

Din sökning på "*" gav 534598 sökträffar

Osteitis i pelvis, en belastningsmarkör - Inflammatoriska bäckenförändringar ur ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv

Osteitis in the pelvis, is an inflammation that can be recognized as pits, furrows and hollows in the bone. In osteology, these are primarily considered to be caused by births and pregnancies. In recent years, these changes has mainly received attention in the sports medicine and has then been associated with an increase of load in the ligaments and muscles in the pelvic region. This investigation

Anställningsbarhet - en oklar självklarhet?

As one of the main objectives of the Bologna process, employability has become a central concept to consider for universities when designing higher education. Although the universities are required implementing employability, there is no defined meaning of what employability actually is which implies a significant autonomy for university teachers in how to interpret the concept and fill it with me

6 % - Diskursanalytisk granskning av den postkoloniala finlandssvenskheten

Finland is a bilingual state with a Finnish speaking majority and a Swedish speaking minority. In this essay I focus on the minority, the Finn-Swedes. By using instruments from discourse analysis I attempt to examine the Finn-Swede identity. In order to deepen the study I add an historic aspect to the analysis and in so doing apply postcolonial theory as a further analytical dimension. The mere fa

A Means to an End

The aim of this essay is to examine the relationship between the European Commission and civil by focusing on the issue of legitimacy. This study takes a critical stand towards the prevailing view in the debate on the EU’s democratic deficit. This view that centers on that EU institutions, like national parliaments and governments, derive most of their legitimacy from public input, so-called input

Mothers' Satisfaction with Health Care Services and Health Care Seeking for Children Under-Five: a Case Study in Okwampa in Ghana

The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of mothers’ satisfaction with health care on health seeking behaviour for children under-five. With a qualitative approach, this study used focus group discussions and one-on-one interviews to collect data from thirty seven (37) respondents but the focus was on twenty (27) mothers with children under-five in Okwampa, a small rural community

The man who Bildt a blog

This thesis examines the blog ‘Alla Dessa Dagar’ by the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt; one of the pioneer politicians using social media to broadcast political messages. Based on role theory and theories covering social media, with capacities of democratization and blurring between public and private, the focus of the study is twofold. To begin with the study aims to identify how

Medialization of political decision making?

This study’s aim has been to investigate how media’s reporting may correlate with political decision making based on a theory of medialization of political decision makers. This theory implies a raised level of media consciousness and adjustment to media’s news values among political decision makers in a setting where institutionalized advisory arrangements are no longer exclusive. The study treat

Mission implausible? - A study of EU foreign policy behaviour

This thesis has the ESDP/CSDP missions as its focal point. The purpose of this study is twofold: first to create a comparative overview of all the missions to map out the behavioural patterns. The descriptive part of the analysis will present the missions mandates, their result and also try to see whether the individual operations can be said to have been successful or not. The second objective is

Kvinnor, Kroppar, Kläder och Kommunikation - En studie av identitet och judiska klädregler

In my thesis I exemin the Jewish clothing rules that is a part of the Tzniut regulations. A biblical code of conduct that jewish people all over the world still followes. My research material has been internet sites that specialize in selling modest clothing to jewish women. I take a closer look at how these sites describe their clients and how they by doing that are taking a part in creating a sp

Registrering av testamente - En undersökning av behovet av ett svenskt testamentsregister och hur ett sådant bör utformas

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka diskussionen kring testamentsregister i Sverige. Den deskriptiva delen av arbetet inriktar sig främst på varför Sverige saknar ett nationellt testamentsregister och vilka argument som har framförts för och emot ett sådant. För att ytterligare belysa frågan behandlas rättsläget för testamentsregister i Danmark och Norge som båda har någon form av testamentsrThe aim of this thesis is to discuss if registration of wills in Sweden would be possible. The descriptive part focuses mainly on why Sweden does not have a national register of wills and the arguments put forward for and against such a register. To further highlight the issue the register of wills in Denmark and Norway will be dealt with. Both of these countries have different forms of testamenta

Interaction between hunter - gatherers and the environment in the Lake Lubāns basin, eastern Latvia

The largest Stone Age micro region in Latvia, has been discovered and extensively investigated during the 1960s -1980s in the Lake Lubāns basin. This master thesis discuss the interaction between hunter-gatherers and the environment in the developing stages of the Lake Lubāns. The literature studies have been carried out in attempt to find out whether people adapted to the environment and ecologic

Idrott som en demokratisk skola - En studie över fotbollsledarnas syn på sitt ledarskap

Almost all children and teenagers are active in sports clubs at some time during their lives. Sports clubs have a significant impact during childhood and adolescence, and they play a key developmental role. Participating in a sports club helps a person gain the kind of social capital that has a substantial positive impact on individuals and consequently on society. The very foundation of sports cl

Idéer kring integration! En studie av Malmö stads integrationsåtgärder

The aim of this thesis is to explain which ideas have been at work when it comes to Malmö municipality’s integration policy. Furthermore I aim to see how their integration ideas are made into real actions taken by the municipality. With theories on the subjects of integration, multiculturalism, recognition, justice and equality I aim to explain the choices of action taken by Malmö municipality. Th

Att rättfärdiga en betalning vid sidan om

Many aid agencies are working in countries where side-payments is a common problem in the society. This makes it hard for the aid agencies workers to know how to behave in situations where side-payments are expected. Most aid agencies have a strict policy of not using side-payments, but can side-payments ever be justified if they help the aid agencies to achieve their goals? To answer this questio

Upprätthålls demokratiska system av andra faktorer än de som möjliggjorde dess uppkomst?

Dankwart A. Rustow claimed in 1970 that the factors that keep democracy stable are different from those that bring democracy to existence. This claim, interpreted as a theory, will be tested in this essay. Deeply divided societies are kept stable through more specific factors, than those generally deemed to correlate positively with democracy, such as high per capita GDP. In the absence of such st

De nya Moderaterna - En studie av partiets begrepp och idéer 1998-2010

This study investigates how the political language and ideas of the Swedish conservative party Moderaterna has changed between 1998 and 2010. The questions forming the basis of the investigation is how the language and ideas in the welfare area has changed since 1998 and how this change can be understood. The study uses a theory and method inspired by the historian Quentin Skinner. The essence of

Högt mörkertal vid våldtäkter - varför anmäls så få våldtäkter?

Det finns ett stort mörkertal vid våldtäkter, vilket betyder att väldigt få anmäler att de har blivit våldtagna. Överlag är det ett stort mörkertal vid sexualbrott och underökningar tyder på att endast 10-20 % av alla sexualbrott anmäls. Ett problem är att många inte vill erkänna att de blivit utsatta, vilket gör att det blir svårt att få reda på hur stort mörkertalet faktiskt är. För att få fram There is a large dark figure of rapes, which means that very few report that they have been raped. Overall is it a large dark figure of sexual crimes and it is estimated that only 10-20 % of all sexual crimes are reported. One problem is that many do not want to admit that they are exposed, so it becomes difficult to know how large the dark figure of crime actually is. To obtain the dark figure of