Clinical and experimental studies on wear and osteolysis in total joint replacement
Popular Abstract in Swedish Total höftledsplastik är en vanlig och mycket framgångsrik behandling av smärttillstånd i höftleden. Enligt svenska höftplastikregistret opererades 12651 patienter år 2002 men 1056 patienter fick samma år genomgå ett utbyte av sin höftledsprotes (revision). Att höftleden vrids ur led (luxation) upprepade gånger eller infektion kan vara orsaken till revision men det vanlTotal hip arthroplasty is a very successful procedure. Despite this fact, however, a certain portion of patients has to be revised. One major reason for revision is the wear of the polyethylene leading to loosening and osteolysis. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate linear wear and migration of cemented, all - polyethylene sockets and polyethylene liners in total hip arthroplasty. The a