futures

Deep cuts in carbon emissions to avoid dangerous climatic change will require fundamental transformations of the energy and transport systems. This is an enormous challenge for society and the political system. In order to tackle this challenge, we argue that it will be necessary to develop new institutions and institutional practices that address and give priority to long-term climate policy obje

The title specific bookbinding or How to mass produce the unique

To give the latest novel by Joyce Carol Oates a book binding design identical with one used for a novel by for instance Orhan Pamuk would be unthinkable in today’s book market. What I like to call the title specific book binding, or book cover – that is a binding or cover designed for a specific title – is something we take for granted to such an extent that we hardly even reflect over the phenome

Some Aspects of Current Discourse on Knowledge Production and Knowledge Exchange between 'East' and 'West'

Increasing international and, often, cross-cultural contacts and exchanges in all spheres of human activity have created a world in which the access to other, alternative knowledge pools seems to be easier than ever before. Science in particular, or, more generally, fields of knowledge creation, are considered to have greatly benefited from this global inter-connectedness. At the same time, we can

Moral Hazard and Insurance: Optimality, Risk and Preferences

Popular Abstract in Swedish Försäkringsmarknader präglas generellt av informationsproblem av olika slag. I denna avhandling studeras ett specifikt sådant problem: moral hazard. Detta innebär att den försäkrade kan vidta försiktighetsåtgärder för att minska sannolikheten för att drabbas av en olycka, men att försäkringsbolaget inte säkert kan urskilja storleken på dessa försiktighetsåtgärder. Vi fåThe thesis consists of an introductory chapter, followed by three chapters which all deal with theoretical issues related to moral hazard and insurance. In Chapter 2 we assume symmetric and perfect information. We conclude that, given some standard assumptions, the expected utility function cannot be quasi-concave, which strengthens earlier findings in the literature. As a consequence convex prefe

Leveraging network and traffic measurements for content distribution and interpersonal communication services with sufficient quality

In this paper, we discuss research problems for enabling content distribution and supporting real-time interpersonal communication services (e.g. voice and video) over best effort networks with sufficient quality. We take a practical view of content distribution and quality, and this is the reason for the term “sufficient”. We argue that the understanding of quality as perceived by the user is a k

Läxhjälp ett hån mot lärarnas kompetens

Läxhjälp bör bygga på att det är kvalificerad personal som svarar för verksamheten. I debatten om rut-avdrag har två viktiga frågor inte ställts: 1. Varför har svenska skolan hamnat i en situation av sviktande måluppfyllelse? 2. Varför ska de som behöver extra stöd, oberoende av vilken nivå de ligger på studiemässigt, inte få den mest kvalificerade hjälpen, det vill säga utbildade lärare?

Allergy to methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride in epoxy resin workers

One hundred and forty four current and 26 former workers in a plant producing barrels for rocket guns from an epoxy resin containing methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (MTHPA; time weighted average air concentration up to 150 uglm') were studied. They showed higher frequencies of work related symptoms from the eyes (31 v 0%; p < 0-001), nose (53 v 9%; p < 0-001), pharynx (26 v 6%; p < 0-01), and a

Fire Safety Risk Analysis of a Health Care Facility

A methodology for deriving individual risk to people in a health care facility due to fire, is presented. The risk is expressed by the First Order Second Moment reliability index ß. The evacuation time for the patients is compared to the time to untenable conditions arise. Subjecting variables to uncertainty results in a reliability index value for the escape time margin. The influence on reliabil