

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Piece by Piece

The growth of informal settlements especially in third world countries has become a problem on a global scale. In Asia and Africa, although under different circumstances, the fastest urbanization takes place. To find a good way on how to include the poor city migraters into the growing cities will be crucial in order to have more sustainable, peaceful and just societies. My focus lays on the semi-

Utrymning genom inåtgående dörrar

Sammanfattning Grundprincipen för utrymningsdimensionering är att tiden det tar att utrymma en byggnad ska vara mindre än tiden till kritiska förhållanden uppstår. Enligt Boverkets byggregler kan en inåtgående dörr till lokaler som rymmer fler än 30 personer bidra till köbildning vid utrymning, därför föredras att dörren öppnas utåt. Tvärtemot Boverkets byggregler är en utåtgående dörr vid vissaAbstract The purpose of the study was to investigate if the inwards door in a room that holds more than 30 people leads to queue formation. Queuing can lead to prolonged evacuation, which increases the risk of people still being in the room when critical conditions arises. In this study, movement times with inward and outward opening doors were examined as well as queuing in both directions. The s

Subjective matching of products using Machine Learning

When insurance companies calculate compensation for products no longer on the market, they need to identify an equal product for val- uation. Subjectively matching products poses a unique challenge with a many-to-many pairing, which is currently handled by an algorithm that requires day-to-day maintenance. This thesis investigates current methodologies and tools and presents unique machine learninInsurance companies manually find replacements for thousands of products every day. Can a machine replace the manual labor while remaining faithful to the consumers’ desires?

American Dream Turns to Nightmare: The Decline of the United States Middle Class

The United States middle class has become a major topic of discussion and debate over the past several years, playing an intricate part in economic and political policies today. The reasoning behind this is due to the acknowledgement of the average American household struggling to maintain their standard of living with rising costs of goods and services along with stagnating wages. Unemployment is

Förutsättningar för demokratibistånd och dess effekter: En litteraturöversikt med kompletterande fallstudie av demokratibistånd till Moçambique

I denna studie undersöks demokratibistånd och under vilka förutsättningar det kan generera demokratiska och ekonomiska effekter i mottagarlandet genom en deskriptiv litteraturöversikt av moderna forskningsresultat. Förutsättningar hos både givarparten och mottagarlandet tas upp för diskussion. Studien går sedan vidare med en fallstudie av Moçambique. I fallstudien undersöks hur förutsättningarna v

Future offshore wind farm construction and maintenance strategies

With the wind farms moving further from shore, new challenges arise. Technicians must visit the turbines almost daily because of the constant need for maintenance. But when the transport time from shore to the wind farm turns into hours is some kind of permanent accommodation required at the farm for the technicians to live on. Apart fromaccommodation the deep water is a big challenge. This paper

The Interplay between Cognition and Worry

An increasing amount of research findings is showing that higher engagement in cognitive tasks alleviates the interference of anxiety and worry on task performance as compared to lower task engagement. Yet, it is still not clear which cognitive functions are mostly contributing to this relieving effect. To add to the current knowledge, the present experimental work investigated the relations bet

Creating Customer Value in a Circular Economy

Resource related challenges are becoming increasingly severe. The shift towards a circular economy is viewed as one prominent way to overcome the challenges. A shift towards a circular economy would partly require new business models, commonly referred to as circular business models. In order to enhance the development of circular business models, there is a need to understand how companies with c

Personer som arbetar skift och deras erfarenheter av aktivitetsbalans i vardagen

Studier har funnit att skiftarbete kan ha en negativ inverkan på hälsa, arbetsprestation och biologiska rytmer, men det finns få studier kring skiftarbete och aktivitetsbalans. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur personer som arbetar skift beskriver sina upplevelser och erfarenheter av aktivitetsbalans i vardagen. En kvalitativ ansats användes där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 1

En intervjustudie om arbetande mödrars upplevelse av roller och aktiviteter vid PMS

