

Din sökning på "*" gav 532368 sökträffar

eavesROP: Listening for ROP Payloads in Data Streams

We consider the problem of detecting exploits based on return-oriented programming. In contrast to previous works we investigate to which extent we can detect ROP payloads by only analysing streaming data, i.e., we do not assume any modifications to the target machine, its kernel or its libraries. Neither do we attempt to execute any potentially malicious code in order to determine if it is an att

Systemic changes and sustainable consumption and production : Cases from product-service systems

Central to the sustainable production and consumption (SCP) agenda is the need for radical changes not only in the ways we produce but also in the ways we consume. The SCP agenda emerged within the understanding that it is not possible to reach the necessary reductions in environmental impact and resource consumption purely by technical solutions directed at improving the efficiency of production

The CILO method: firm-supportive research approach enhancing enterprise performance

This paper describes a case of collaboration between academia and business firms in supporting innovation processes based on the CILO method, named after the CILO project (communication in learning organizations). The CILO method is an example of firm-supportive research approach. We describe the outcomes related to enhancing enterprise performance from applying the CILO-method in relation to one

Self-generated vibrations and process stability when turning high chromium white cast iron with PCBN tools

The dynamic instability and related problems when turning high chromium cast iron (HCCI) with two polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) tools in wide range of cutting speeds and feed rates were studied in the article. The tool wear mechanisms and specifics for both tools as a main criterion of appearance of process instability were investigated. In spite of the chatter-like surface of machine

Famines in the Nordic countries, AD 536 - 1875

The first part of this paper aims at identifying the timing of famines in the Nordic countries since the middle ages. This is done by using qualitative famine reports from the literature since quantitative data on famines are scarce or non-existent, at least before the early modern period. We supplement the reports with climate data and price data. Our survey indicates that widespread famine was a

Identification of sex pheromone components of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor.

Coupled gas chromatographic (GC)–electroantennographic detection (EAD) analyses of ovipositor extract of calling Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, females revealed that seven compounds elicited responses from male antennae. Four of the compounds—(2S)-tridec-2-yl acetate, (2S,10Z)-10-tridecen-2-yl acetate, (2S,10E)-10- tridecen-2-yl acetate, and (2S,10E)-10-tridecen-2-ol—were identified previously

Ultra-fast dynamics in atoms and molecules during photoionization: from attoseconds to femtoseconds

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att en elektrisk urladdning ger upphov till ljus syns varje gång blixten slår ner. Den omvända processen, att ljus kan skapa en elektrisk urladdning, upptäcktes av Hertz 1887 som en parentes i utvecklingen av radiomottagare. Undersökningar av detta fenomen visade att elektroner bara kunde frigöras av ljus som hade tillräckligt hög frekvens (ultraviolett). Förklaringen aTreating the correlated behaviour of multiple particles is challenging for both theory and experiment. This thesis reports on a variety of experimental investigations aiming to advance the understanding of fundamental processes in atoms and molecules: double ionization, isomerization and dissociation. The emphasis lies on ultra-fast processes, where multiple electrons interact or nuclei move so ra

The Tree Theme Method® (TTM) som arbetsterapeutisk metod - en introduktion

Denna FoU-rapport ger dig en introduktion och översiktlig beskrivning av The Tree Theme Method® (TTM), en strukturerad och klientcentrerad metod. TTM är avsedd att användas av arbetsterapeuter efter fördjupad teoretisk och praktisk kurs (ges bland annat i FSAs regi). Metoden används huvudsakligen på klienter inom psykiatrisk vård men även klienter inom primärvård och smärtrehabilitering kan ha nyt