

Din sökning på "*" gav 532883 sökträffar

Understanding Generation Z Consumers Expectations of In-Store Digital Devices in Retailing: A Segmentation Framework

The purpose of this thesis is to explore Generation Z consumers’ expectations of in-store digital technologies and to enhance the understanding of different segments’ consumer values derived from in-store technologies. The analysis of the empirical material allowed to identify a new segment of Generation Z consumers, Conventionals, and reveal new consumer values derived from in-store technology wh

Brister i märkning och innehåll för kosmetiska produkter riktade åt barn

Engångstatueringen som kan skada ditt barn Det är dags för maskeradkalas och ditt barn ber dig följa med till affären för att köpa smink som ska förvandla honom till pirat. Ni köper en stor ansiktstatuering och flera andra sminkprodukter som omvandlar ditt barn till den läskigaste piraten på kalaset. Slog tanken någonsin dig att du kan ha köpt sminkprodukter som kan utsätta ditt barn för skada? Children can be exposed to chemical substances by applying cosmetic products. Using cosmetic constitute a health risk when a cosmetic product contains toxic substances. There are today many different cosmetic products especially developed to be used by children. According to the rules stated by EU legislation 1223/2009, cosmetic products must be correctly labelled and must not to contain the forbi

Take the Poo to the Loo: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Stunting and Open Defecation in India

The present study addresses the relationship between stunting and open defecation in India, 2015. The lack of proper sanitation allows pathogens to spread and generate fecal transmissible illnesses (FTIs), hence hampering the correct absorption of nutrients in the body and the consequent child’s development. The expectation is that a higher open defecation rate is associated with a higher stunting

Enterprise Risk Management Implementation and Default Risk: Evidence of Bank Industry in China and Nordic Countries

With the development of the global economy in the 21st century, enterprise risk management (ERM) has been more impactfully implemented by firms. Academics have studied the relationship between ERM and firms’ performance, yet few studies have covered the relationship between ERM and default risk, let alone the comparison study between banks in China and banks in Nordic countries, the two important

Raman Spectroscopy for Characterizing Porous carbon

Porous carbon obtained from low cost and abundant biomass has gained attention as renewable material feedstock. In this study, porous carbon biochar produced through pyrolysis was investigated by Raman spectroscopy to disclose the structural properties. The measured samples were in form of pellets (identified as WP, 139, 233, 226), and lumber wood (Pine, a softwood type and Beech, a hardwood type)

Urban climate change adaptation: an assessment of Malmö municipality's Cloudburst Management Plan

Climate change is affecting societies all over the world. Cities are especially vulnerable to climate change due to their particular features such as high proportion of hard surfaces, high interconnectedness between systems and lack of protection from natural ecosystems. The urban planning processes suit well for implementing climate change adaptation (CCA) measures to protect the cities from the

Lärande för hållbar utveckling (LHU) bland beslutsfattare: En studie om hur LHU kan implementeras på arbetsplatsen

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur lärande för hållbar utveckling (LHU) kan implementeras på arbetsplatsen. Detta med bakgrund i att vi idag genomgår en klimatkris och att det krävs en total omställning av samhällets alla sektorer för att hålla den globala temperaturökningen under 1.5 grader. Uppsatsen syftar till att synliggöra vikten av att LHU blir ett systematisk inslag på arbetsplatse

Designkoncept för transport av hund. En lösning för att ta med hunden på cykelturen.

Cykeln har blivit ett allt vanligare transportmedel i Sverige. Som en följd av detta kommer nya lösningar och metoder krävas för att cykeln ska kunna ersätta bilen, exempelvis som vid till transport av husdjur. I samarbete med Thule Group utfördes detta examensarbete för att undersöka möjligheten att utveckla en produkt för transportering av hund. Under projektet har behov och kravspecifikationen

Pearl Fernandez: anti-kvinnan: En studie om konstruktioner av den kvinnliga mördarens femininitet, moderskap och aktörskap

The aim of this study has been to examine and deconstruct the normative understandings of femininity, womens agency, and motherhood that characterize stories of women who murder - especially women who murder alongside men. With the guidance of Laclau and Mouffes discoursetheory this study has analyzed the construction of murderer Pearl Fernandez in the 2020 Netflix documentary The Trials of Gabrie

The Gospel of Bernie Sanders: Discourse Analysis for a Radical Democratic Politics

This study aims to contribute to the knowledge of activism, specifically the culture of political activism at the level of the individual lived experience. Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s Hegemony and Socialist Strategy Towards a Radical Democratic Politics (2014) draws from Antonio Gramsci’s concept of cultural hegemony and develops a theoretical framework for how social movements can effecti

