

Din sökning på "*" gav 532970 sökträffar

Mixed Micelles of Oppositely Charged Diblock Copolymers - a Dynamic and Static Light Scattering Study

Polymerer är naturliga eller syntetiska makromolekyler som är uppbyggda av flera repeterande enheter, monomerer. I blocksampolymerer är de ingående typerna av monomerer fördelade i olika block i polymeren, t.ex. A och B. Blocksampolymerer är ett intressant forskningsområde med möjliga tillämpningar inom bland annat läkemedelstransport, så kallad controlled drug release, d.v.s för kontrollerad frisIn the present work, the formation of complex coacervate micelles and aggregates of the oppositely charged diblock copolymers poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)27-b-poly((3-acrylamidopropyl)trimethylammoniumchloride)15 [PNIPAAM27-b-PAMPTMA15(+)] and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)27-b-poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic sodium)15 [PNIPAAM27-b-PAMPS15(-)] in aqueous solution have been studied at diff

Att mäta passformsnivån mellan arbetsprocesser och funktioner i ett informationssystem

Denna studie kommer att examinera hur man undersöker passformen mellan arbetsprocesser och funktioner som finns tillgängligt i ett informationssystem som användarna använder. Syftet är att överblicka och se vilka delar av en arbetsprocess som inte utförs effektivt, och därmed inte har en bra passform men informationssystemets funktioner. Studien kommer att samla in data kring användarnas arbetspro

State Aid and the Financial Crisis - A Special View from Iceland

European State Aid Law is rapidly becoming one of the most important area of law within the European Union. Since the beginning of 1970 the Commission and the Court have had to deal with more and more State Aid cases as it grew in correspondence with its growth. There has not been an extensive work done on State Aid until this Millennium with the works of Kelyn Bacon and Mark Heidenhain right up t

Employer attitudes towards people with a psychological disability

Only ten percent of people with disabilities in Sweden hold a salaried employment and one of the main barriers in hiring these individuals is employer attitudes. Using a correlational approach, the aim of this study was to investigate employer attitudes towards hiring people with a psychological disability. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed to headhunters and employers with hiring respon

Cloud Growth and Challenges

The purpose of this thesis is to probe more into how users are influenced to use cloud computing amidst the various cloud challenges and risks. Cloud computing is a new and advanced way of handling services, applications, resources, infrastructures and as any other Information Technologies, is composed of challenges and as well as possibilities. But like other technologies that die along with its

Making the relationship mobile: an exploratory study of the impact of mobile marketing on the customer-brand relationship

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how mobile marketing, in particular branded apps, impacts the customer-brand relationship. To gain a holistic comprehension of the phenomenon, the relationship is looked at from both the brand’s and the customer’s viewpoint. In order to fulfill the purpose, a qualitative approach was followed. The empirical data was analyzed through qu

Från tanke till tallrik - En explorativ studie om miljömärkningens påverkan på konsumenternas köpbeslut vid val av livsmedel

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vad som påverkar konsumenternas val att köpa eller inte köpa miljömärkta produkter vid inköpsögonblicket. Studien fokuserar på miljömärkningarna EU-ekologiskt, KRAV och MSC. Tidigare forskning har till stor del fokuserat på vilka demografiska samt socio-ekonomiska faktorer som påverkar konsumenternas tendens till att välja miljömärkta produkter. Genom deltag

Framtagning av BIM-objekt för byggsystemleverantörer, undertaksystem från Ecophon

Background BIM, Building Information Modelling, is a relatively new approach to work with building design and information management within the building industry. As higher demands are placed on product information and information management, manufacturers of building materials have to meet the need for BIM objects and 3D modeling. Ecophon is a supplier of sound absorbing ceilings and wall absorbe

Paleoecology and sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian), marine strata at Åsen, Kristianstad Basin, Southern Sweden, Scania

The Campanian marine strata from Åsen, north east part of the Kristianstad Basin (southern Sweden) contain a most diverse vertebrate and invertebrate marine fossil assemblages. A diverse fossil fauna was collected from Campanian deposits from a ca. 4.15m thick section during June-August 2010-2012. The succession is divided into two zones, the latest early Campanian Belemnellocamax mammilatus Zone

Sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till preoperativ hudförberedelse: en litteraturöversikt.

Enligt World Health Organisation [WHO] förekommer postoperativ sårinfektion hos 0,5 till 15 % av opererade patienter vilket orsakar lidande. Sjuksköterskor har ansvar för preoperativ hudförberedelse som har till uppgift att förebygga postoperativ sårinfektion. Syftet med denna studie var att med vetenskaplig litteratur undersöka sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till preoperativ hudförberedelse. Ni

Samordning – en fallstudie om Kultur Lund

This bachelor thesis examines the municipal cultural management of the city of Lund in Sweden and how it uses co-ordination as working method. By using governance as theory it is possible to both define the way the cultural organisation in question network with the local cultural participants, but also how this way of strategy affects the balance of power between the local participants and the mun

Time Preference, Savings and Obesity: Cross-Sectional Evidence from the Netherlands

Humans often seem to behave in ways that stand in contrast to their long-term preferences. Even though people want to save more and eat healthier, there is evidence suggesting as if the opposite happens. Savings rates have dropped significantly in the past decades. The prevalence of obesity, as well as the average body-mass-index, have risen considerably over the past decades. Time preference has