

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Att göra en snygg entré - en fallstudie av Starbucks inträde på nationella marknader

Purpose: To investigate whether our case company's entry mode decisions can be understood and explained by existing literature on choice of entry modes and national barriers to entry. Methodogy:A case study has been chosen as the main research design; we investigate our case firm thoroughly. At the same time we study the national markets Starbucks has entered with focus on the national barrier

Loggning och återfyllning av borrhål : Praktiska försök och utveckling av täthetskontroll i fält

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Återfyllning av energibrunnar har tidigare inte varit aktuellt i någon större grad. De senaste åren har det höjts röster från ett fåtal kommuner om att installationen av dessa system kan skapa en potentiell föroreningsspridning. Trots att installationerna i verkligheten skapat få fall där problem uppstått, fortsätter vissa kommuner att sätta restriktioner mot öpGrouting of energy wells has previously not been a big issue. A few years ago, voices were raised from a couple of towns stating that the installation of these systems could potentially create a spreading of impurities. When in reality, very few of these systems creates problems, some towns keeps putting restrictions against open boreholes. This creates a situation where grouting becomes more comm

Klimatanpassad byggnad för varma somrar och kalla vintrar

Outdoor climate has considerable impact on the indoor climate and it is therefore important to adapt the buildings to the climate. This thesis shows how to improve indoor climate in a climate which it is hot, dry in the summer and cold in the winter. My investigative unit is a middle class house in the town Baalbek in Lebanon and the purpose of the study is to come up with proposals on possible so

Agricultural Price and Inequality: Analysis on Southeast Asia

How does agricultural price fluctuations affect the welfare of commodity producing countries? This paper discusses the impact of the movements in commodity prices, focusing only on agricultural goods, to analyse its impact to income inequality. It is well known in the literature that mineral wealth especially oil has an impact on income distribution through the redistribution of wealth, but the ch

Nothing is more powerfull than an idea, whose time has come. Whose time is now – En kritisk diskursanalys av videon ”Kony 2012” och reproduktionen av ett vi och ett dom.

Syftet med denna studie är att granska videon ”Kony 2012” och dess reproduktion av föreställningen om ”vi” respektive ”dom”. Syftet är att studera hur detta ger anspråk i videon och hur filmskaparen propagerar för att sprida sitt budskap. Fokus för analysen har utgått ifrån teorier om orientalism, makt samt propaganda. Den metod som har legat till grund för studien är en kvalitativ innehållsanaly

Outsourcing Innovation: Factors influencing firms’ decision to outsource IT development to consulting organizations

THESIS PURPOSE: The present thesis aims to describe and generate new insights about the factors that foster or inhibit the decision to outsource IT development services in addition to the factors considered to decide the extent and form of an outsourcing initiative in Sweden. Furthermore, this study aims to determine the differences in outsourcing practices across various proposed company categori

Motionärer och icke motionärer bland en grupp anställda

Syftet med studien var att se andelen motionärer och icke motionärer bland en grupp anställda på ett företag. Ett ytterliggare syfte var att undersöka eventuella skillnader mellan motionärer och icke motionärer beträffande framför allt midjemått och blodtryck. Även upplevd subjektiv hälsa tas upp. Blodsocker och något om kostvanor undersöks men har ingen betydelse för resultatet av undersökningen.

Time Frequency Analysis of EEG Measured When Performing the Flanker Task

This thesis handles time frequency analysis of EEG signals measured on participants performing the so-called flanker task. The analysis is done mainly using multitapering techniques on the quadratic class. Using multiple orthonormal windows when estimating the spectra of a process, one lowers the variance of estimate. A class of locally stationary processes (LSP) is presented to use as a model of

Stilguider för webben - Hjälpande eller stjälpande?

Det finns idag mycket kunskap om vad som anses utgöra en grund för en bra design i ett användargränssnitt för webben. Olika privata och offentliga organisationer har försökt samla delar av denna kunskap i s.k. stilguider för webben i syfte att användas som en bas vid utveckling av produkter och tjänster för att på så sätt definiera en enhetlig känsla och ett gemensamt utseende i ett gränssnitt.

