

Din sökning på "*" gav 528237 sökträffar

Vårdnadstvister med hedersrelaterad problematik - En fallstudie i huruvida domstolar i Sverige tar hederaspekter i beaktande vid sina bedömningar

I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck kan utgöra en grund för ensam vårdnad enligt gällande svensk rätt. Syftet är att utreda om domstolar tar hänsyn till hedersproblematik i sina bedömningar i tvister som rör vårdnad, boende och umgänge. För att uppnå detta syfte behandlas frågor som till exempel vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är, hur den svenska lagstiftningThe object of this thesis is to examine whether honour-based violence and oppression may constitute a basis for sole custody according to current Swedish law. The thesis also examines whether Swedish courts take honour-related problems in deliberation in their assessments during cases involving custody, housing and visitation. To achieve this, the thesis defines what honour-related violence and op

Att lägga sig platt - om arbetsrätten och plattformsarbete

Uppsatsen handlar om plattformsekonomin och hur arbetena som skapas i den regleras i svensk arbetsrätt. Skyddet den svenska arbetsrätten ger är primärt för arbetstagare. Därför är syftet med uppsatsen att se vad som talar för respektive emot att plattformsarbetare är arbetstagare. Uppsatsen syftar också att utreda ifall det finns ett behov för närmare reglering av plattformsarbeten. För att kunThis thesis concerns the platform economy and how the works generated by it is regulated in Swedish labor law. The protection the Swedish labor law gives is mainly for employees. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to see what argues for and against that platform workers should be considered employees. The thesis also aims to determine whether there is a need for closer regulation of platform

EU och Iran: En komplicerad relation vilken exponeras genom EUs sanktionspolicy

This study is about EU sanctions against Iran and its nuclear power program, from 2006-2016. The study is based on a content analysis of five UN Security Council resolutions and four desicisions of the European Council. The focus is put on the caracter of the different led sanctions – in relation to positive and negative sanctions. The aim of the study is to examine how different sanction types ca

Good Governance som skydd mot the Resource Curse

The Resource Curse is a theory which suggests that countries with an abundance of natural resources are prone to experience slower growth than resource scarce countries. Research has suggested that good governance can prevent this negative correlation from emerging. This case study examines which aspects of good governance that have been important in avoiding the Resource Curse in the case of Bots

Miljöhänsyn vid prövning av bearbetningskoncession

Sverige är en av Europas ledande gruvnationer och den svenska gruvindustrin utgör en mycket viktig näring från försörjningssynpunkt, sysselsättningssynpunkt och industriell synpunkt. Samtidigt som mineralindustrin innebär stora vinster för samhället medför den även rad betänkligheter ur miljösynpunkt. Gruvverksamhet för bland annat med sig buller, damm, förändrad hydrologi och utsläpp av olika slaSweden is one of Europe's leading mining nations and the Swedish mining industry is an important industry from a supply, employment and industrial point of view. At the same time as the mineral industry brings profits for society it also brings consideration from an environmental point of view. Mining activities include noise, dust, altered hydrology and emissions of various kinds. In addition

Samverka - eller?

In this paper two different concepts are analyzed: information disorder and cooperation. Psychological warfare has become an increasingly pressing problem during the past few years. Several different notions are being used within the concept, including disinformation, misleading information and information disorder. Problems occur when one has a concept, but no legal definition for it. Hence is th

DAGS ATT VÄNDA KAPPAN EFTER VINDEN? - En kvalitativ fallstudie av den svenska regeringens beslut att införa gräns- och ID-kontroller

In 2015 Sweden went from being the country who brought in the most asylum seekers per capita in all the EU, to introduce border and ID-checks and EU: s minimum rules. This was a paradigm shift that very few could have expected, but how can we understand it? To explore this issue, I analyzed the Swedish government parties’ manifestos and party platforms from a summative content analysis and compare

Certified sustainability - on what terms? : a study on Indonesian oil palm smallholders’ and Swedish consumers’ motivations to engage with sustainability certifications

Sustainability has become a leading concept in development policy and practice. The most recognized definition of sustainable development was coined by the Brundtland Commission in 1987. It provides normative guidelines for a common sustainability agenda and sees responsibility for, and benefits from, this common effort as universal. The agenda addresses stakeholders worldwide and its all-encompas

