

Din sökning på "*" gav 535050 sökträffar

Effects of climate and soil conditions on the productivity and defence capacity of Picea abies in Sweden—An ecosystem model assessment

Climate change can lead to an increased frequency of extreme weather events, which may induce a decline in tree vitality, rendering the forest more vulnerable to other stress factors. In this study we used the ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS to compare the NPP of boreal conifers on till soil and sandy soil, simulating the growth of Norway spruce during the 21st century using climate model projections co

Normal tissue sparing potential of scanned proton beams with and without respiratory gating for the treatment of internal mammary nodes in breast cancer radiotherapy

Proton therapy has shown potential for reducing doses to normal tissues in breast cancer radiotherapy. However data on the impact of protons when including internal mammary nodes (IMN) in the target for breast radiotherapy is comparatively scarce. This study aimed to evaluate normal tissue doses when including the IMN in regional RT with scanned proton beams, with and without respiratory gating. T

A cognitive analysis of characters in swedish and anglophone children's fantasy Literature

In Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction, Marek C. Oziewicz argues, 'it is possible to study scripts through the lens of the author's cognition, through the reader's cognition, or as a textual matter with an implied author and reader' (9-10). Here we propose a fourth method for studying scripts in children's literature: as a textual matter. Unlike previous research in the field, we argue that

Intra-droplet acoustic particle focusing : simulations and experimental observations

The aim of this paper is to study resonance conditions for acoustic particle focusing inside droplets in two-phase microfluidic systems. A bulk acoustic wave microfluidic chip was designed and fabricated for focusing microparticles inside aqueous droplets (plugs) surrounded by a continuous oil phase in a 380-μm-wide channel. The quality of the acoustic particle focusing was investigated by conside

Comprehensive genetic characterization of pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

A comprehensive genetic characterization comprising conventional chromosome banding, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array analyses as well as large-scale sequencing of 75 genes were performed on a consecutive series of 47 pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) patients. An abnormal karyotype was identified in 46% of the cases. Rec

Tools and annotations for variation

Since the finishing of the Human Genome Project, many next-generation (NGS) or high-throughput sequencing platforms have emerged. One of the applications of NGS technology, variant discovery, can serve as a basis for precision medicine. Large sequencing projects are generating huge amounts of genetic variation data, which are stored in databases, either large central databases such as dbSNP, or ge

Physical aggression among patients with dementia, neuropathologically confirmed post-mortem

ObjectiveTo investigate the prevalence of physical aggression among patients with dementia of different types and to analyze potential differences in clinical traits, in terms of singular or repetitive behavior and occurrence in early or late stage of the disease. We also aimed at examining against whom the physical aggression was exerted.MethodsWe included 281 cases with a neuropathological demen

Så kan vårt beteende styras smartare

Nudging är ett användbart verktyg för att påverka beteenden. Vi bör dra nytta av dess möjligheter att uppnå resultat utan de tvång och begränsningar för individen som traditionella metoder medför, skriver sex experter på beteendepåverkan.

From market orientation to brand orientation in the public sector

This conceptual article examines brand orientation as an alternative to market orientation in the public sector. The problem with market orientation is that the focus on customers is too great; it is myopic, and lacks true interaction; it is mechanistic, and the emphasis on economic values is too strong. In this light, brand orientation becomes an interesting alternative. Brand orientation is more

Processing and Storage stability of Skim Milk Powder : Monitoring Early and Advanced Stages of the Maillard Reaction

The non-enzymatic browning known as the Maillard reaction has been the subject of extensive investigation for decades. Studies have focused on areas such as changes in flavour, colour, texture, and the nutritional properties of food materials as a result of this reaction. However, this complex reaction between the amino acids in proteins and reducing sugars in carbohydrates, is still not fully und

Digitalisering av kommunal socialtjänst : En empirisk studie av en organisation och profession i förändring

Inom projektet Digitalisering av socialt arbete (2016-2017) har Lupita Svensson, fil dr i socialt arbete vid Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet, och Stefan Larsson, docent i teknik och social förändring vid institutionen för teknik och samhälle på LTH, Lunds universitet, tillsammans med socialtjänstens praktiker, beforskat arbetsprocesser och digitala mötesformer i socialtjänstens arbete och digit

Mitt körsbärsträd och din kirskål. Biosociala gränsförhandlingar i villakvarteren

I ett villaområde finns många olika slags gränser mellan ”mitt” och ”ditt”. I den här artikeln vill vi med utgångspunkt i villaträdgården diskutera exempel på hur sådana gränser tänjs och utmanas. En aspekt är att trädgårdens växter och djur överskrider tomtgränser. Växter vandrar exempelvis ibland in av sig själva, som välkomna tillskott, eller oönskade ogräs. Här är det särskilt intressant att r