Re-imagining Trans*: A Baradian close reading of Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl

In this thesis Baradian theory is applied to a close reading of the novel Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl. The aim of the thesis is to examine how the novel can be read as a re-imagining of trans* becoming. The close reading of the novel is guided by an examination of the relationship between Paul’s affects and his corporal transformations, as well as an examination of two memory sequences. T

Design of Low-Power Wide-Area Networks at Sea

The development of low-power wide-area (LPWA) technologies has opened up for the deployment of wireless networks for new Internet of Things (IoT) applications. One of these is the monitoring of buoys at sea, which tend to detach due to ice, stormy weather or collision with boats, etc. The main unknown for this appli- cation is the behavior of the wireless channel in different sea states and weathe

När våldet blir vardag - En kvalitativ undersökning av polis- och åklagarmyndighetens operativa arbete med våld i nära relation

Uppsatsen baseras på en undersökning av hur Polis- och Åklagarmyndigheten i Sverige arbetar operativt med våld i nära relation i utredningsprocessen av dessa brott. Med bakgrund i mäns våld mot kvinnor som ett samhällsproblem och den särskilda struktur som våld i nära relation utgör, fokuserar uppsatsen på att förstå hur fenomenet hanteras i en rättslig kontext, utifrån frågeställningarna; På vilk

Sales promotions påverkan på konsumenters köpbeteende

Titel: Sales promotions påverkan på konsumenters köpbeteende - en mixed method-studie som undersöker sales promotions påverkan på konsumenters lojalitet och dess bidragande till överkonsumtion Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Linnea Agorelius, Sandra Bodell & Martin Rismyhr Handledare: JaTitle: Sales promotions effect on consumer behaviour - a mixed method study examining sales promotions effect on consumer loyalty and its’ contributory to overconsumption Seminar date: 2020-06-03 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 credits Authors: Linnea Agorelius, Sandra Bodell & Martin Rismyhr Advisor: Jayne Jönsson Keywords:

From 50 Shades of Blue to…What?

The purpose of this study is to gain further insight into the ways by which performance management systems affect the identities of employees by empirically studying a consulting firm that uses a combination of quantitative assessment and qualitative assessment in its making decision-making. We seek to understand the identity effects that result in so-called “avoidable” attrition/turnover amidst k

Tystnadskultur: en intervjustudie om tystnadskulturen bland ungdomar i Malmö och Malmöpolisens upplevelser av fenomenet

The present study aims to investigate the motives behind the culture of silence among young adults in Malmö. Based on the purpose, the study is expected to contribute with knowledge of the police's experience of silence culture among young people and how police officers handle meetings with young people in Malmö who do not want to comment in interrogation situations due to prevailing norms of

Värderingarna och vetenskapen : vetenskapsteoretiska föreställningar i svenska vänsterakademiska tidskrifter 1967-1969

This thesis analyses theories of science expressed in Swedish publications grounded in leftist academia, and left-wing student circles, Zenit and Häften för kritiska studier [Notes on Critical Studies] during the years of 1967-1969. Based in constellation research constructed by philosopher Dieter Henrich, the essay reconstructs two separate constellations in leftist academia at the time: the Alth

Är all kommunikation bra kommunikation? - En fallstudie av evenemanget Black Friday

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera varför företag väljer att inte delta i vissa vinstgenererande marknadsföringsaktiviteter. Detta ska analyseras genom en fallstudie och en senare medieanalys av evenemanget Black Friday. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en fallstudie av evenemanget Black Friday och analysmetoden utgörs av en systematisk medieanalys. Datainsamlingen för medieanalysen gjordes i dat

Data investigation of the effects of probiotics on the gut microbiome and immune response in children with celiac disease autoimmunity

De senaste åren har tarmfloran blivit mycket omtalad eftersom den visat sig spela en viktig roll för hälsan, och till och med kopplats till vissa sjukdomar. En sådan sjukdom är celiaki, en livslång inflammatorisk sjukdom som drabbar i snitt 1.5% av världens befolkning. Om en person med celiaki får i sig gluten, svarar deras immunförsvar med en inflammatorisk reaktion. Detta i sin tur aktiverar celCeliac disease is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the small intestine, triggered by gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. The inflammatory and autoimmune aspects of this disease involves the intricate interplay of the immune system and gut microbiota, and celiac disease has repeatedly been associated with dysbiosis of the gut flora. Probiotics have been suggested as an alternative trea