

Din sökning på "*" gav 528140 sökträffar

An Assembled Message : Matthen on the Content of Perceptual Experience

Mohan Matthen holds that visual perceptual content is divided into descriptive and referential elements. Descriptive content is our awareness of sensory features belonging to objects located in the visual field. Matthen conceives of this in terms of an image. The referential element is a demonstrative form of content, by which we pick out those objects as particulars and assert their physical pres

Memorable and Digital: Exploring Young Audiences Needs for Cultural Experiences

This thesis explores the provision of memorable digital cultural experiences (MDCEs) for young audiences, thereby addressing the existing gap in the literature concerning the experience economy, digitalization in the cultural sector, and memorability of experiences. Based on qualitative in-depth interviews, the research explores cultural consumption trends, uncovers factors contributing to the mem

Unravelling the Complexity Puzzle: Evaluating the Relevance of Traditional Change Management Models in a Complex Environment

Traditional change management models have been widely used to manage organisational change. However, this integrative literature review paper questions their relevance in environments characterised by complexity due to the intricate nature of challenges and uncertainties in these contexts. A novel framework is developed, encompassing key elements required to facilitate change in complex environmen

Parental Leave Practice in Sweden and Gender Equality: A Qualitative Study on Dynamics in Swedish Parents' Leave-sharing choices

A lot of research has shown varied contributors to Swedish parents' leave-sharing choices, including income, profession, and gender norms. However, there is an absence of studying the contributors as connected and interacting aspects. In this sense, this research aims to identify the dynamics of parents' choices on leave-sharing and gender equality. Specifically, the research explores what

True Crime - En Socialantropologisk studie om en etisk gråzon i en stigande trend

True Crime har blivit en växande trend, men har funnits sen femtonhundratalet, (Nationalencyklopedin, 2023). I dagens samhälle finns det en mängd kanaler du kan ansluta dig till för att kunna ta del av ämnet. En av det mest populära är podcasts, som nu börjar få kritik för användningen av materialet de samlar in för att kunna göra en berättelse. Kritiken som många true crime podcasts utstår är frå

"Jag kände att jag hade kommit hem" - En socialantropologisk studie om att välja Jehovas vittnen

Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för vad som får människor i Sverige i dag att välja att konvertera till Jehovas vittnen. Samtidigt vill vi undersöka hur processen av att konvertera går till samt vad det är som gör att man fortsätter att vara medlem inom organisationen. Studien baseras på åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med både aktiva och före detta medlemmar av Jehovas vittnen från södra

The Buffering Effect of Social Support on Stress: A Study of Public Sector Managers in Sweden

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate whether variations of social support functions predicted stress using a sample of public sector managers in Sweden. Additionally, the study aimed to contribute to psychological literature due to the scarcity of research on the ill health of managers, and the impact of support functions on occupational stress. Whilst, the aim was also to identify

Ethnic discrimination stress and self compassion - A comparison between women and men

In Sweden, there is a knowledge gap in understanding the impact of ethnic based discrimination on mental health. The aim of this thesis was to explore whether there are gender differences in the experience of ethnic based discrimination and whether self compassion could potentially buffer against ethnic discrimination stress. Minority stress models and racism as trauma perspectives were used to un

Eye-Movement Correlates of Pattern Separation in a Mnemonic Similarity Task Modified with Naturalistic Scenes

Pattern separation is one of the central operations of episodic memory. Tasks that evaluate the pattern separation usually base their assessments on the behavioral recall of simple objects or words and are far from real-life experiences and daily memory performance. Thus, typical tasks that assess pattern separation lack ecological validity. To address this issue, we designed a mnemonic memory tes

Multi-Level Perspectives on Anti-Corruption : A Systematic Literature Review

This systematic literature review investigates the extent towhich recent anti-corruption literature goes beyond the established paradigms (i.e., principal-agent perspective,macro-level, structural, and legal centralistic approaches) to focus on society’s informal norms, everyday micro-le-vel power relations and non-monetary currencies (e.g.respect, prestige, social status and trust). By reconceptu

Higher plasma IL-6 and PTX3 are associated with worse survival in left heart failure with pulmonary hypertension

Introduction: Left heart failure (LHF) is commonly complicated by pulmonary hypertension (PH), increasing morbidity and mortality. The present study aimed to evaluate the prognostic value of inflammatory proteins in LHF with PH (LHF-PH). Materials and methods: The levels of 65 plasma proteins, analysed with proximity extension assay, were compared between healthy controls (n = 20), patients with L

Swedish occupational therapists’ views and experiences regarding use of the ADL-taxonomy in clinical practice.