Premenstruellt syndrome är ett vanligt problem för kvinnor världen över. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur svår premenstruellt syndrom (PMS) påverkar upplevelsen av olika roller och aktiviteter hos arbetande mödrar med småbarn. Studien genomfördes som en intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor kring deltagarnas upplevelse av roller och aktiviteter i vardagen samt hur dessa upplevdes und

Upplevelser och erfarenheter av fritidsaktiviteter hos personer över 65 år med artros i händerna

Bakgrund: Fritidsaktiviteter kan bidra till både bättre fysisk och psykisk hälsa samt allmänt välmående. Vid reumatiska sjukdomar är ofta fritidsaktiviteter den första aktivitetsgrupp som faller bort, detta trots att fritidsaktiviteter för många är den mest värdeskapande aktiviteten. Syfte: Att undersöka hur pensionärer över 65 år med artros i händerna beskriver sina upplevelser och erfarenheter a

Evaluation of the efficiency of LID Measures to Mitigate Surface and Basement Flooding Problems

With the climate change and urbanization process, the frequency of the urban flooding’s occurrence has increased in the recent years. It brings great economic losses to the cities, especially to the basements of individual properties. Low Impact Development (LID), which currently advocated by more city planners for managing stormwater, is considered as a more sustainable way to mitigate urban floo

Detecting Impersonation Attacks in a Static WSN

The current state of security found in the IoT domain is highly flawed, a major problem being that the cryptographic keys used for authentication can be easily extracted and thus enable a myriad of impersonation attacks. In this MSc thesis a study is done of an authentication mechanism called device fingerprinting. It is a mechanism which can derive the identity of a device without relying on device

Does terrorism affect the inflow of Foreign Direct Investments in developed countries in Europe? A study of France, Spain and the United Kingdom

In this study it is examined whether the amount of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) is affected by terrorism in three developed countries in Europe from a time series approach. The countries that are examined are France, Spain and the United Kingdom. The time period is 1975-2016 and the observations are annual. In previous literature there is evidence that terrorism should have an impact on FDI. F

How efficient is Efficient NDP?

In the following years we will experience a transition towards Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). The reason is the depletion of IPv4 address space due to the rapid increasing numbers of Internet of Things (IoT) devices connection. This transition however poses a problem, since the majority of these devices mostly are mobile and not connected to power source. Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) def

Prisspridning utifrån ett sökkostnadsperspektiv

Denna uppsats kommer studera prisspridningen på elbolagsmarknaden och syftet är att se om antalet elbolag påverkar prisspridningen. Enligt de sökkostnadsteorier som tas upp här kommer prisspridningen uppstå som ett resultat av att konsumenter har en positiv sökkostnad. Då sökkostnaden går mot noll borde priserna konvergera. Sökkostnadsteorier skiljer sig åt gällande effekten av ett ökat antal före

Automatisering av analysorderhantering

Buildings that are built and the asphalt that is used for the paving needs to be tested to see if they fulfill certain requirements and standards. These types of tests are performed at Peab’s technology centers/laboratories and it is in one of their labs in Helsingborg that the degree project has been executed. As soon as the laboratory gets a concrete sample, they are supposed to register it in t

”I agreed to fuck him with a condom, not without it” - Om nonconsensual condom removal med utgångspunkt i brotten ofredande, sexuellt ofredande och våldtäkt

Nonconsensual condom removal innebär att en person villkorar ett samlag med kondomanvändning, medan den andra personen under samlaget tar av kondomen utan samtycke. Alexandra Brodsky, författaren till den första och hittills enda, artikeln avseende nonconsensual condom removal, framhåller att kvinnor som blivit utsatta för nonconsensual condom removal har upplevt någon slags kränkning. De har dockNonconsensual condom removal refers to when someone preconditions sexual intercourse with the use of a condom, while the other person, during the intercourse, removes the condom without consent. Alexandra Brodsky, the author of the first, and only, article concerning nonconsensual condom removal, points out that women subjected to nonconsensual condom removal experienced some kind of violation. Ne