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Ongoing Work Within ICRP and Other International Organisations in the Field of Radiological Protection in Medicine
This paper is intended to give an overview of the current work of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) within the field of medicine and healthcare. The paper focuses on the work carried out in Committee 3. Some views expressed at the ICRP Seminar in Bethesda, USA in October 2011 will also be discussed. Similar and complementary work by other organisatons will also be brie
Teknikintensivt nyföretagande och tillväxt i branscher och företag
Simulation of critical evacuation conditions for a fire scenario involving cables and comparison of two different cables
Previous studies on the evaluation of irritant species from burning cables in a modified prEN 50399 fire test produced FEC/FED values based on ISO TS 13571. However, the ISO standard mentions in its scope that these indices can only be used within e.g. modelling. For this reason Europacable (ECBL) initiated a preliminary case-study to asses the possibility of using modern fire safety engineering t
The effects of dilution with nitrogen and steam on the laminar burning velocity of methanol at room and elevated temperatures
Dilution of flames using recirculated exhaust gas or water vapor is an important NOx reduction technique in various combustion applications. Dilution, however, can also lead to combustion instabilities due to reduced burning velocities. For methanol/air flames this subject is largely unexplored. Therefore, the current work examines the effects of diluting methanol/air flames with nitrogen and wate
Time-Domain System for Millimeter-Wave Material Characterization
Time-domain material characterization using a leaky lens antenna and an in-house fabricated millimeter-wave wavelet generator using III-V technology is investigated. The wavelet generator produces short high-frequency pulses and is connected to a wideband and non-dispersive leaky lens antenna. A purely time-domain methodology is used to extract the complex permittivity of non-dispersive and non-ma
Measurement of the top quark-pair production cross section with ATLAS in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
A measurement of the production cross-section for top quark pairs (t (t) over bar) in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV is presented using data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events are selected in two different topologies: single lepton (electron e or muon mu) with large missing transverse energy and at least four jets, and dilepton (ee, mu mu or e mu) with large mis
Distribution and Function of the Hydrogen Sulfide-Sensitive TRPA1 Ion Channel in Rat Urinary Bladder
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the distribution of the transient receptor potential (TRP) A1 ion channel in the rat urinary bladder, and to study the effects of hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) and known TRPA1 activators on micturition in conscious rats and on heterologously expressed ion channels. METHODS: The expression of TRPA1 in urinary bladder was studied with fluorescence immunohistochemistry and real-
Improving outcomes in patients with coronary heart disease using national registers and platelet function testing
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärt och kärlsjukdomar utgör idag den vanligaste orsaken till död världen över. I denna avhandling studerades patienter med hjärt-kärlsjukdom inom svenska register för att analysera betydelsen av olika komponenter av behandlingen vid hjärt-kärlsjukdom. Komponenter som utvärderades var tid till primär perkutan (endovaskulär) kranskärlsintervention (PCI), dvs ballongvidgIntroduction: Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. The aims of this thesis were to evaluate different contemporary approaches in coronary care with regard to mortality and myocardial infarction. Methods: The thesis consists of 6 papers with 4 papers evaluating different exposures and their outcomes (clopidogrel pre-treatment, 5 different anti-platelet protocols, ticagrel
Sverige som partner 1309-1905 : ett perspektiv
Här behandlas Sveriges förbindelser med andra politisk-territoriella enheter, frånmedeltidens dynastiska unioner över de tidigmoderna konglomeratstaterna till1800-talets union av två nationalstater. Med hjälp av befintlig forskning fokuserasstatens växlande sammansättning och vikten av att skilja mellan riket och staten.Ett sådant perspektiv visar nya aspekter och ställer frågor som ett traditioneDuring most of the period from 1319 to 1905, the kingdom of Sweden formed part of a larger state, either through union with other states or through the possession of provinces that were not part of the kingdom proper. This is a neglected theme in Swedish historiography, where Sweden is described as a trans-historical entity, sometimes larger and sometimes smaller than the present state but still b
Automatic design of application-specific reconfigurable processor extensions with UPaK synthesis kernel
This article presents a new tool for automatic design of application-specific reconfigurable processor extensions based on UPaK (Abstract Unified Patterns Based Synthesis Kernel for Hardware and Software Systems). We introduce a complete design flow that identifies new instructions, selects specific instructions and schedules a considered application on the newly created reconfigurable architectur
Lund University supports publishing in OA journals: an examination
2009 avsatte Lunds universitet 1,5 miljoner SEK att användas till att betala publiceringsavgifter i Open Access tidskrifter. Pengarna administreras av Biblioteksdirektionen. Fonden har främst använts till medlemskap i tre OA-förlag, BioMed Central, PLoS och Hindawi. Medlemskapen i BMC och PLoS innebär att Biblioteksdirektionen betalar publiceringsavgifterna centralt för artiklar där ”corresponding
Specific (CD2CD2SCHD2)-C-12-D-beta-C-12-D-gamma-C-13-H-epsilon Isotopomer Labeling of Methionine To Characterize Protein Dynamics by H-1 and C-13 NMR Relaxation Dispersion
Protein dynamics on the micro- to millisecond time scale is increasingly found to be critical for biological function, as demonstrated by numerous NMR relaxation dispersion studies. Methyl groups are excellent probes of protein interactions and dynamics because of their favorable NMR relaxation properties, which lead to sharp signals in the H-1 and C-13 NMR spectra. Out of the six different methyl
The city's garbage: Procurement, incineration and dumping in Stockholm 1900-1975
Dual-conjugate adaptive optics for wide-field high-resolution retinal imaging
We present analysis and preliminary laboratory testing of a real-time dual-conjugate adaptive optics (DCAO) instrument for ophthalmology that will enable wide-field high resolution imaging of the retina in vivo. The setup comprises five retinal guide stars (GS) and two deformable mirrors (DM), one conjugate to the pupil and one conjugate to a plane close to the retina. The DCAO instrument has a cl
When patient empowerment encounters professional autonomy: The conflict and negotiation process of inscribing an eHealth service
In Sweden, as in many other European countries, government and public agencies have promoted the expansion of eHealth over the past years, arguing that this development enhances patient participation, empowerment and cost efficiency. This paper presents a longitudinal study of the deployment of My medical records on the Internet, a civic service originally inspired by the home banking concept. The
The capability concept – On how to define and describe capability in relation to risk, vulnerability and resilience
Capabilities-based planning and capability assessment are high on the agendas of several countries and organisations as part of their risk management and emergency preparedness. Despite this, few definitions of capability exist, and they are not easily related to concepts such as risk, vulnerability and resilience. The aim of the present study was thus to broaden the scientific basis of the risk f
Fotbollströjor, terror och tillhörighetspolitik
A Bayesian model for estimating observer translation and rotation from optic flow and extra-retinal input
We present a Bayesian ideal observer model that estimates observer translation and rotation from optic flow and an extra-retinal eye movement signal. The model assumes a rigid environment and noise in velocity measurements, and that eye movement provides a probabilistic cue for rotation. The model can simulate human heading perception across a range of conditions, including: translation with simul
Responding double-porous lipid membrane: Lyotropic phases in a polymer scaffold
The large osmotic gradient over the outermost layer of human skin implies major structural changes along the gradient, which in turn affects transport. In particular, the possibility of phase changes introduces a non-linear element to the transport behaviour. We present a novel model membrane system to be used for studying these transport mechanisms, where we use a hydrophobic porous polymer membr