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Translocation, language and the categorization of experience
Introduction: Voices of the land
Biografier från gränslandet : En sociologisk studie om psykiatrins förändrade kontrollmekanismer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under större delen av den moderna psykiatrins historia innebar vården av psykisk sjukdom en förvisning av individer till stora slutna anstalter. Idag har dessa inspärrningsmiljöer reformerats så att vården istället organiseras samhällsbaserat utifrån ledorden: delaktighet, integrering och normalisering. Den övergripande frågan som ställs i denna avhandling är hur psykiThe modern era of psychiatry is predominantly a history of confinement. Individuals suffering from mental disorders were banished to asylums and mental hospitals. During the late twentieth century, however, the Swedish psychiatry was a recurring topic for political debate and the target for numerous reforms. At present it is reorganized around three fundamental principles: participation, normaliza
The european web index: an Internet search service for the european higher education, research and development communities.
Critical Thinking in Scholarship : Meanings, Conditions and Development
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att utforska fenomenet vetenskapligt kritiskt tänkande, när det gäller dess olika innebörder, villkor och utveckling. Kritiskt tänkande studeras genom att analysera olika filosofiska och pedagogiska texter, utifrån ett hermeneutiskt-fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Avhandlingen som är skriven på engelska erbjuder läsaren en inblick i hur min egThe purpose of this thesis is to explore the phenomenon of critical thinking in scholarship as regards its meanings, conditions, and development using a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach. This exploration takes its departure in ancient Greece, following a historical movement of the phenomenon up to present day perspectives on critical thinking, revealing a range of different meanings and condi
Öka utbytet med lärarna på gymnasiet!
DESIRE Toolkit Components - Matcher
The Matcher tool implements a subject classification process using a subject-specific thesaurus by which terms are intellectually mapped to categories or subject classes. The classification process is made up of several steps. First, the document to be classified is fetched. Text is extracted from this document, and all thesaurus terms are matched to it. Some heuristic processing rules are applied
Inequalities associated with magnetic fields
The mucosa-associated bacteria from the sigmoid colon of nine healthy 60 years old individuals, identified by bacterial 16S rDNA
The bacterial flora of the gastro intestinal (GI) tract may be involved in chronic inflammation and colon cancer and affected by antibiotics, cytotoxic drugs and radiotherapy, trauma and intensive care therapy. It is important to map the mucosa-associated flora in healthy individuals to clarify the pathogenic risk under stressed conditions. The aim was to achieve an overview of the mucosa-associat
Social welfare, Social exclusion, A life course frame
Have you ever experienced standing on the sidelines unable to participate despite wishing to? It has happened to us in various situations: in school,at sports practice, at work, or even at parties. Our experiences are normal episodes in everyday life, but imagine if they were consistent. Being systematically excluded from basic opportunities, rights and services in society is a different matter. T
Entreprenörskapets rötter
Offentligt och privat i samverkan och konflikt
Abstract is not available
Prosody and voice quality in the expression of emotions
Kan vi hoppas på en ny, global etik?
A Discussion of Compartment Fires
Paragrafer och Profit. Om kunskapsarbetets oklarhet
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kunskapsarbete framställs ofta som något som präglas av dolskhet eller oklarhet: produkten som säljs är oklar, resultatet är oklart och även själva arbetsprocesserna framställs ofta som oklara. Detta påverkar i sin tur den styrning som man kan förvänta sig i kunskapsintensiv verksamhet: en styrning som ofta handlar om personalen mer än om arbetet. I denna studie problemKnowledge work is often portrayed as hidden or ambiguous: an ambiguous product is sold, ambiguous results are delivered, and work processes are ambiguous. This in turn affects the type of management expected in knowledge-intensive organisations, where emphasis is on managing people rather than work. In this study, the organisation of knowledge work is discussed and problematized through analysis o
Membrane Filtration for Fractionation of Biomass Compounds - Process Design for the Separation of Hemicelluloses and Lignin from Alkaline Solutions
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ny innovativ processdesign har resulterat i två processer som kan göra tillverkningen av förnyelsebara plaster och bränslen konkurrenskraftiga mot dagens fossila alternativ. Den nya designen har gjort vissa processteg upp mot 40 gånger så effektiva som med dagens teknik. Vikten av att ställa om dagens samhälle, som till stor del är beroende av fossila resurser, till eIt is important to replace fossil resources such as oil, coal and natural gas with renewable raw materials for the production of materials and fuels in order to reduce environmental impact. Furthermore, these raw materials should preferably be residues, e.g. agricultural or forest residues, in order not to compete with the production of human food and animal feed. High molecular weight arabinoxyla
Ursprungsfolk och La Grande Bombe: Från Marshallöarna till Tjernobyl
A New Rounding Method Based on Parallel Remainder Estimation for Goldschmidt and Newton-Raphson Algorithms
Newton-Raphson and Goldschmidt algorithms can be sped up by using variable latency hardware architectures for rounding division, square root and their reciprocals. A new approach based on a rounding method with remainder estimate calculated concurrently with the algorithm was proposed in [5]. This paper presents an study of the hardware implementation of this approach and shows that does not suppo