

Din sökning på "*" gav 536817 sökträffar

Predicting the Functional Roles of Knee Joint Muscles from Internal Joint Moments

Introduction Knee muscles are commonly labeled as flexors or extensors and aptly stabilize the knee against sagittal plane loads. However, how these muscles stabilize the knee against adduction-abduction and rotational loads remains unclear. Our study sought 1) to classify muscle roles as they relate to joint stability by quantifying the relationship between individual muscle activation patterns a

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Kan træer have en form for bevidsthed? Kan de handle på eget initiativ?Thomas Arentzen er ekspert indenfor tidlig kristen poesi og litteratur og har forsket i de tidlige kristnes opfattelse af træer. Sidste efterår var Arentzen i Istanbul. Her mødte han træer, som har stået på hellige steder i hundredvis af år.

The Database of European Forest Insect and Disease Disturbances: DEFID2

Insect and disease outbreaks in forests are biotic disturbances that can profoundly alter ecosystem dynamics. In many parts of the world, these disturbance regimes are intensifying as the climate changes and shifts the distribution of species and biomes. As a result, key forest ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration, regulation of water flows, wood production, protection of soils, and th

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Kan man gestalta teologi i musik? Vi som kyrkomusiker spelar ofta musik som ska frambära ett teologiskt budskap i form av psalmer. Väldigt ofta spelar vi bara det som står i koralboken. Det är funktionellt, men jag tror att vi kan göra så mycket mer. I denna essä kommer jag undersöka hur man kan ta inspiration från J. S. Bachs orgelmusik och använda teologiska motiv i sitt eget liturgiska orgelspeIs it possible to portray theology through music? Church musicians often play music with a theological message, the hymns. Most of the times we play what is written in the hymnbook. It works fine, but I think we can do much more. In this essay I will investigate how you can be inspired by the organ music of J. S. Bach and use theological motives in the liturgical playing and through this strengthe

I väntan på nästa attack? - En jämförande studie av Danmarks och Sveriges preventiva terroråtgärder vid judiska mål

Many scholars have studied the rising threat from terrorism and the different challenges for the intelligence community in the prevention of an attack. But little research has been done on countries' different preventive measures within counter-terrorism. One of those examples are between Denmark and Sweden, which have made largely different approaches to preventive measures regarding security

Är utbildning lösningen för ökad demokrati?

Denna undersökning tittar på sambandet mellan utbildningsnivå och nivån av liberal demokrati i 35 länder som har hela eller delar av sin landmassa på den europeiska kontinenten, för att ta reda på om utbildning är en lösning för ökad nivå av liberal demokrati. Hypotesen antar att det ska finnas ett starkt positivt samband mellan utbildning som oberoende variabel och liberal demokrati som den beroe

Populismens påverkan på media i Ungern sedan 2010

Sedan Viktor Orbán och Fidesz kom till makten i Ungern har landet förvandlats från en demokrati till en illiberal stat. Den här texten undersöker om högerpopulism kan förklara begränsningen av traditionell media i Ungern sedan 2010, året då Fideszpartiet ledd av Orbán fick majoritet i parlamentet. Ungern är idag ett högerpopulistiskt land med stora begränsningar vad gäller mediefrihet. Vi har valt

Vem försvarar EU-försvaret?

Why do states collaborate in military international cooperations? This paper attempts to illustrate the trends and give explanations to the EU member states' attitudes towards an EU military and defence union through a quantitative statistical analysis. The recent tendency of increased collaboration and expansion of the common security and defence policy of the Union has been a widely discusse

Ryssland och greppet om Syrien: en fallstudie om Rysslands militära intervention i Syrien år 2015

År 2015 inledde Ryssland sin militära intervention i Syrien. Följande uppsats är en teorikonsumerande fallstudie, där syftet är att förstå den ryska interventionen med hjälp av två etablerade teorin inom internationell politik – neorealism och konstruktivism. Enligt den defensiva realismen tyder analysen på att Rysslands intervention i Syrien år 2015, kan förstås som ett försök att skydda deras in

Ukrainas sak är vår – men varför och hur?

More than a year has passed since the war in Ukraine started, and it is yet not known why countries decide to support Ukraine through bilateral aid. In this study, the factors that affect countries’ decision to give aid to Ukraine have been examined. First, data for 8 independent and 2 dependent variables was collected, after which multiple linear regressions were carried out. Due to issues with m

Producing insecurity: The Role of Illegal Israeli Settlements in Generating Insecurity in the Occupied West Bank

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the illegal Israeli settlements and extraordinary security measures in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions: How do the illegal settlements relate to the extensive security measures employed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory? What are the effects on the Pa

Foreign Direct Investment, a blessing, or a burden for African states in terms of corruption?

The development in Africa has for a long time been harmed because of its high corruption levels. During the last decades, Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) have increasingly flown into African states as an attempt to strengthen the societies. Therefore, this thesis has investigated what kind of impact FDI between 1975 and 2000 has had on corruption levels in Africa. Through a hypothesis testing

Astrocyte dysfunction and neuronal network hyperactivity in a CRISPR engineered pluripotent stem cell model of frontotemporal dementia

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the second most prevalent type of early-onset dementia and up to 40% of cases are familial forms. One of the genes mutated in patients is CHMP2B, which encodes a protein found in a complex important for maturation of late endosomes, an essential process for recycling membrane proteins through the endolysosomal system. Here, we have generated a CHMP2B-mutated human

Mångfald i statlig myndighet

Abstract Sweden has during a period of time undergone a transformation from a homogeneous society to a society with diversity and is today part of the world in a different way than before. In 2019, almost 20 percent of the population had their origins in another country and in another culture. In a welfare society like Sweden, which is based on the equal rights of all people, it is important t

Extended FastSLAM Using Cellular Multipath Component Delays and Angular Information

Opportunistic navigation using cellular signals is appealing for scenarios where other navigation technologies face challenges. In this paper, long-term evolution (LTE) downlink signals from two neighboring commercial base stations (BS) are received by a massive antenna array mounted on a passenger vehicle. Multipath component (MPC) delays and angle-of-arrival (AOA) extracted from the received sig

HLA Genotype and Probiotics Modify the Association Between Timing of Solid Food Introduction and Islet Autoimmunity in the TEDDY Study

OBJECTIVE: To study the interaction among HLA genotype, early probiotic exposure, and timing of complementary foods in relation to risk of islet autoimmunity (IA).RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: The TEDDY study prospectively follows 8,676 children with increased genetic risk of type 1 diabetes. We used a Cox proportional hazards regression model adjusting for potential confounders to study early feed