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The short stories from Francisco Tario, a relatively unknown Mexican author, show signs of a postmodern and individual aesthetic. In order to reach this conclusion, it has been necessary to analyze the phenomenon of the fantastic in its history, its relation to myth and fantasy, and in its particular reception throughout Latin America and Mexico. Furthermore, we have reviewed different models and

"I'm a Dalit, so What?": The Pragmatism of Highlighting and Hiding Caste among Educated Dalit Women.

The literature on dalit women is limited and in particular knowledge on young dalit women who have completed a social mobility journey is inadequate. Redressing this, the study enquires into the role caste plays for well educated dalit women concerning being ‘cast(ed)’1 as dalits, their education, marriage and special opportunities. Moreover, this study seeks to understand how these perspectives a

The Impact of Digitalization on the Business Model of German Retail Banks

In recent years, digitalization influenced various industries, including retail banks. It can be observed that retail banks face new challenges such as changing customer demands and expectations. At the same time, the industry is disrupted by new competitors, such as Financial Technology companies and large technology enterprises. The ongoing low-interest environment risks the profitability of ban

Population trends of breeding birds along the Swedish coast

I present here population trends of 52 bird species with coastal- breeding populations for the period 1990 to 2016. The trends are based on data collated from 51 surveillance programmes on breeding birds, which together covered most of the Swedish coastline. I related the trends to foraging guild, the species' distribution, and the species' climatic envelope. I also compared trends inside

Reentering Society - An anthropological study of a reentry center, in the United States, for incarcerated people working towards their release

The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The phenomenon of mass incarceration largely confines minorities and people living in poverty. More than 600,000 prisoners are released yearly to face barriers of reentering society. Struggles of finding employment, housing, and being denied social services, due to their criminal record, generate a system where former inmates becom

Estimating the Distribution of Food Sources for Pollinators in Vegetation Communities of Sand-Dune Systems in Southern Sweden

Nectar Sources in Sand Dunes – the Pollinators’ Last Stronghold Dunes are a habitat of special importance. They preserve a wide range of flowering plant species that has vanished from most places in our intensively used landscape. This is vital for both the survival of the plant species themselves, but also of many insect pollinator species. Pollinators depend on the presence of nectar and pollen

Vi vill ha sex, vi vill ha sex timmars arbetsdag! -En diskursanalys av debatten om sex timmars arbetsdag i svenska dagstidningar mellan 2010-2017

Syftet med studien är att undersöka debatten om sex timmars arbetsdag mellan 2010-2017. Genom att använda diskursanalys undersöker jag hur debatten ser ut idag genom att analysera debattartiklar i svenska dagstidningar för att försöka förstå varför ingen vidare utveckling har skett vad det gäller arbetstidsförkortning i Sverige sedan 1973. Bourdieus teori om det politiska fältet erbjuder ett analy

Unfolding the role of Ire1 and DNAJB1 in Parkinson’s disease

Hur kan cellers försvarsmekanismer hjälpa oss förstå Parkinsons sjukdom? Parkinsons sjukdom är den andra mest vanliga neurodegenerativa sjukdomen i världen, och under sjukdomens gång dör allt fler hjärnceller vilket leder till svårigheter för hjärnan. När fler och fler celler försvinner, får hjärnan problem att kontrollera de signaler som den skickar ut till kroppen, vilket leder till symptom somParkinson’s disease (PD) is a movement disorder of the brain which is hallmarked by the presence of large protein-rich cytoplasmic aggregates, called Lewy bodies (LBs), in the neurons. The protein α-synuclein (α-syn) is abundant in these aggregates, and can itself form aggregates. Several mutations linked to α-syn are also linked to an increased risk of contracting PD. In healthy neurons, the chap

Pro-inflammatory cytokine regulation by the immunomodulatory protein p33

p33 as a potential novel therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases Inflammation is a condition usually triggered by infection of invading pathogens such as bacteria or viruses in the body. This invasion is quickly recognized by specific receptors localized on the membrane of cells, ready to sense these so called “danger” signals or foreign material. These receptors are part of the innate immuni

News text generation with adversarial deep learning

In this work we carry out a thorough analysis of applying a specific field within machine learning called generative adversarial networks, to the art of natural language generation; more specifically we generate news text articles in an automated fashion. To do this, we experimented with a few different architectures and representations of text, evaluated the results and used the information retri

Development and Legitimacy of Export Credit Agencies: A case study of the Swedish Export Credit Guarantee Board’s Exportkreditnämnden policy objectives and their compatibility with the Swedish policies for global development

The aim of this study is to analyze in which principal ways the Swedish Export Credit Guarantee Board’s Exportkreditnämnden (EKN) policy objectives are compatible and incompatible with Sweden’s Policy for Global Development (PGU). The study is conducted as a qualitative case study with secondary sources as empirical foundation. The literature on EKN’s operations have been examined and compared to

Why Formal Stop Work Schemes Do Not Work

Stopping unsafe work is not only a legal but moral necessity for those that perform work in safety critical industries. Stop Work Authority Cards, Interventions, Refusals of Unsafe Work and the Andon Cord have become symbolic and physical abstractions of decentralization – a shifting of authority down to those which perform the dirty and dangerous work. Paradoxically, the manner in which these for

Utformning av stationsnära miljö i Svalöv vid införande av persontågstrafik.