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av mötet med kvinnliga patienter som utsatts för våld i nära relationer

Bakgrund: Våld mot kvinnor är ett globalt hälsoproblem som strider mot de mänskliga rättigheterna. Hälso- och sjukvården har ett ansvar att stödja kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relation och om så nödvändigt hänvisa dem till rätt instans där kompetens och resurser finns. Syfte: Denna litteraturstudies syfte var att belysa forskning om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av mötet med kvinnor som utsa

Ode -. Book cabinet

Today, it seems as if every second designed object is referred to as timeless design. We use the word timeless as a selling word without really thinking about what it means. Through investigating the concept of timeless design, I found the physical paper book being probably one of our most timeless objects. There are tons of book storing furnitures on the market of which the majority consists of

Independent Inventors' Invention Processes

Independent inventors typically start to develop a solution to a problem they have personally experienced. They quickly move from realization of a problem to an iterative process of sketching, building and testing. During these activities, little interaction with customers and other stakeholders was found. The main reason for this at an early stage was that they did not want to risk patentability.

Automatic Scaling of Web Services using an Adaptive Distributed System

In this thesis a Mesos framework is built to enable dynamic scaling of a collection of HTTP application programming interfaces (APIs) in response to a varying request workload. Several scaling algorithms ("policies") that run on top of this Mesos framework are designed and built. Furthermore, a performance evaluation framework is designed and built. The evaluation framework is used to ev

Do Property Rights matter for China's Private Sector? A Panel Data Analysis, 1997-2007

This paper examines the ambiguous property rights in China and if they affect the private sector development. The indicators for property rights include both broader property rights and intellectual property rights. The property rights theory offers a perspective as a fundamental component of a market economy to enable a growth of private enterprises. The incentives and constraints offered by the

The impacts of globalization on Chinese intra-provincial income inequality.

China continuously increases its globalization involvement, while in the same time rising income inequality levels can be observed. Income inequality with its wide spread of potential harms such as higher criminal rate, negative economic growth impact and political instability is an issue politicians should be well aware of. International studies show significant relationships between globalizatio

Urban Agriculture: A case study of Quito, Ecuador

Urban agriculture can be one of the many solutions that a city employs as a part of its larger sustainability strategy. It can have many advantages: food security, employment, better utilisation of public spaces, safer and better food production and economic empowerment of disadvantaged groups. But in the context of nature-based solutions (NBS), urban agriculture needs more evidence to support it

Bank ownership and performance in China: some further evidence

China has recently completed an important part of the reform process of its banking system partially privatising its major Commercial banks with both domestic and foreign capital. This paper investigates the effect of different ownership structures to banks’ economic performance, using a panel data analysis of 57 banks over the 2000-2016 period. A specific focus will be given to the Big-Five Comme

Consumer Adoption of Cross-Border E-Commerce: A Comparative Analysis between Sweden and China

This thesis conducts a comparative analysis between Sweden and China on the topic of consumer adoption of cross-border e-commerce. Based on the data collected by a questionnaire survey, it offers description about demographic characteristics and behaviour of consumers in cross-border e-commerce from both countries. Moreover, then, the linear regression firstly shows the relation among adoption, co

Classification of Acoustic Scenes Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Minut is a startup company that builds a camera-free home monitor called Point. This thesis is about investigating the possibilities for Point to be able to use machine learning techniques for classification of acoustic scenes, in particular to detect if a party is ongoing in the home where Point is located. Machine learning is a mathematical field that uses data to learn models from which one can

Mutual recognition of standards and international trade: what can we learn from the Organic Equivalency Policies?

The development of product standards and their widespread adoption can play a vital role in facilitating transactions and enhancing trade, both domestically and internationally. This paper aims to examine whether mutual recognition of product standards could facilitate international trade of organic products. The measure of mutual standards used in this thesis is a number of organic equivalency ar

Mutual fund performance in the Swedish premium system - Beyond the mean-variance framework

This paper presents an evaluation of the Swedish pension system, using performance measures that accounts for higher moments of the distribution. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between the classical Sharpe ratio and more sophisticated measures, while specifically focusing on the outcome of the default fund in the system. These additional measure consists of the ASSR which acco