

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

Estimation of dialysis treatment efficiency by means of system identification

When treating patients suffering from renal failure with hemodialysis, an obvious point of interest is the actual blood cleaning efficiency of the dialyzer (artificial kidney). This efficiency is called clearance or dialysance. The method currently used for estimating clearance is based on doing a step-change on the process. Due to the nature of the process, this method is slow and has a relativel

History is her story too! En kvalitativ undersökning om jämställdhetsperspektiv och urval i undervisning i 1900-talets populärmusikhistoria.

Title: Forgotten Role Models - A Qualitative Study on Selection and Equality in 20th Century Popular Music History Education Author: Anna Edström This paper is a qualitative study based on interviews with four music history teachers working at different levels in the Swedish educational system. The intention of the study is to describe how teachers regard their role as mediators of a cultural heTitel: Bortglömda förebilder - en kvalitativ undersökning om jämställdhet i musikhistorieundervisning Författare: Anna Edström Detta examensarbete är en kvalitativ studie, baserad på intervjuer med fyra musiklärare som arbetar i olika delar av utbildningssystemet, och som alla undervisar i musikhistoria på olika sätt. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur lärare ser på sin roll som förmedlare a

Aid, policies and growth in sub-Saharan Africa

This thesis investigates the impact of foreign aid in 46 sub-Saharan countries. Furthermore, this study also examines what effect the interaction between policies and aid has on growth. This is done through a panel based OLS regression model on the years of 1996-2011. The main findings are that there’s not a clear answer to whether aid has a significant effect on growth and that the result depends

Managing the gaps in a regimen of control - Operational decision making at a nuclear power plant

Nuclear power has significantly improved performance over the last thirty years. This improvement has been based on a philosophy of control. That is, for each issue that must be managed to achieve safe performance, a pre-determined barrier must be established. In addition to the barriers that were designed into the plant, a large range of programs, processes and procedures have been developed to d

An aliphatic PCP-pincer nickel complex : Catalytic effect on Kumada couplings

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Inom vissa delar av den kemiska industrin, exempelvis läkemedelsindustrin, är det viktigt att kunna de-signa och skräddarsy organiska molekyler så att de har precis den strukturen man eftersträvar. Till sin hjälp finns det en mängd olika organiska reaktioner som kan användas för att koppla ihop och bygga molekyler på olika sätt. En molekyl med en optimerad struktPincer complexes, bicyclic complexes between a tridentate pincer ligand and a transition metal center, have been known since the 1970s and possesses a lot of advantages. They have various applications, but they are mainly used as catalysts at this point. Their desirable catalytic properties can be explained by the rigid bicyclic structure and that the σ-bond between the transition metal and the an

Antireflection Patterning of Si for InAsSb Nanowire Infrared Photodetectors

The pattering of an optical surface with physical features like with very low reflectivity and high transmission of IR or visible light can be used e.g. for antireflective windows for solar cells and photodetectors. Here we present results on antireflective patterning of Si for back side illuminated InAsSb nanowire long wavelength IR (8-15 µm) photodetectors. Photolithography and dry etching techn

Ätstörningar hos unga med diabetes mellitus typ 1- En litteraturstudie

Utvecklandet av diabetes och ätstörningar sammanfaller ofta kring pubertetsåldern hos både unga kvinnor och män. Då prevalensen av både diabetes typ 1 och ätstörningar ökar kan det vara intressant att studera ett eventuellt samband. Syftet med studien var att sammanställa forskningsresultat kring ätstörningar hos unga personer med diabetes mellitus typ 1. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudi

The mast cell mediator histamine affects β-INS-1 832/13 function and survival, a role in the pathogenesis of diabetes

The mast cell mediator histamine is involve in T2D pathogenicity Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disorder which is characterized by high glucose levels in blood and urine. Diabetes is one of the most expanding diseases in the world today. There are 2 major types of diabetes; type 2 diabetes (T2D) contributes with up to 90% of all diabetes subtypes. Patients with T2D compose up to 150 mill