Bakgrund: Enligt klinisk forskning visar ADL-taxonomin hög validitet och reliabilitet, men det finns inga studier kring svenska arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att använda ADL-taxonomin som bedömningsinstrument i sitt kliniska arbete. Det är viktigt att studera användarnas erfarenheter och synpunkter för att förbättra implementering av evidensbaserade metoder såsom ADL-taxonomin. Syfte: SyfBackground: The ADL-taxonomy as an assessment instrument shows high validity and reliability in the clinical research, but there is no study about occupational therapists’ experiences of using the ADL-taxonomy in clinical practice. It is important to study the users’ experiences and views to improve implementation of evidence-based methods such as the ADL-taxonomy. Aim: The aim of this study i

Begreppet rättssäkerhet och betydelsen av begreppet i den offentliga debatten om anonyma vittnen

Frågan om anonyma vittnen har länge varit föremål för debatt i den juridiska världen. Är det en rättssäker åtgärd att införa ett system med anonyma vittnen? Hur skulle ett sådant system, om det infördes, överensstämma med de rättssäkerhetsgarantier som tillstår den tilltalade i rättsprocessen? Tidigare forskning kring anonyma vittnen har fokuserat på rättssäkerheten och försökt nå en slutsats krinThe issue on anonymous witnesses has in Sweden been frequently discus-sed in the legal debate over the years. Is it according to the rule of law to impose such a system? How does a system of anonymous witnesses con-form with the principles of the rule of law given to the accused during a hearing? Past research has centered the discussion around the rule of law and the effects an imposition of a sy

Karyatider. Kontext, funktion och innebörd från arkaisk till hellenistisk tid.

This paper examines caryatides in Greek architecture from the Archaic period to the Hellenistic period. The focus of this study is the functions, contexts, and symbolic meanings of the caryatides. Regarding the contexts, the caryatides were first used in the archaic period on the Cnidian treasury and, shortly thereafter on the Siphnian treasury, both in Delphi. In the classical period, the caryati

Röekillorna unsealed – an osteological analysis of the seal remains at Röekillorna Spring

Zooarchaeological studies have played a crucial role in understanding the pre-historic societies of Scania. The analysis of animal remains from archaeological sites has provided insights into the subsistence strategies, economic practices, and cultural beliefs of the people who lived in the region. Remains from horse, dog, wild boar, and man are commonly observed in offering and burial contexts. D

Canossa Castle and Azuchi Castle: A comparative study of the castle-building phenomenon in Italy and Japan

This thesis aims at evaluating the castle-building phenomenon in Italy and Japan through a comparative study of Canossa Castle in Italy and Azuchi Castle in Japan. By comparing Canossa Castle and Azuchi Castle, this thesis firstly investigates the definition of the word castle in Italian, Japanese and English to understand how languages influence the understanding of this phenomenon. By using pr

Between a Rune Stone and a Hard Place: Deconstructing Mass Media Influence on Knowledge Production in Viking Age Archaeogenetic Publications

The archaeological traditions of the Viking Age have a complex history. Some of it has been nationalist in orientation, at times constructing proud historical narratives reflecting ownership in and continuity of the past. These narratives conflict with increasing population diversity in the Scandinavian nations, where contemporary identity politics grapple with real and imagined realities of im

Arbetsterapeuters samkonstruktion med barn med autismspektrumdiagnos för att främja deras delaktighet i interventioner

Bakgrund: Barn ska få vara delaktiga och få anpassat stöd för att uttrycka sig i sin intervention. Barn med autismspektrumdiagnos (ASD) har ofta en annorlunda sensorisk process, vilket kan påverka delaktighet i aktiviteter. Det saknas information kring hur arbetsterapeuter samkonstruerar med barnet som klient i interventioner. Syfte: Att undersöka hur arbetsterapeuters samkonstruktion sker med barBackground: Children must receive tailored support to participate and express themselves in their care. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) commonly have a different sensory process, which can affect participation in activities. There is a lack of information regarding how occupational therapists collaborate with children as clients in interventions. Purpose: To investigate how occupation