The world today faces many different environmental problems, which has a negative effect. These are both global, regional and local, which means that they affect all people. To be able to overcome this and be able to promote a long-term sustainability, it is essential that all contribute and take responsibility for it. An example of doing this is to get more people to commute rather than using the

Demokrati i den digitala sfären. En kvalitativ studie om invånardialog på Helsingborgs stads Facebooksida

I det här arbetet behandlas invånardialog på det sociala mediet Facebook. Jag har genomfört en studie av hur Helsingborgs stad använder sin Facebooksida för att föra en dialog med invånarna samt hur denna dialog ser ut i praktiken. Genom att göra en kvalitativ intervju med officiella representanter för Helsingborgs stad, en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av dialogen på sidan och granska styrdokument hIn this study I have adressed the topic of citizen dialogue on the social network Facebook. I have conducted a study of how the city of Helsingborg use their Facebook page to communicate with the citizens and how they relate to the different rules, guidelines and policies that exist about dialogue and communication with the citizens on social media. The result of the study has shown that the city

Risk based monitoring in clinical studies – improving data quality

Riskbaserad monitorering – ett sätt att säkerställa kvalitet i kliniska studier Kliniska studier undersöker effekter av medicinska behandlingar på människor. De är hårt reglerade för att säkerställa patientsäkerhet, det vill säga att försökspersonerna inte utsätts för onödiga hälsorisker, och för att säkerställa ett pålitligt studieresultat. Därför behöver alla processer och all data i varje studStudy quality is of paramount importance in clinical studies to ensure patient safety and reliable evaluation of the treatment, where the latter also entails the safety of future patients. Therefore, for example monitoring is required to minimise any risk of quality loss. Traditionally, the method for monitoring has been 100% source data verification which is costly and not sufficient. Today, auth

Skolsköterskans arbete med att främja goda matvanor hos elever i grundskolan

Ohälsosamma matvanor har visat sig påverka skolprestationer och bidra till läs- och skrivsvå- righeter hos barn och ungdomar. Det bidrar också till en rad olika folksjukdomar som visas först i vuxen ålder. Med hjälp av sin kompetens i folkhälsa kan skolsköterskan ge elever kun- skaper om levnadsvanor och faktorer som främjar en god hälsa. Syftet med studien var att be- skriva skolsköterskans arbet

Physically Based Water Shading

Ge dig ut på äventyr och utforska nya oceaner hemma i din egen soffa. Med hjälp av mätningar av havets fysikaliska egenskaper beskriver detta arbete hur man kan visualisera realistiska hav i realtids applikationer.Rendering and simulating an ocean as realistic as possible is a desirable effect to many outdoor scenes of movies and video games. The difficulties with simulating a plausible ocean arise from the complex behavior and scaling of the ocean waves. The length of the waves may vary from being just a few millimeters up to several kilo meters long and the waves can for instance break and line up with th

A Practical Approach: Implementing Security for limited packet size

This report describes the development of an encrypted tunnel for the Crazyflie drone made by Bitcraze. This project began with the need for protection while using a Crazyflie drone in a public space. The Crazyflie drone is using open source software and has no protection against hijacking. Any phone able to download the app to control the drone is able to hijack and control the drone. To remedy th

Uppenbart ogrundade anspråk - En analys av rättsreglerna som begränsar rätten till domstolsprövning

Detta examensarbete behandlar tre undantag till rätten att få sin sak prövad i domstol. Undantagen är 42 kap. 5 § första stycket andra meningen och 50 kap. 13 § första stycket rättegångsbalken (1942:740) samt pactum turpe. Syftet med uppsatsen är att fastställa rättsläget för de tre rättsreglerna och att komma till en slutsats om rättsreglerna är förenliga med artikel 6.1 EKMR. Det krävs att tvistThis thesis deals with three exceptions to the civil right to have one's case examined in court. The exceptions are chapter 42 section 5 and chapter 50 section 13 in The Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, and pactum turpe. The purpose of the essay is to determine the purview of the three rules and to come to a conclusion if the rules are compatible with Article 6 (1) of the ECHR. The adjudica

Under the Influence - en kvalitativ studie av influencer marketing och konsekvenserna det har för konsumenters förtroende för varumärken

Problemformulering: Med sociala mediers stigande popularitet har influencer marketing blivit en relevant strategi för företag att utnyttja. Influencer marketing på Instagram innebär att varumärken använder sig av influencers för att kommunicera budskap till följare och därmed företagets målgrupp. Beroende på hur företag använder sig av sin influencer marketing-strategi kan konsumenters förtroende