

Din sökning på "*" gav 530072 sökträffar

Influence of time of lifting and storage on the potential photosynthetic efficiency in newly developed leaves of bare-root silver birch and common oak

Silver birch and common oak are known to be sensitive to standard practices in nurseries and they often show poor establishment when transplanted in urban areas. Lifting date and time in cold storage have a strong influence on stress tolerance and plant vitality. This study was carried out to assess the effect of lifting date and storage time on partial photosynthesis measured by chlorophyll fluor

PCB in water and sediment of a lake after remediation of contaminated sediment

PCB concentration in river water at the outlet of a lake was monitored far two years following the completed remediation of the PCB contaminated sediment of the lake. The remediation resulted in lowered PCB concentration in the sediment, from 5 mu g g(-1) (d.w.) to 0.060 mu g g(-1) (d.w.). PCB concentration in the water decreased over the two years, but varied seasonally. Highest PCB concentration

Increased endothelial expression of HLA-DQ and interleukin 1alpha in extra-articular rheumatoid arthritis. Results from immunohistochemical studies of skeletal muscle

OBJECTIVE: To investigate markers of endothelial activation in muscle biopsies from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with and without extra-articular manifestations (ExRA). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nine consecutive ExRA patients were compared with nine RA controls without ExRA, matched for age, sex and duration of RA. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the lateral vastus or anterior tibial muscle.

Extension of Pozharitsky theorem for partial stabilization of a system with several first integrals

The paper is devoted to an extension of one particular fact withintheory of partial stability, the so-called Pozharitsky Theorem,to the case of partial stabilization of nonlinear controlled system.It is shown that under appropriate assumptions partialstabilization of the system based on usage some Lyapunov functionconstructed from first integrals of the unforced system, impliesthat the Lyapunov fu

alpha(1)-Microglobulin: a yellow-brown lipocalin

alpha(1)-Microglobulin, also called protein HC, is a lipocalin with immunosuppressive properties. The protein has been found in a number of vertebrate species including frogs and fish. This review summarizes the present knowledge of its structure, biosynthesis, tissue distribution and immunoregulatory properties. alpha(1)-Microglobulin has a yellow-brown color and is size and charge heterogeneous.

The 5alpha-Reductase Type II A49T and V89L High-Activity Allelic Variants are More Common in Men with Prostate Cancer Compared with the General Population.

Objectives: To compare men with prostate disease with those from the general population regarding polymorphisms in the androgen receptor gene and in the 5 alpha-reductase II (SRD5A2) gene. Materials and methods: The SRD5A2 polymorphisms A49T, V89L and R227Q, the androgen receptor CAG and GGN repeats and sex hormone status was investigated in men with prostate cancer (CaP) (n = 89), benign prostate

Trace gas exchange in a high-arctic valley 3. Integrating and scaling CO2 fluxes from canopy to landscape using flux data, footprint modeling, and remote sensing

Within the framework of the European Land Arctic Physical Processes project and as part of the Danish Research Council's Polar Program, a study on trace gas exchange in a high-arctic ecosystem was conducted in NE Greenland, May-August 1997. On the basis of carbon dioxide flux measurements from three dominant surface types, this paper reports on the upscaling of such measurements from canopy to lan

Postantibiotic effect of meropenem and ciprofloxacin in the presence of 5-fluorouracil

Background: The postantibiotic effect (PAE) of meropenem and ciprofloxacin was studied in the presence of the antineoplastic agent 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the PAEs of the combinations differed from the PAEs of the antibiotics alone. Methods: The PAEs of the combinations of 5-FU plus meropenem or ciprofloxacin were determined with viable counts aga

Right-left correlation in guinea pig ears after noise exposure

In order to investigate whether experimental material consisting of noise-exposed animals should be regarded as 'ears' or 'animals', a comparison was made between the permanent threshold shifts in the right and left ears in 53 groups of noise-exposed guinea-pigs, with 5 animals in each group. The action potential (N1) thresholds were measured at fourteen frequencies in both ears. In the noise-expo

Bone loss following tibial osteotomy: a model for evaluating post-traumatic osteopenia

The reduced bone mineral density (BMD) found in patients with fractures may, in part, follow rather than precede the fracture. We studied the magnitude and reversibility of bone loss in the 15 months following osteotomy in 21 men and 5 women with localized medial arthritis of the knee. BMD (mean +/- SD), measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, decreased by a maximum of 35 +/- 21% in the m

Monthly runoff simulation: Comparing and combining conceptual and neural network models

Runoff estimation is of high importance for many practical engineering applications so that, e.g. power production, dam safety and water supply can be ensured. The methods and time step relevant for runoff simulations vary depending on the location and the application. Long-term runoff simulation for Scandinavia is of high importance as its hydropower production is affected by climate variability,

Retinal dysfunction and anterior segment deposits in a patient treated with rifabutin

Purpose: To describe the clinical and electrophysiological findings in a young boy with decreased vision possibly due to retinal damage by rifabutin. Methods: An 8-year-old boy with osteomyelitis was referred due to visual disturbance. During a period of 4 years, the boy was examined six times with electroretinography. Ophthalmological examination included testing of visual acuity, slit-lamp inspe

Perceptual Surface Reconstruction

How does the brain transform the 2-D light arrays in our eyes into a meaningful 3-D description of surfaces around us? What assumptions does the visual system make about the world when information is incomplete? And how are these assumptions computationally expressed in this perceptual reconstruction process? These questions, and other aspects of binocular depth perception are analysed from a theo

Highly deformed band in Nd-138

High-spin states in Nd-138 have been investigated with the reaction Zr-94(Ca-48,4n), using the GASP array. A new rotational band has been identified, which has close similarities with the well known highly deformed bands of the lighter Nd isotopes, and is therefore interpreted as built on the second minimum of the nuclear potential energy surface. From comparison with calculations a configuration