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Impact of Quality Management in the Swedish Construction Process

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under senare år har företag inom byggbranschen utvecklat sitt kvalitetstänkande genom att införa kvalitetssystem för att styra byggprocessen. Många olika aktörer med olika intressen är involverade vilket gör att det är en komplex process sammansatt av en rad olika mindre processer. Kraven på kvalitetssäkring kommer ursprungligen från myndigheterna via lagstiftningen menDuring the past few years, extensive effort has been devoted to developing quality systems as an integral part of the process in the construction sector. The construction process is complex, involving many different actors with different interests. The demand for quality assurance comes primarily from central authorities via the client, but quality systems should be applied throughout the whole ch

On Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena in PEMFC and SOFC and Modeling Approaches

There are similarities among various transport processes in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), but also some differences. The present work concerns modelling and numerical analysis of heat, mass transfer / species flow, two-phase transport and effects on the cell performance in SOFCs and PEMFCs. Numerical calculation methods are further developed to en

Foteviken - Kungarike i upplevelsernas tid

This chapter discusses the phenomenon of the so-called Foteviken Viking Reserve, a place in southern Sweden where living history is performed in a re-created town-like structure from the Middle Ages relating to the historical event of the battle at Fotevik 1134. The purpose is to discuss creative forms of use of living history within today's experience-oriented public communication.

Gränsbygd och svenskkrig. Studier i Blekinges, Skånes och Hallands östdanska historia

1500-och 1600-talen var en period av maktkamp om herraväldet i Norden, men också en period av statsbildning, centralisering och stora samhällsförändringar. Dessa händelser hade också stor effekt på gränsbygdens innevånare. Gränsbygdernas politiska betydelse för det tidigmoderna Euorpas stater är ett alltjämt ganska outforskat område. Denna bok tar sin utgångspunkt i den östdanska gräsnbefolkningen

Omvändelseromanen i svensk 1900-talslitteratur : några genrereflexioner

The Novel of Conversion in Swedish Twentieth-Century Literature: Some reflections on genre The point of departure for this article is an ongoing investigation of the novel of conversion in Swedish twentieth-century literature. After discussion of an appropriate definition of the genre, its origin is located to the spiritual autobiography in the tradition of Augustine's Confessions. A number of qui

Health Claims in the EU and their Scientific Substantiation

A new Regulation on nutrition and health claims came into force in 2007 with implementation during a three-year period and will harmonise this area within the European Community. It makes provision for health claims on foods, including reduction of disease risk claims, and thus recognises the importance of food and nutrition for health. Member states have provided suggestions for claims regarding

Studies towards ß-turn mimetics, synthesis of kedarosamine from threonine, and synthesis of glycopeptides from mucins and gp120

The secondary structure of proteins is crucial for proper function of the protein in biological systems. Peptide T, an octapeptide from the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of the HIV virus, has previously been shown to be responsible for binding to the CD4 receptor on T helper/inducer lymphocytes. NMR studies showed that the four C-terminal amino acid residues of peptide T adopted a beta-turn conforma