

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Time Trends and Monthly Variation in Swedish Acute Stroke Care

Background and Purpose: Studies of monthly variation in acute stroke care have led to conflicting results. Our objective was to study monthly variation and longitudinal trends in quality of care and patient survival following acute stroke.Methods: Our nationwide study included all adult patients (≥18 years) with acute stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic), admitted to Swedish hospitals from 2011 to 201

From “We Didn’t Do It” to “We’ve Learned Our Lesson” : Development of a Typology of Neutralizations of Corporate Crime

When corporations are faced with accusations of crime, they usually find it necessary to justify their actions to the public, the media and their shareholders. Corporate self-defense, aimed at protecting a corporation’s image and legitimacy, belongs to a broader category of offenders’ denials and neutralizations. The objective of this article is to compile and discuss literature that is of value fWhen corporations are faced with accusations of crime, they usually find it necessary to justify their actions to the public, the media and their shareholders. Corporate self-defense, aimed at protecting a corporation’s image and legitimacy, belongs to a broader category of offenders’ denials and neutralizations. The objective of this article is to compile and discuss literature that is of value f

Magnetotransport properties of graphene layers decorated with colloid quantum dots

The hybrid graphene-quantum dot devices can potentially be used to tailor the electronic, optical, and chemical properties of graphene. Here, the low temperature electronic transport properties of bilayer graphene decorated with PbS colloid quantum dots (CQDs) have been investigated in the weak or strong magnetic fields. The presence of the CQDs introduces additional scattering potentials that alt

Controlled Oxidation and Self-Passivation of Bimetallic Magnetic FeCr and FeMn Aerosol Nanoparticles

Nanoparticle generation by aerosol methods, particularly spark ablation, has high potential for creating new material combinations with tailored magnetic properties. By combining elements into complex alloyed nanoparticles and controlling their size and structure, different magnetic properties can be obtained. In combination with controlled deposition, to ensure nanoparticle separation, it is poss

Isolation of a rat immune response gene identical to an alleged mouse A class II β-chain pseudogene

A human HLA-DQ β-chain cDNA was used as a probe to identify and isolate a rat major histocompatibility antigen β-chain gene from a genomic library constructed in the vector λ Charon 28 using Wistar rat DNA (RT1u). The isolated exon of the rat gene (RT1.Bβ2) encoding a β-chain second domain was found to share 93% nucleotide homology with a mouse A β2 exon. Although the genomic organization of this

Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Scholarly Independence in Multidisciplinary Learning Environments at Doctoral Level and Beyond

The aim of this study is to investigate how patterns of collaboration and scholarly independence are related to early stage researchers’ development in two multidisciplinary learning environments at a Swedish university. Based on interviews with leaders, supervisors, doctoral students, and post docs, results show how early stage researchers’ development is conditioned by their relative positions i

The Effects of Board Independence on Busy Directors and Firm Value: Evidence from Regulatory Changes in Sweden.

Research Question/Issue: This paper examines the impact of changes in board independence on the market valuation of Swedish firms. I exploit an exogenous change to the rules of corporate governance in 2005, which requires large firms to have majority independent boards, as a quasi‐experimental setting.Research Findings/Insights: I use a regression discontinuity design and a difference‐in‐differenc

A morphometric study of age-related changes in serotonin-immunoreactive cell groups in the brain of the coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch walbaum

In the coho salmon there is a transient increase in total brain concentrations of serotonin during smolt transformation which occurs midlife, just before down-stream migration to the ocean. There is also a gradual age-related increase in total brain serotonin concentrations. These increases may be due to reorganization of the central serotonergic system, changes in serotonin turnover, or both. The

Evaluation of a multimodal pain rehabilitation programme in primary care based on clinical register data: a feasibility study

Aim: Investigate the feasibility of identifying a well-defined treatment group and a comparable reference group in clinical register data. Background: There is insufficient knowledge on how to avert neck/back pain from turning chronic or to impair work ability. The Swedish Government implemented a national multimodal rehabilitation (MMR) programme in primary care intending to promote work ability,

Entomological Lidar : Target Characterization and Field Applications

Sin ringa storlek till trots har insekter enorm inverkan på vårt samhälle och våra liv. Bin, som är centrala för att vårt jordbruk ska fungera, har minskat drastiskt i antal de senaste åren. En utbredd bidöd skulle i bästa fall tvinga oss lägga om vår kosthållning markant, och i värsta fall leda till svält. Utöver detta skulle växter som är beroende av bin för sin fortplantning och djur som äter bThis thesis treats entomological lidar from various angles: laboratory reference work on insects of interest, methodological development of lidar- and data processing methods, as well as field implementations of lidar techniques for entomological research. Insects are crucial components of ecosystems and are currently in a global decline. In this thesis, insects are mainly studied in their roles a

Digital twins to personalize medicine

Personalized medicine requires the integration and processing of vast amounts of data. Here, we propose a solution to this challenge that is based on constructing Digital Twins. These are high-resolution models of individual patients that are computationally treated with thousands of drugs to find the drug that is optimal for the patient.

Evaluation of Trends in Optimal Design of Pulse Transformers for Long Pulse High Power Applications

Solid state klystron modulators are typically based on oil-immersed pulse transformers due to their high performance, robustness, simplicity and straightforward design. However, the size of such transformers are highly impacted by pulse power, output voltage, pulse length, and required rise time; key parameters which are difficult to combine in long pulse high power linac applications. In this pap

Tear menisci and corneal subbasal nerve density in patients after laser in situ keratomileusis

Objective: To investigate the relationship between tear menisci and corneal nerve density in patients after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Methods: Twenty-eight eyes of 14 myopic patients were enrolled. Height and area of the upper and lower tear menisci—upper tear meniscus height, upper tear meniscus area, lower tear meniscus height (LTMH), and lower tear meniscus area (LTMA)—were measured

Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide and risk of cardiovascular events and mortality : a prospective study

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Evidence that glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) and/or the GIP receptor (GIPR) are involved in cardiovascular biology is emerging. We hypothesised that GIP has untoward effects on cardiovascular biology, in contrast to glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), and therefore investigated the effects of GIP and GLP-1 concentrations on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality r

The Historical Geography of Phrygia : The Settlement of Leonton Kephalai

This article examines the literary evidence for a settlement in Phrygia named Leonton Kephalai, i.e. Lions´Heads. According to preserved literary sources, of which there are only three, Leonton Kephalai was an important military stronghold from the Achaemenid period until the end of the Roman Republic, but the settlement may have been occupied for longer. Furthermore, one literary source specifial