

Din sökning på "*" gav 529370 sökträffar

A first encounter with faster-than-Nyquist signaling on the MIMO channel

In this paper we investigate MIMO systems where faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling is used as modulation. On the AWGN channel, the main characteristic of FTN is the so called Mazo limit; it is possible to signal considerably faster than conventional without loss in minimum Euclidean distance. We show that MIMO-FTN systems inherit this property from the AWGN-FTN systems. Moreover, not only does it

Occlusion Horizons for Driving Through Urban Scenery

We present a rapid occlusion culling algorithm specifically designed for urban environments. For each frame, an occlusion horizon is being built on-the-fly during a hierarchical front-to-back traversal of the scene. All conservatively hidden objects are culled, while all the occluding impostors of all conservatively visible objects are added to the 2½D occlusion horizon. Our framework also support

Phonetics and phonology of the Swedish dialects - a project presentation and a database demonstrator

A searchable database of speech samples from more than 100 Swedish dialects is being established for use in research and education. Each dialect is represented by at least 12 speakers. Recordings are made of spontaneous speech as well as words and phrases elicited with a number of specific research goals in mind. This paper summarizes one of these goals, a prosodic typology for the Swedish dialect

Discontinuous bifurcations in a nonassociated Mohr material

Discontinuous bifurcations of an elastic-plastic material obeying Mohr's yield criterion and a nonassociated flow rule and subjected to general three-dimensional loading are investigated. The first possibility for bifurcation is identified and expressed in terms of the critical hardening modulus and the corresponding orientation of the slip planes. In the case of perfect plasticity the Mohr and Ro

Facilitating compulsory licensing under TRIPS in response to the AIDS crisis in developing countries

The AIDS crisis in the developing world has become a priority for international collaboration. The challenge is to find a balance between the acknowledged need to protect large investments expended in developing new medicines and the goal of providing essential medicines to poor countries. Patent protection must prevent undue infringement yet at the same time allow solutions to humanitarian needs.

Discovery of Novel Receptors for Lipid Mediators - a study leading to the identification of receptors involved in metabolism and the immune system

Popular Abstract in Swedish Oberoende av om det är i ett samhälle, datornätverk eller organen i en mänsklig kropp, så är behovet av kommunikation stort i en komplex miljö. Eftersom den komplicerade människokroppen är beroende av kommunikation för att reglera funktioner, skickas otaliga mängder signaler oavbrutet. För att signalerna skall vara meningsfulla så måste de kunna tas emot och behandlas. Intercellular communication is of crucial importance in regulating physiology and G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) have evolved as an important mechanism in this process. Of the approximately 800 human GPCRs, about 160 are still considered to be “orphan” receptors for which an endogenous ligand remains to be identified. Since an estimated 50% of all clinical drugs act on 30 known GPCRs, the rem

Pyrite: Linking Mossbauer spectroscopy to mineral magnetism

Gold-bearing pyrite ores are refractory and must be pre-treated to break down the sulphides by oxidation. This is done usually by roasting, bacterial oxidation and smelting. Moreover, ores with high sulphur content require pre-treatment to prevent excessive chlorine consumption, an important source of pollution. The pyrite waste created in mining operation presents serious problems on the environm

Thermoelectric Phenomena in Quantum Dots

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att en temperaturskillnad kan ge upphov till en elektrisk ström upptäcktes redan på 1800-talet och fenomenet är känt som den termoelektriska effekten. Denna effekt skulle kunna effektivisera energianvändningen överallt där det går att utnyttja en temperaturskillnad. Ett exempel är i en bil där en stor del av energin som tillförs genom bränsle förloras som spillvärme. OmThermoelectricity is being intensively researched as it is believed to hold great promise for applications in power generation and cooling. One way to quantify the electrical power output of a thermoelectric material is the power factor, a function of electrical conductivity and thermopower. There are relationships between these relevant material properties that make efficient thermoelectric mater