Din sökning på "*" gav 534275 sökträffar
Wind power planning in three Swedish municipalities
Wind power is seen by many observers as an important part of the transition to a sustainable energy system, since it does not contribute to the environmental problems connected with dominating energy forms such as fossil fuel, nuclear power and large-scale hydro power. At the same time wind power has some characteristics that makes it a special challenge for land use planning. In Sweden, where win
Aesthetics of Activism and Activist Aesthetics: Contemporary Feminist Performance in Sweden
In the 2000s, Sweden has experienced a veritable explosion of feminist performing arts. Although feminist actions, theatre, shows and performance existed previously, feminist events with a distinct political and activist approach have emerged strongly in the current decade. Feminist culture festivals are held in rapid succession, and feminist performance, dance and theatre occasionally attract bro
Solving House Allocation Problems with Risk-Averse Agents
Dags att fokusera på mannens våld
Segelberg on Unity and Complexity
Professional Digital Encyclopaedias as Socio-Technical Systems
This paper presents on-going research on the production of knowledge in contemporary professional digital encyclopaedias. By adopting a theoretical perspective that considers the interplay of humans, non-humans and practices at the same level, it develops further a socio-technical perspective on knowledge production. Methodologically, the project involves an ethnographic study staring from two edi
A Look at the Roles of Look & Roles in Embodied Pedagogical Agents - A User Preference Perspective
. The paper presents a theoretical framework addressing three aspects of embodied pedagogical agents: visual static appearance, pedagogical role, and communicative style. The framework is then applied to a user study where 90 school children (age 12 15) in a dummy multimedia program were presented with either an instructor or a learning companion condition. They were then to choose between eight v
Palmitate-induced beta-cell dysfunction is associated with excessive NO pro-duction and is reversed by thiazolidinedione-mediated inhibition of GPR40 transduction mechanisms
Background: Type 2 diabetes often displays hyperlipidemia. We examined palmitate effects on pancreatic islet function in relation to FFA receptor GPR40, NO generation, insulin release, and the PPARgama agonistic thiazolidinedione, rosiglitazone. Principal findings: Rosiglitazone suppressed acute palmitate-stimulated GPR40-transduced PI hydrolysis in HEK293 cells and insulin release from MIN6c cell
Lagerhållningskostnadsbestämning med hjälp av ABC-kalkylering Proceedings
Protoplanetary Disk Turbulence Driven by the Streaming Instability: Nonlinear Saturation and Particle Concentration
It takes a winner to take his share
Novelty detection is based on the creation of a space with similarity metric. It is discussed that the design of a neural detector is a compromise between promptness, universatility, robustness and sensitivity. The feed-forward topology is chosen from three alternatives for its ability to design that compromise by applying structural redundancy. A generic FPGA implementation supports the use in ad
Thermal climate assessment in office environment- CFD calculations and thermal manikin measurements
Norm, normal, normativ: Vem bestämmer över mångfalden
Interarticulator programming in VCV sequences: Lip and tongue movements
Biological growth on mineral building facades
The importance of returning to work after stroke.
The use of assistive technology in different age-groups of old people
The aim of this study is to explore the use and perceived unfilled need for assistive technology (AT) for everyday life in three age-groups during the ageing process. Data on use and perceived unfilled need for AT from three age-groups were used; the very old age-group; 81-90, n=314, the oldest old age-group; 85-94, n=154 and younger agegroup, 67-71. The results show that the proportion of users h
A priori modelling for gradient based inverse scattering algorithms
Who is Marching for Pachamama? : An Intersectional Analysis of Environmental Struggles in Bolivia under the Government of Evo Morales
Popular Abstract in Swedish Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) bildade regering i Bolivia 2006 med Evo Morales på presidentposten, framburna av folkliga protester mot tidigare, nyliberala regimer. Morales beskrivs ofta som landets första president med bakgrund i ursprungsbefolkningen. Hans regering utlovade en radikal omställning av den nationella politiken och tillkännagav att Bolivia nu är en "pluriEvo Morales and the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) took office in Bolivia in 2006, riding on the wave of fierce popular protests against previous, neoliberal regimes. Morales was depicted as the country’s first indigenous president. His government promised a radical transformation of national politics and rebranded Bolivia as a “plurinational state”. Under MAS, indigenous subjectivity has moved fr