Din sökning på "*" gav 532327 sökträffar
Profitörerna (1983)
Denna bok beskriver och förklarar koncernredovisningens logik och teknik. Syftet är att både skapa principiell förståelse för koncernen som redovisningsenhet och god kunskap i koncernredovisningens teknik. Bokens innehåll kan sammanfattas i följande punkter: •Koncernredovisningsteknik •Koncernredovisningslogik •Lagar och regler •Analys av koncernredovisning Koncernredovisning innehåller
The Geography of Innovation: Regional Innovation Systems
Fysikum firar 50-årsjubileum - Högstämt och festligt vid invigningen
Narratives of Recovery from Clients and Staff in Treatment Organisations
Folkbildning och funktionshinder - En fallstudie i Skåne
Historia och samhällsorientering - en ansträngd relation
Artikeln analyserar förhållandet mellan historia och samhällsorientering som skolämnen.
Exact Erasure Channel Density Evolution for Protograph-Based Generalized LDPC Codes
We derive explicit density evolution equations for protograph-based generalized LDPC codes on the binary erasure channel. They are obtained from an analysis of multi-dimensional input/output transfer functions of the component decoders. Belief propagation decoding with optimal component APP decoders is considered. Based on the resulting transfer functions, a threshold analysis is performed for som
Quantum electronic transport in low-dimensional semiconductors
Electronic transport is studied at low temperatures in two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) and in mesoscopic semiconductor microstructures. The method of microwave-detection of the Shubnikov-de Haas effect for the contact-free characterisation of transport properties of 2DEGs is explored using both magnetic-field modulation and light-induced carrier modulation. The methods are compared to magn
Laser technology in chemistry: one-day symposium in Stockholm on November 10, 1987
Om "Economic man" vore kvinna....
Fysiker redo för superaccelerator
Mobile Performances : Linguistic Undecidability as Possibility and Problem in the Theology of Religions
How to judge religions other than one’s own when facing a plurality of religions? The author makes a philosophical inquiry in two interconnected fields, linguistic undecidability and the necessity of making judgements. The central claim is that no stable centre for meaning can be established for linguistic entities. Even in cases where a stable centre of meaning would seem to be required, the auth
Service, Regulations, and Ports : An Actor-Network perspective on the social dimension of Service-Dominant Logic
Something has happened in the field of Service Studies. With the introduction of what has been called Service Dominant Logic a large proportion of the established theories related to service as a phenomenon has been challenged. From previously having been defined as something different from the tangible things we buy (goods); i.e. a residual, service defined out of what service is not, the new lin
TaskForce: Civil Society in China (in German)
Kristen manlighet i teori och praxis
Transgressing Categories – An Approach to the Work of Eva Koethen
Kollektivtrafik med människan i centrum. Slutbetänkande av Kollektivtrafikkommittén
Marieberg och 1700-talets kakelugnar
The Marieberg porcelain factory, situated on the island of Kungsholmen in Stockholm, existed between 1758 and 1788. The aim of this study has been to investigate the manufacture of tiled stoves at Marieberg. The first question I wanted to answer was: how many were actually produced? The few documents from the period that have survived show that Marieberg must have had continuous production of tile