

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Function Inlining in Modelica Models

The equation-based Modelica language allows the modeller to specify custom functions. The body of a function is an algorithm that contains procedural code to be executed when the function is called. This language feature is useful for many applications; however, the insertion of a function often prevent model optimizations that require the model to be formulated in purely declarative form by equat

New Families of LDPC Block Codes Formed by Terminating Irregular Protograph-Based LDPC Convolutional Codes

In this paper, we present a method of constructing new families of LDPC block code ensembles formed by terminating irregular protograph-based LDPC convolutional codes. Using the accumulate-repeat-by-4-jagged-accumulate (AR4JA) protograph as an example, a density evolution analysis for the binary erasure channel shows that this flexible design technique gives rise to a large selection of LDPC block

ReSisters in Conversation: Representation Responsibility Complexity Pedagogy

Resisters in Conversation is one of a series of booklets that present conversations and reflections on feminist issues within a trans-European academic context. Each is written by a different group of academics from across Europe. They have one thing in common: a passionate interest in teaching and feminist politics. Building on this, the authors address specific issues generated by the national a

Automatic Grid Control in Adaptive BVP Solvers

Modern adaptive techniques in two-point boundary value problems generate the mesh by constructing a function that maps a uniform grid to the desired nonuniform grid. This paper describes a new control algorithm for constructing a grid density function $phi(x)$, such that the local mesh width $Delta x_{j+1/2}=x_{j+1}-x_j$ is computed as $Delta x_{j+1/2} = varepsilon_N / varphi_{j+1/2}$. Here $varep

Explaining the Adoption of Complex Innovations by Reflexive Agents - A Critical Realist Perspective

The adoption of innovation is a multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. It occurs as a result of the interplay between structural influences and agents' activities. Although existing studies on innovation have recognised the importance of theories that link the structure, the macro level, and agency, the micro level, in explaining changes over time, few theoretical accounts support the integrations o

Handledning som undervisningsform i sjuksköterskeprogrammets praktik : en beskrivning av variation i innebörd

Popular Abstract in Swedish Företeelserna handledning och lärande har en diffus innebörd i vardagliga sammanhang, såväl som i utbildningssammanhang. Individer uppfattar företeelser och ord på olika sätt. Man ger dem en mening utifrån sin erfarenhet eller brist på erfarenhet. Denna studie belyser den mening som en grupp sjuksköterskestuderande och deras handledande sjuksköterskor ger handledning, sSwedish nursing education has its roots within a tradition of vocational training in clinical practice. Supervision is commonly used in the practical parts of the education. The aim of the study was to explore, describe and understand the content and meaning of supervision expressed by student nurses and their supervisors. A complementary aim was to analyse and report on the research process as a

Organ transplantation and views of life

Vid den nordiska konferensen ”Teaching bioethics” illustrerade transplantationskirurgen Nils H. Persson och jag hur en dialogpedagogisk metod kan belysa en frågeställning på ett sätt som är svårt för en ensam lärare. Nils H. Persson diskuterade bland annat den stora skillnaden i frekvens av organdonationer mellan de nordiska länderna, mindre än 15 PMP (per million population), och Spanien, mer än

Quantum physics of ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles in an external magnetic field

We use a microscopic Slater-Koster tight-binding model to study the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles containing up to 260 atoms. We compute the total energy as a function of the magnetization direction and the ensuing magnetic anisotropy. In an external magnetic field, the ground-state energy as a function of the magnetization orientation is characterized by minima separate