

Din sökning på "*" gav 533265 sökträffar

Exposure to pesticides as risk factor for Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and hairy cell leukemia : Pooled analysis of two Swedish case-control studies

Increased risk for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) following exposure to certain pesticides has previously been reported. To further elucidate the importance of phenoxyacetic acids and other pesticides in the etiology of NHL a pooled analysis was performed on two case-control studies, one on NHL and another on hairy cell leukemia (HCL), a rare subtype of NHL. The studies were population based with ca

Millora 2.0 – Ett nytt projekt för övervakning av Flora och Miljö, samt svar på frågan hur extremsommaren 2018 påverkade den biologiska mångfalden i Skåne

A new project based on continuous bi-annual surveys of hectare plots is introduced with the aim to monitor future floristic changes as well as environmental conditions that may be assessed based on species-specific plant traits or ecological indicator values. As a trade-off between the needs for representativeness at the landscape scale and field work efficiency, the hectare plots have been placed

Patient Outcomes after Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer. Impact of Absorbed Dose and Treated Volume.

Prostatacancer är den vanligaste cancern bland män i Sverige. Varje år insjuknar ca 10 000. Sjukdomen är starkt åldersberoende och är mycket vanlig bland äldre män. Latent cancer (icke kliniskt signifikant) förekommer ofta. Sjukdomen klassificeras som låg, mellan eller högrisk baserat på Gleason summa (tumörens aggressivitet), stadium och PSA. Val av behandling sker utifrån riskgrupp och ålder. LåAbstract Backgound Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men in Sweden. Radiotherapy, including external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and brachytherapy (BT), is important treatment alternatives to surgery and active surveillance. Precise delivery of the prescribed absorbed dose to the prostate with minimal irradiation of normal tissue, specifically organs at risk, is crucial for op

Digitala strategier för att hantera relationen mellan arbete och övrigt liv

Det här kapitlet fokuserar på relationen mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv och ett antal digitala strategier som används för att hantera denna. Tidigare forskning har visat att kvinnor i jämförelse med män möter en större utmaning i hanterandet av denna gränsdragning, givet att kvinnor, traditionellt sett, har haft ansvaret för barn samt utfört mer av det obetalda arbetet i hemmet (Hochschild &

Discontinuous and Continuous Stochastic Choice and Coordination in the Lab

Coordination games have multiple equilibria under complete information. However, recent theoretical advances show that if players are uncertain but can acquire information about a payoff-relevant state of the world, the number of equilibria depends on whether they can implement strategies (stochastic choice rules) discontinuous in the state. We experimentally test these results in a two-player inv

Jämförelser av sjukvårdsresurser i olika länder : Mäta BNP-andel inte nog Reala mått kompletterar

Since the health care expenditure share of the GNP (gross national product) is a measure difficult to interpret, its use can yield erroneous results in comparing health care sector development in different countries. A complementary measure of health care resources is the size and structure of the health care labour force. Information from Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom and the USA shows that

A biphasic nanohydroxyapatite/calcium sulphate carrier containing Rifampicin and Isoniazid for local delivery gives sustained and effective antibiotic release and prevents biofilm formation

Long term multiple systemic antibiotics form the cornerstone in the treatment of bone and joint tuberculosis, often combined with local surgical eradication. Implanted carriers for local drug delivery have recently been introduced to overcome some of the limitations associated with conventional treatment strategies. In this study, we used a calcium sulphate hemihydrate (CSH)/nanohydroxyapatite (nH

”Sverige behöver en statskriminolog”

För att ta itu med den katastrof som vi i dag i Sverige bevittnar vad gäller den grova våldsbrottsligheten, borde regeringen tillsätta en nationell kriminologisk samordnare. Det skriver Ardavan Khoshnood och Sten Levander.To address the catastrophe we are witnessing in Sweden today with respect to serious violent crimes, the government should appoint a State Criminologist, writes Ardavan Khoshnood and Sten Levander.