

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Clinical and experimental studies on wear and osteolysis in total joint replacement

Popular Abstract in Swedish Total höftledsplastik är en vanlig och mycket framgångsrik behandling av smärttillstånd i höftleden. Enligt svenska höftplastikregistret opererades 12651 patienter år 2002 men 1056 patienter fick samma år genomgå ett utbyte av sin höftledsprotes (revision). Att höftleden vrids ur led (luxation) upprepade gånger eller infektion kan vara orsaken till revision men det vanlTotal hip arthroplasty is a very successful procedure. Despite this fact, however, a certain portion of patients has to be revised. One major reason for revision is the wear of the polyethylene leading to loosening and osteolysis. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate linear wear and migration of cemented, all - polyethylene sockets and polyethylene liners in total hip arthroplasty. The a

Proliferation of the breast epithelium in relation to menstrual cycle phase, hormonal use, and reproductive factors

The proliferative rate in normal breast epithelium from 58 women undergoing reduction mammoplastics was studied using the formalin resistant antibody Ki-S5, and related to age at operation, menstrual cycle phase, family history of breast cancer, height and weight, parity, and hormonal use. The breast tissue from women operated on in the luteal menstrual cycle phase (day 15-28 among oral contracept

Suppressed spontaneous secretion of growth hormone in girls after treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

The spontaneous secretion of growth hormone during a 24 hour period and the response of growth hormone to growth hormone releasing hormone was studied in 13 girls who had received treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia that included cranial irradiation with 20-24 Gy in 12-14 fractions. At the time of investigation the girls were at varying stages of puberty and had normal concentrations of thy

Understanding the bioreactor

Analysis of bioreactors is central for successful design and operation of biotechnical processes. The bioreactor should provide optimum conditions, with respect to temperature, pH and substrate condition, for example, besides its basic function of containment. The ability to control the substrate concentration is an important function of the bioreactor. The substrate concentration can be subject t

Bohumil Hrabals litterära collage

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen behandlas tre texter av den tjeckiske författaren Bohumil Hrabal (1914–1997): ”Mrtvomat” (från 1949), Denna stad är i invånarnas gemensamma vård (från 1967) och ”Legend spelad på strängar spända mellan vaggan och kistan” (från 1968). Alla tre texterna är sammanställda av textsegment valda ur andra författares verk och av fragment av avlyssnade samtal. HraThe main theme of the thesis is an analysis of three texts by the Czech author Bohumil Hrabal (1914 – 1997), namely ’Mrtvomat’ (’Mrtvomat’, 1949), This City is in the Joint Care of Its Inhabitants (Toto mìsto je ve spoleèné péèi obyvatel, 1967), and ’Legend Played on Strings Stretched Between the Cradle and the Coffin’ (’Legenda zahraná na strunách mezi kolébkou a rakví’, 1968). These texts are co

Fuktproblem i en byggnad med flytande golv : fältmätningar och åtgärdsförslag

Denna rapport behandlar fuktskador i ett hus uppfört 1973 med platta på mark och flytande golv. Mätningar har genomförts i huset under två år. Syftet var att erhålla mätdata under en lång tidsperiod i en byggnad med klara fukt- och luktproblem. I rapporten diskuteras lämpliga åtgärder för att komma till rätta med problemen.

Geographic variation in the field response of male European pine sawflies, Neodiprion sertifer , to different pheromone stereoisomers and esters

The European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy) (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae), is a widespread and economically important forest insect. The sex pheromone communication system of this species has been previously investigated in North America, Japan and Europe, with the acetate or propionate of the alcohol (2S,3S,7S)-3,7-dimethyl-2-pentadecanol (diprionol) shown to be the main pheromone compo

Presence and function of the calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor on rat pial arteries investigated in vitro and in vivo

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and related peptides may be involved in migraine pathogenesis. To understand their vasomotor role in the cerebral circulation, we performed two studies, a pressurized arteriography study of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and a genuine closed cranial window (gCCW) in vivo study. Using the pressurized arteriography model rat MCAs were mounted on micropipettes

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Objective:To study the time response of fission neutrons induced apoptosis in murine thymocytes with 60 Co γ-rays as the reference radiation and to investigate preliminarily its molecular mechanism. Methods: Apoptosis induction was detected by means of DNA gel electrophoresis, morphologic assay, flow cytometric (FCM) analysis and diphenylamine(DPA) method respectively. p53 and bcl-2 gene expressio

Planar parabolic X-ray refractive lens made of glassy carbon

Experimental results of synchrotron radiation focusing by parabolic planar compound refractive lenses, made of glassy carbon, are presented. The lenses with the curvature radius of 5 and 200 mu m, and with the geometric aperture of 40 and 900 mu m were developed. The number of bi-concave elements in the compound lenses was from 4 to 200. The experiments were performed at the ESRF at the bending ma

Patient refusal of emergency cesarean delivery - A study of obstetricians' attitudes in Europe

OBJECTIVE: To compare the attitudes of a large sample of obstetricians from eight European countries toward a competent woman's refusal to consent to an emergency cesarean delivery for acute fetal distress. METHODS: Obstetricians' attitudes in response to a hypothetical clinical case were surveyed through an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire. The sample included 1,530 obstetricians (respo

Characteristics of children with hip displacement in cerebral palsy

BACKGROUND: Hip dislocation in children with cerebral palsy (CP) is a common and severe problem. The dislocation can be avoided, by screening and preventive treatment of children with hips at risk. The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of children with CP who develop hip displacement, in order to optimise a hip surveillance programme. METHODS: In a total population of children w

Serum electrolytes and parathyroid hormone in patients in a coronary care unit

A prospective study was carried out in 499 patients admitted to a coronary care unit (CCU) in order to evaluate the incidence of clinically significant electrolyte disturbances. Low serum potassium values (less than 3.6 mmol l) occurred in 7% of the CCU patients and low serum magnesium values (less than 0.70 mmol l-1) in 6%. Few patients had low values of both these ions (1.9%). In 49 patients the