Habermas in the garden : broadening the scope of social movements for sustainability

This thesis explores the potential of broadening the scope of social movements for sustainability. The implicit assumptions of the causal mechanisms for strategic social change propose limits to what transformative social action can be, and risk overlooking untapped resources for change. To address these limitations I use Habermas’ critical social theories on public engagement, systemic rationalit

”Vi löser aldrig några brott” : en studie om gärningsmannaprofilering i Sverige

The purpose of this study is to examine how offender profiling is being used in Sweden and how investigators working at different police departments perceive it as a method. To get ahold of empirical data I conducted a total of four interviews. To fulfill my purpose I first had to describe the offender profiling in Sweden with help of the interview with a representative for Gärningsmannaprofilgrup

Korn för en evighetsskörd. En analys av Lewis Jonssons predikningar

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the sermons and speeches of Lewis Jonsson (1874-1918.) He was vicar of Höör and Munkarp parishes between 1913 and 1918. Lewis Jonsson came from a small village, Sebbarp, in Skåne. As a young boy he studied in Gothenburg, where he lived during term time with his sister and her husband. He started studying for the priesthood at Lund University and graduated in

Etymology of Hebrew nouns : Re-examining the origins of the language of Israel

Which sources most influence the language spoken in Israel? Is it the same language as the Hebrew of its ancestral heritage? Which periods in history brought about the changes of contemporary lexicon? These are the questions addressed in the current essay, which presents the inspection of nouns appearing in a recent newspaper, and their categorization according to the different periods in the his

Foreigner talk eller foreignness? - Västerlänningars språk i japansk skönlitteratur

The present study seeks, with a corpus of eight Japanese works of fiction, to identify if the speech patterns of Westerners in Japanese literature have their origins in the simplified register referred to as “foreigner talk”, i.e. the register used to address non-native speakers with low linguistic competence, and also if foreigner talk is commonly used in Japanese literature for addressing non-na

"Ett osystematiskt svammel" Eller Dagboksromanen och konkret prosa i Hans Alfredsons Gummitummen

Ett försök att placera in den folkkäre underhållaren Hans Alfredson i en litterär medvetenhet. Genom en undersökning av Alfredsons berättarteknik i dennes dagboksroman Gummitummen, placeras boken in i sin litterära samtid, nämligen det konkreta sextiotalet. Uppsatsen fokuserar på att kartlägga hur Alfredson angriper dagboksromanens konventioner genom att applicera de generiska koder jag har kommit

MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS: GENDER TROUBLE AT WORK? - A popular culture study of gender in management consulting -

The main purpose of this thesis is to add to the conceptual understanding of gender in management consulting, as portrayed through the lens of popular culture. It is further aimed to highlight the reciprocal relationship between popular culture research and the study of organization/ management consulting studies. Thereby, we hope to contribute to the existing literature that treats gender in mana

Desertification in China : desertification in China, causes and preventive actions in modern time

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Klimatförhållandena i norra Kina samt Mongliet gör dessa områden benägna att drabbas av mark-försämring, vilket i sin irreversibla form ofta hänförs som ökenspridning. Litteraturstudien fokuserar på både tidigare erfarenheter, så som vad olika åtgärder har haft för konsekvenser- bra som dåliga – och även vad olika sätt att sköta marken på har medfört, samt även aThe climatic conditions in northern China and Mongolia make these regions prone to desertification. The results showed that there is quite a lot of disagreement in this matter, as to whether it exists at all and if so what the major explanatory factor is. Some argue that the desertification is due to climatic/natural factors (almost) alone, others that human activities is the major cause, and some

The effect of prophylactic platelet transfusions on point-of-care coagulation parameters in conjunction to central venous catheter insertion—what effect do transfusions have and are they necessary?

Introduction: Platelet transfusions are often used when thrombocytopenic patients are facing a central venous catheter (CVC) insertion, but their use has been up to debate. Point-of-care devices such as thromboelastometry (ROTEM) and platelet aggregometry (Multiplate) better reflect in vivo haemostasis than routine coagulation tests. Aim of the study was to investigate the effects of platelet tran

COBIT-vid migrering till molnet

Organisationer väljer molnet då det ger dem möjlighet till kostnadsbesparingar och att få del i skalbara IT-lösningar för att inte bli begränsade av IT-resursernas kapacitet. Att migrera från en plattform till en molntjänstleverantör kan skapa problem för organisationen. Uppsatsen avser att belysa problematiken som uppstår mellan organisationen och molntjänstleverantören vid en migrering till moln