

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Design and control of YAIP - an inverted pendulum on two wheels robot

In this paper we describe the design and control of an inverted pendulum type robot on two wheels. The objective of the design is to provide a flexible platform intended for teaching and research, which provides rich opportunities for application of signal processing, control design, distributed control systems and consideration of implementation issues. In addition, a design constraint has been t

Coupling and Brightness Considerations for the MAX IV 3 GeV Storage Ring

It is often suggested that the emittance coupling of a storage ring should be adjusted to the so-called diffraction limit corresponding to the shortest wavelength of interest. For 1 Å radiation this leads to a typical requirement of 8 pm rad vertical emittance. In ultralow-emittance storage rings like the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring this corresponds to a comparably large setting of the emittance cou

Phase Transitions in Large Oscillator Lattices

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om stora nätverk av oscillatorer. En oscillator är ett system som beter sig periodiskt. Speciellt handlar avhandlingen om oscillatorer som har ett typiskt beteende. En egenskap som varje sådan oscillator har är den naturliga frekvens med vilken beteendet upprepas. Om vi stör oscillatorn, så återvänder den så småningom till sitt typiska beteende.This thesis deals with large networks of limit cycle oscillators. A limit cycle oscillator is a dynamical system that has a periodic attractor in phase space, and is defined in continuous time. To each such oscillator one can associate a natural frequency. Virtually all biological systems that show periodic oscillations can be seen as limit cycle oscillators. The same is true for oscillating mecha

Understanding software processes through system dynamics simulation: a case study

This paper presents a study with the intent to examine the opportunities provided by creating and using simulation models of software development processes. A model of one software development project was created through means of system dynamics, with data collected from documents, interviews and observations. The model was simulated in a commercial simulation tool. The simulation runs indicate th

Surfactant Responsive Cross-Linked Polymer Hydrogels

The focus of the thesis is on chemically cross-linked hydrogels which drastically change their volume when immersed in solutions of different ionic surfactants (with or without added salt). The two main questions addressed are: (1) How useful are simple gel swelling experiments to the study of polymer-surfactant interactions?, and (2) How does the volume of a cross-linked polymer gel change when i

On Speciation in Birds – Genomic Signatures across Space and Time

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ända sedan Charles Darwin 1859 publicerade Om arternas uppkomst har just frågan om hur en art delas i två varit en central del av evolutionsbiologin. Darwin hade under resorna på HMS Beagle iakttagit hur bland annat härmtrastar och finkar på Galápagos varierade mellan öarna och drog slutsatsen att flera närbesläktade arter inom grupperna delade samma ursprung. Darwin beThe process of speciation is a cornerstone in evolutionary biology. In Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, he described how he imagined that a new species would evolve to fill an empty niche. This focus on ecology shifted with Mayr towards the importance of isolation, and for many decades the geographic modes of speciation were debated. Speciation in sympatry, i.e. without any isolation between the

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An introduction to an anthology on Öresund region research.

Mänskliga rättigheter och religion

Under senare år har religion kommit att återigen spela en framträdande roll i svensk och internationell kontext. Mer eller mindre dagligen konfronteras vi med frågor som relaterar till religion och mänskliga rättigheter. Detta ställer högre krav på kunskaper om och förhållningssätt till det som sker runt omkring oss. I den här antologin skriver svenska forskare om religion och mänskliga rättighet

Vanadium Oxide on TiO2(B) - a HREM Study of Catalysis by Support Interaction

A model catalyst system with a loading range between 1/4 to 10 theoretical layers of vanadium oxide on TiO2(B ) support was tried for selective ammoxidation and oxidation of toluene. In the case of ammoxidation, a peak in conversion rate per unit surface area was found for a catalyst with a coverage of about 2 theoretical layers, indicating a strong interaction between the catalyst and the otherwi

ERP System Procurement in SMEs – Two contrasting ways

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have originally been developed for large enterprises (LEs). However, market saturation, integration of supply chains and technology improvements have led to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have started adopting ERP systems. Though there is a focus shift from LEs to SMEs in the ERP market, most academic literature on ERP systems is based on findi

Functional analysis of the mouse J chain

We have in this study analyzed the function of the murine Joining chain (J chain) in vivo. J chain is a polypeptide found in sera and secretions in complex with pentameric IgM and dimeric IgA. J chain is expressed in terminally differentiated B lymphocytes and needed for the transport of dimeric IgA and pentameric IgM over mucosal surfaces via the poly Ig receptor. A mouse deficient for J chain wa