

Din sökning på "*" gav 534700 sökträffar

Auditory event-related brain potentials in children with specific language impairment

Event-related brain potentials evoked by tone and speech stimuli were recorded in ten children with specific language impairment and a control group. The patient group showed prolonged P3 latencies in both tasks compared with the controls and smaller P3 amplitude in the speech task. There were no group differences concerning the N1-P2 components. The findings indicate that the children with langua

Including recycling potential in energy use into the life-cycle of buildings

Previous life-cycle studies of buildings tended to omit the phases after demolition. If recycling is not included, the potential benefits of recycling are not possible to assess. A parametric study of a one family house is presented which focuses on the potential energy savings by recycling the various building materials after demolition. The results indicate that it can be more important to desig

Chromosomal aberrations and risk of cancer in humans: an epidemiologic perspective

The pioneering papers published more than one century ago by Theodor Boveri opened the way to extensive research on the mechanism linking chromosomal abnormalities to the pathogenesis of cancer. As a result of this effort, robust theoretical and empirical evidence correlating cytogenetic damage to early stages of cancer in humans was consolidated, and an increased cancer risk was postulated in hea

Characterization of type I procollagen N-proteinase from fetal bovine tendon and skin. Purification of the 500-kilodalton form of the enzyme from bovine tendon

Procollagen N-proteinase (EC is the enzyme that specifically cleaves the NH2-terminal propeptides from type I procollagen. Two forms of N-proteinase with apparent molecular sizes of 300 and 500 kDa were found in partially purified preparations from fetal bovine tendon extracts. The 500-kDa form of enzyme was purified 16,000-fold with a recovery of 8% from the extracts of the tendons by

Negotiating transparency: The role of institutions

On 30 May 2001, a new regulation on public access to EU documents was presented and was heralded in the European press as a breakthrough for transparency. We argue that a focus on institutions can cast light on the negotiation processes that led to this decision, and explain the final - for realist negotiation theory puzzling - outcome. We demonstrate the importance of institutions in EU negotiati

Bayesian foraging with only two patch types

model the optimal Bayesian foraging strategy in environments with only two patch qualities. That is, all patches either belong to one rich type, or to one poor type. This has been a situation created in several foraging experiments. In contrast, previous theories of Bayesian foraging have dealt with prey distributions where patches may belong to one out of a large range of qualities (binomial, Poi

Optical plasticity in the crystalline lenses of the cichlid fish Aequidens pulcher.

One of the reasons that the crystalline lenses of vertebrate eyes are highly transparent is that most of the cells have broken down all of their organelles, including the nuclei. These cells can neither synthesize new proteins nor generate energy by electron transport in the mitochondria. Only in the peripheral layers--in the cichlid fish Aequidens pulcher, beyond 92% of the lens radius--are there

Global Calculation of Nuclear Shape Isomers

To determine which nuclei may exhibit shape isomerism, we use a well-benchmarked macroscopic-microscopic model to calculate potential-energy surfaces as functions of spheroidal (epsilon(2)), hexadecapole (epsilon(4)), and axial-asymmetry (gamma) shape coordinates for 7206 nuclei from A=31 to A=290. We analyze these and identify the deformations and energies of all minima deeper than 0.2 MeV. These

Biotic controls on CO2 and CH4 exchange in wetlands - a closed environment study

Wetlands are significant sources of the important greenhouse gas CH4. Here we explore the use of an experimental system developed for the determination of continuous fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in closed ecosystem monoliths including the capture of (CO2)-C-14 and (CH4)-C-14 following pulse labelling with (CO2)-C-14. We show that, in the ecosystem studied, ebullition (bubble emission) may account for 18

Short-chain fatty acid formation in the hindgut of rats fed native and fermented oat fibre concentrates

The formation of SCFA in rats fed fermented oat fibre concentrates was compared with that of rats fed native oat fibre concentrate. The cultures used were lactic acid bacteria consisting of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus (V2), the exopolysaccharide-producing strain Pediococcus damnosus 2.6 (Pd) and L. reuteri (Lr). The materials were incorporated into test diets yielding a

Vacuum in an accelerator system - calculations and measurements

The importance of different sources of gases in a vacuum system is discussed and the definitions of different flow regimes are presented. The conductance is given for a few different, typical geometries in an accelerator vacuum system. The theory is applied to the vacuum system of the Lund electrostatic tandem accelerator and a pressure profile through the accelerator is calculated. The quality of

The widespread human desmocollin Dsc2 and tissue-specific patterns of synthesis of various desmocollin subtypes

By comparison of the cDNA-derived amino acid sequences and the cell type-specific patterns of synthesis we have identified desmocollin Dsc2 as the most widespread, perhaps ubiquitous desmocollin subtype. Using Northern blot analyses and ribonuclease protection assays we have found an approximately 5.6 kb mRNA encoding Dsc2 in all the diverse human tissues, tumors and cell lines examined that are k

Multifocal lenses in coral reef fishes

The optical properties of crystalline lenses were studied in eleven species of coral reef fish from the Red Sea in Eilat, Israel. Three species each of diurnal planktivores, nocturnal planktivores and diurnal herbivores constituted three groups of animals with little within-group variability. In addition we studied two predators, which differed with respect to body size, prey preference, hunting m

GIS supported calculations of Cs-137 deposition in Sweden based on precipitation data

It is of interest to know the spatial variation and the amount of Cs-137 e.g. in case of an accident with a radioactive discharge. In this study, the spatial distribution of the quarterly Cs-137 deposition over Sweden due to nuclear weapons fallout (NWF) during the period 1962-1966 was determined by relating the measured deposition density at a reference site to the amount of precipitation. Measur

Prediction of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Liver Fat Using Metabolic and Genetic Factors

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Our aims were to develop a method to accurately predict non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and liver fat content based on routinely available clinical and laboratory data and to test whether knowledge of the recently discovered genetic variant in the PNPLA3 gene (rs738409) increases accuracy of the prediction. METHODS: Liver fat content was measured using proton magne