

Din sökning på "*" gav 532448 sökträffar

Evidence for endocytotic mechanisms in the epidermal Langerhans cells.

When the Langerhans cells (LC) are prepared forelectron microscopy with an osmotically balanced prefixative,they display their classical criteria, but in additionthey are provided with numerous microvilli and containpinocytotic vesicles. In cross-sections the specific discshapedgranules are visualized as rod-like profiles limited bya trilaminar membrane similar to the cell membrane. Inface-on proj

Characterization of a Listeria monocytogenes Ca(2+) pump : a SERCA-type ATPase with only one Ca(2+)-binding site

We have characterized a putative Ca(2+)-ATPase from the pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes with the locus tag lmo0841. The purified and detergent-solubilized protein, which we have named Listeria monocytogenes Ca(2+)-ATPase 1 (LMCA1), performs a Ca(2+)-dependent ATP hydrolysis and actively transports Ca(2+) after reconstitution in dioleoylphosphatidyl-choline vesicles. Despite a high sequ

Modifying Backoff Freezing Mechanism to Optimize Dense IEEE 802.11 Networks

From experience, it has been well known that the performance of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks significantly drops in dense settings, largely driven by poor capacity of the medium access control (MAC) layer. The current 802.11 MAC mechanism utilizes a contention window (CW) for random access, and the CW size is dictated to take discrete values from a bounded finite set. In this paper, wi

DAVID : An open-source platform for real-time transformation of infra-segmental emotional cues in running speech

We present an open-source software platform that transforms emotional cues expressed by speech signals using audio effects like pitch shifting, inflection, vibrato, and filtering. The emotional transformations can be applied to any audio file, but can also run in real time, using live input from a microphone, with less than 20-ms latency. We anticipate that this tool will be useful for the study o

Tau pathology distribution in Alzheimer's disease corresponds differentially to cognition-relevant functional brain networks

Neuropathological studies have shown that the typical neurofibrillary pathology of hyperphosphorylated tau protein in Alzheimer's disease (AD) preferentially affects specific brain regions whereas others remain relatively spared. It has been suggested that the distinct regional distribution profile of tau pathology in AD may be a consequence of the intrinsic network structure of the human brain. T

Grön offentlig upphandling i transportsektorn

Många kommuner i Sverige ställer krav på miljöbilar i upphandlingen av kommunala tjänstebilar, och en del ställer även specifika krav på elbilar. Detta projekt har utvärderat offentlig upphandling för att svara på frågor om vilken potential upphandling har för att främja förnybara drivmedel, vilka de praktiska erfarenheterna är, huruvida offentlig upphandling används strategiskt och hur styrmedlet

Aberrations in postural control, vibration sensation and some vestibular findings in healthy 64-92-year-old subjects

To assess changes in postural control among healthy elderly and to correlate with suspected age-related events, 33 women and 16 men were studied. Postural control was evaluated by vibration-induced body sway, measured on a force platform, and vibration sensation was tested with a tuning fork. Occurrence of spontaneous gaze and head-shake-induced nystagmus was observed with infrared charged couple

Vestibular Stimulation Perturbs Human Stance also at Higher Frequencies

The effect of primary vestibular disturbance on postural control was investigated in 11 normal subjects exposed to perturbation by bi-polar binaural galvanic stimulation of the vestibular nerve. The stimulus consisted of 30 s of sinusoidal galvanic stimulation at frequencies of 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 Hz, with a current of +/- 1 mA, the subject standing with open or closed eyes a

Reduced voluntary non-visual suppression of the vestibulo-ocular reflex gain during nitrous oxide narcosis

The effect of subanesthetic nitrous oxide (N2O) narcosis (21%) on the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and on voluntary non-visual suppression of the VOR was studied in 12 subjects, using a velocity step rotational test. Gain and time constant of the VOR were calculated by computer. During tests, the subjects were required either to perform mental arithmetic or to attempt to follow an imaginary targe

Effect of proprioceptor stimulation on postural stability in patients with peripheral or central vestibular lesion

Body sway in upright stance at rest and after inducing proprioceptor stimulation, elicited by vibration applied to the calf or neck muscles, was studied in 11 patients with peripheral lesion and in 17 patients with central vestibular lesion. The responses were compared with those of 20 normal subjects. Vibratory stimulus was applied at five different frequencies, ranging from 32 to 150 Hz, and at

Dynamic Performance of Vibration Induced Anterior-Posterior Sway during Upright Posture in Normal Subjects

Human postural control works as a dynamic feedback control system. The dynamic performance of postural control for anterior-posterior movements during upright posture are defined by three parameters. These parameters reflect the stiffness, the damping and the swiftness of a response to an induced perturbation. In the present study 23 normal subjects were investigated. Both with open and closed eye

The relationship of optokinetic nystagmus to pursuit eye movements, vestibular nystagmus and to saccades in humans. A clinical study

The relationship of mean velocity of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) to pursuit eye movements (PEM), to vestibular nystagmus and to voluntary saccades was analysed in 10 patients with peripheral vestibular lesions and in 30 patients with central vestibular lesions. PEM and vestibular nystagmus were significantly correlated to OKN, suggesting that a common neural pathway is used in the generation of th

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I denna diakroniska studie undersöker jag vilken skönlitteratur som ingått som kurslitteratur i grundutbildningen i spanska vid Lunds universitet från år 1970 fram till 2015. Den korpus av skönlitterära verk som utgör studieobjekt undersöks utifrån tre antaganden, nämligen att ämnet spanska har en mer samtida än klassisk-kanonisk profil, att kurslitteraturen fram till ungefär 1980 dominerades av lThis diachronic study investigates the works of fiction that were listed in the reading lists for graduate courses in Spanish at Lund University between the years 1970 and 2015. The study focuses on the role of Spanish as a literary gatekeeper and analyzes the literary corpus from three assumptions: that the literature listed has a contemporary profile, rather than a classical-canonical one; that

Metabolomics of transgenic maize combining Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry and pressurized liquid extraction

In this work, the potential of combining capillary electrophoresis-time-of-flight-mass spectrome-try (CE-TOF-MS) and Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) for metabolomics of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is demonstrated. Thus, six different varieties of maize, three of them transgenic (PR33P66 Bt, Tietar Bt and Aristis Bt) and their corresponding isogenic

Urban Living Labs: Governing Urban Sustainability Transitions

Urban Living Labs (ULL) are advanced as an explicit form of intervention delivering sustainability goals for cities. Established at the boundaries between research, innovation and policy, ULL are intended to design, demonstrate and learn about the effects of urban interventions in real time. While rapidly growing as an empirical phenomenon, our understanding of the nature and purpose of ULL is sti