

Din sökning på "*" gav 536927 sökträffar

Methods for localizing and quantifying radionuclide sources and deposition using in situ gamma spectrometry : Critical review of the peak-to-valley method based on experimental studies and applications in Georgia and Japan

Inom beredskapen mot radiologiska och nukleära olyckor och katastrofer spelar strålningsmätningar en avgörande roll för att ta reda på vad som har hänt och hur farligt det är för människa, djur och natur och på vilket sätt det påverkar miljö och samhällsfunktioner. I Sverige och många andra länder i världen har allmänheten en rättighet att få reda på vad som hänt och vad de utsätts för i ett eventThis thesis describes investigations made on mobile and stationary gammaspectrometry made both under laboratory conditions and in situ. The objective hasbeen to identify and quantify radionuclides in the form of point sources,contamination and widespread deposition in situations where the measurementgeometry is not known beforehand. Both scintillators and semiconductor detectors ofsimilar size wer

Conventional bilateral cervical exploration versus open minimally invasive parathyroidectomy under local anaesthesia for primary hyperparathyroidism

BACKGROUND: Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (MIP) has been introduced for the treatment of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT). Thus far, only one randomized trial has compared video-assisted MIP with conventional bilateral cervical exploration (BCE). The value of open MIP is therefore not known.METHODS: Fifty patients with a solitary parathyroid adenoma localized before surgery

Persistent elevated serum levels of intact parathyroid hormone after operation for sporadic parathyroid adenoma : evidence of detrimental effects of severe parathyroid disease

BACKGROUND: A significant number of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) who are surgically treated have increased serum levels of intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) during long-term follow-up despite normocalcemia. The cause and significance of this finding remain to be established.METHODS: A total of 82 patients operated on for sporadic parathyroid adenoma were investigated before and

Clinical Application of the QRS-T Angle for the Prediction of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients with the Fontan Palliation

Fontan palliation patients are at risk for ventricular arrhythmias post-operatively. This study aimed to evaluate whether differences in the spatial QRS-T angle can reliably predict ventricular arrhythmias in patients who had undergone Fontan palliation. A total of 117 patients who had the Fontan palliation and post-Fontan catheterization were included. Ventricular arrhythmias were identified in n

A Zone of Exception: Gendered Violences of Family 'Happiness' in Vietnam

This article examines the ways in which women’s ‘family happiness’ in Vietnam paradoxically, and alarmingly, is rendered compatible with the endurance of what is diminished as ‘minor’ partner violence. Thus focusing on the gendering of ‘happiness’ and the discrepancies between ideals and practices, the article unfolds how intersections between a number of ‘power-geometries’ including violence prev

Body temperature responses to handling stress in wintering Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus L.)

Body temperature variation in response to acute stress is typically characterized by peripheral vasoconstriction and a concomitant increase in core body temperature (stress-induced hyperthermia). It is poorly understood how this response differs between species and within individuals of the same species, and how it is affected by the environment. We therefore investigated stress-induced body tempeBody temperature variation in response to acute stress is typically characterized by peripheral vasoconstriction and a concomitant increase in core body temperature (stress-induced hyperthermia). It is poorly understood how this response differs between species and within individuals of the same species, and how it is affected by the environment. We therefore investigated stress-induced body tempe

Syntactic Representations Considered for Frame-Semantic Analysis

We address the question of which syntactic representation is best suited for FrameNet-based semantic analysis of English text. We compare analyzers based on dependencies and constituents, and a dependency syntax with a rich set of grammatical functions with one with a smaller set. Our study demonstrates that dependency-based and constituent-based analyzers give roughly equivalent performance, and

CYP3A genes and the association between prenatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopment

Background Results on the association between prenatal exposure to methylmercury (MeHg) and child neuropsychological development are heterogeneous. Underlying genetic differences across study populations could contribute to this varied response to MeHg. Studies in Drosophila have identified the cytochrome p450 3A (CYP3A) family as candidate MeHg susceptibility genes. Objectives We evaluated whethe

Peder Winstrup : Historier kring en 1600-talsmumie

Peder Winstrup – Historier kring en 1600-talsmumie är en populärvetenskaplig bok om en biskop i Lund med många strängar på sin lyra; professor i fysik, kunglig hovpredikant, fornforskare, arkitekt, författare, teolog, boktryckare, initiativtagare till Lunds universitet och turistguide – en sann renässansmänniska! Här beskrivs uppväxt och utbildning, hans residens och rättstvister. Läsaren får ta d

Fulll Firearms

Fulll Firearms was co-commissioned by If I Can’t Dance, Serpentine Gallery, and Film London’s FLAMIN Productions and co-produced by FLAMIN Productions and City Projects with support from M HKA, Antwerp, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe and FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims.Fulll Firearms is a feature film that presents the story of a woman who constructs a house to accommodate the ghosts of people kil

Empirical genome evolution models root the tree of life

A reliable phylogenetic reconstruction of the evolutionary history of contemporary species depends on a robust identification of the universal common ancestor (UCA) at the root of the Tree of Life (ToL). That root polarizes the tree so that the evolutionary succession of ancestors to descendants is discernable. In effect, the root determines the branching order and the direction of character evolu

An exploration of consumers’ experiences in physical stores : comparing consumers’ and retailers’ perspectives in past and present time

In this paper, we explore consumers’ in-store experiences and their components, from both a consumer and retailer perspective. This is a replication of a study we performed in 2006 and thus we also examine how the role of the physical store has changed over the last decade. We use the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) to improve our understanding of consumers’ in-store experiences. Moreover, we co

Sharp Bounds for Calderón-Zygmund Operators in a Vector-Valued Setting

In this thesis we extend several classical results about Calderón-Zygmund operators to spaces of vector-valued functions. We first obtain bounds for the norm of dyadic Haar shift operators using a Bellman function technique, and then apply the representation theorem to obtain corresponding results for general Calderón-Zygmund operators. We discuss several results for UMD space-valued Calderón-Zygm

Why the Social Sciences are Irreducible

It is often claimed that the social sciences cannot be reduced to a lower-level individualistic science. The standard argument for this position (usually labelled explanatory holism) is the Fodorian multiple realizability argument. Its defenders endorse token-token(s) identities between “higher-level” social objects and pluralities/sums of “lower-level” individuals (a position traditionally called