Life in Domination: Stay or Escape? What do Wives of Tajik Migrants Think and Do

The thesis focuses on the perceptions and strategies of migrant’s wives in Tajikistan influenced by the male out-migration. We discuss how migrants’ wives view and bargain their positions in the family setting. We point to the power relations in the families and scrutinize the mechanism of misrecognition through which the domination is justified by the migrant wives. We also suggest how such perce

Teaching for All

Through a case study of teachers’ reactions to inclusive education in Dar es Salaam, this thesis sought to answer (1) how teachers in Dar es Salaam perceive their ability to deliver inclusive education to their students and (2) how an understanding of their perceptions can be utilized to overcome the challenges of implementing inclusive education in Tanzania’s public schools. Using an abductive ap

No title

Barns besök på en barnakutmottagning kan vara en skrämmande och stressande upplevelse där undersökningar/åtgärder kan skapa rädsla, oro och smärta hos barnet. Syftet var att beskriva barns rädsla, oro och smärta i samband med undersökning/åtgärd på barnakut-/akutmottagningen samt undersöka om barn erhöll information före undersökning/åtgärd. Metoden var av kvantitativ jämförande design. Urval gjor

A Cruiser for the Asian Market

This design project addressed the need of a real company (which works with fishing boats) to expand its own audience towards a new market and questioned whether its actual product portfolio can fit and be successful in that new environment. The main intention with this project was to explore forms and shapes, which have been the major focus of the work, even though other several parts have been i

”De flesta vill ju sjunga Loreengenren”

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur klassiskt utbildade sångpedagoger säger att de arbetar med tonåringar i genrer inom vilka pedagogerna saknar formell utbildning. Studien har genomförts genom kvalitativa intervjuer, där vi har intervjuat sex sångpedagoger som arbetar inom kulturskola eller estetiskt program. Resultaten visar att pedagogerna anser att fokus inte bör ligga på att genreanpThe purpose of this study is to examine how classically educated singing teachers state that they work with teenagers in musical genres in which they lack formal education. The study has been implemented through qualitative interviews with six singing teachers who teach at music schools and at art programs at high school level. The results show that the teachers do not have the opinion that classi

Ursprungreglernas effekt på klädesexporten under EU:s GSP

Ursprungsregler är nödvändiga för att kunna avgöra det ekonomiska ursprunget på en vara som handlas inom ett preferenshandelsavtal. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka ursprungsreglers effekt på utvecklingsländers export. Mer specifikt ämnar denna uppsats att avgöra huruvida reformen av EU:s ursprungsregler under det allmänna tullförmånsavtalet som trädde i kraft 2011 har haft effekt på klädRules of origin are essential to determine the economic origin of a product traded within a preferential trade agreement. The objective of this thesis is to examine rules of origins’ impact on developing countries’ export. More specifically, this report aims to determine whether or not the reform of the rules of origin under EU´s Generalized System of Preferences, enforced in 2011, have had an eff

The Effect of Dividends Taxation on Entrepreneurial Activity

This paper seeks to examine the effect of dividends taxation on entrepreneurship. In January 2013 the corporate tax rate in Sweden was lowered to boost entrepreneurial activity. Through relevant theories and regression analysis of 19 countries over the span of two years this paper argues that this tax cut was misplaced. The results of the analysis show that the dividends tax has a larger and more

Fri revisionsplikt - Gjorde Sverige rätt som valde låga gränsvärden för revision?

Studiens syfte är att utreda om svenska företag, som kan komma att omfattas av revisionsfrihet vid höjda gränsvärden, kommer att välja bort revision samt vilka följder det skulle få för företagen och samhället. Den slutsats vi kommit fram till är att större företag som idag inte omfattas av revisionsfriheten skulle välja att behålla revision och revisorn även om gränsvärdena höjdes. Vidare har vi