

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Thermoelectric Phenomena in Quantum Dots

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att en temperaturskillnad kan ge upphov till en elektrisk ström upptäcktes redan på 1800-talet och fenomenet är känt som den termoelektriska effekten. Denna effekt skulle kunna effektivisera energianvändningen överallt där det går att utnyttja en temperaturskillnad. Ett exempel är i en bil där en stor del av energin som tillförs genom bränsle förloras som spillvärme. OmThermoelectricity is being intensively researched as it is believed to hold great promise for applications in power generation and cooling. One way to quantify the electrical power output of a thermoelectric material is the power factor, a function of electrical conductivity and thermopower. There are relationships between these relevant material properties that make efficient thermoelectric mater

Phylogeny of the cetrarioid core (Parmeliaceae) based on five genetic markers

Fourteen genera belong to a monophyletic core of cetrarioid lichens, Ahtiana, Allocetraria, Arctocetraria, Cetraria, Cetrariella, Cetreliopsis, Flavocetraria, Kaernefeltia, Masonhalea, Nephromopsis, Tuckermanella, Tuckermannopsis, Usnocetraria and Vulpicida. A total of 71 samples representing 65 species (of 90 worldwide) and all type species of the genera are included in phylogentic analyses based

Transition Radiation Tracker calibration, searches beyond the Standard Model and multiparticle correlations in ATLAS

This thesis contains two different aspects of my research work towards physics in proton-proton collisions in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The first part is focused on the understanding and developing of a calibration system to obtain the best possible charged particle reconstruction in the Transition Radiation Tracker. The method explained in this thesis is the current calibration technique u

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Abstract in Norwegian Boken omhandler både kreative metoder som er lite brukt, men som har vist seg å være svært nyttige til bestemte studieformål, og noen av de vanligste og mest brukte metodene i samfunnsvitenskapen. Målet med boken er todelt. For det første å gi en innføring i hver enkelt metode i seg selv. For det andre å vise hvilke muligheter som åpner seg når de ulike metodene kombineres. F

An Environmental History of Russia

The former Soviet empire spanned eleven time zones and contained half the world's forests; vast deposits of oil, gas and coal; various ores; major rivers such as the Volga, Don and Angara; and extensive biodiversity. These resources and animals, as well as the people who lived in the former Soviet Union – Slavs, Armenians, Georgians, Azeris, Kazakhs and Tajiks, indigenous Nenets and Chukchi – were

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This book chapter is a feminist analysis of Richard Wagner's opera Lohengrin.

Staging the world. Rome and the other in the triumphal procession

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det romerska triumftåget var en segerprocession som paraderade in i och genom staden Rom efter varje segerrikt fälttåg. I tåget leddes byten och fångar av många olika slag samt avbildningar av erövrade platser och folkslag som tillverkats för processionen. Avhandlingen analyserar dessa uttryck för ”den andre” och diskuterar hur triumftåget både reflekterade och skapade The triumphal procession staged Roman conquest and supremacy, featuring the defeated ‘other’ as opposed to the victorious ‘self’ in a rather fixed role-playing. This thesis takes as its theoretical premise that these ritually recurrent and visually emphatic processions both conveyed and constructed Roman views of the self and the other, and that they can be studied as formative expressions of such