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Bertil Malmberg: diktaren i dialog : Polemik, enkätsvar och intervjuer i urval av Peter Luthersson och Anders Mortensen
Development of a Wood Powder Fuelled 35 kW Stirling CHP Unit
For biomass fuelled CHP in sizes below 100 kW, Stirling engines are the only feasible alternative today. Using wood powder as fuel, the Stirling engine can be heated directly by the flame like when using a gaseous or liquid fuel burner. However, the combustion chamber will have to be much larger due to the slow burning of the fuel. To avoid sintering of ash the flame temperature in a biomass burne
Surface and subsurface water balance estimation by the groundwater recharge model and a 3-D two-phase flow model
Land development often results in adverse environmental impact for surface and subsurface water systems. For areas close to the coast, land changes may also result in seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers. Due to this, it is important to evaluate potential adverse effects in advance of any land development. For evaluation purposes a combined groundwater recharge model is proposed with a quasi t
Nonlinear Pricing as a Cooperative Game
Analysing analyses – An approach to combining several risk and vulnerability analysis
No title
Lasrar och förbränningsfysik kastar sitt ljus över världen
Claiming The Future - Speed, Business Rhetoric and Computer Practice
Resistivity and Surface Wave Seismic Surveys in Geotechnical Site Investigations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Anpassningen av geofysiska metoder till infrastrukturtillämpningar är en viktig del i utvecklingen av geoteknisk förundersökningsmetodik. Det som här benämns geotekniska förundersökningar hänvisar till alla undersökningar som görs före eller under konstruktion, alltså sådana som syftar till att stödja och förbättra en konceptuell geologisk modell så väl som sådana som sThe adaptation of geophysical methods for civil engineering purposes represents an important contribution to the development of geotechnical site investigation methodology. The term geotechnical site investigation here refers to all investigations performed prior to or during construction; i.e. investigations to support and refine a conceptual geological model as well as to provide a model of geot
The Morphologyof Old Norse II: Old Swedish and Old Danish
Filantropi, socialt arbete och straff : hjälparbete med dömda 1800-2000
I det tidiga 1800-talet började man resonera kring hjälpinsatser åt fängelsefångar. I mitten av samma sekel började hjälpen och behandlingen skiljas ut från straffet, olika personer skötte olika uppgifter: Fångvaktarna skötte straffet och föreningar behandlingen. Föreningarna var ett komplement till fängelset vid cellfängelsereformen i mitten av 1800-talet I Sverige hade de bildats på statens init
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis: the state of the art
"Av Raka linjen" - de tvetydiga orden, den upp-och-nervända världen
Mitochondrial plasmids, genetic conflicts and sex-determination in Silene vulgaris
Plants like all other eukaryotic organisms carry most of their DNA in the nucleus. In addition, plants also have both chloroplasts and mitochondria that contain their own genetic material. The genomes in chloroplasts and mitochondria control certain vital processes, but most often the organelles act under strict nuclear control. Usually the nuclear and organellar genomes live in "harmony", promoti
Fitness effects of the timing of hatching may drive the evolution of temperature-dependent sex determination in short-lived lizards
In several species of short-lived Australian agamid lizards, an individual's sex is determined by the nest temperatures encountered during incubation. The adaptive significance of such systems remains unclear. Here, we explore the hypothesis that (1) the optimal timing of hatching differs between the sexes, and thus (2) temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) enhances maternal and offspring
Complex IF Harmonic Rejection Mixer for Non-Contiguous Dual Carrier Reception in 65 nm CMOS
uou Shokoku-kan no Kankyou Kyouryoku – Hokuou Kyougikai, Kakuryou Kyougikai no Yakuwari (Environmental Co-operation of the Nordic Countries: The role of the Nordic Council /Council of Ministers)
The biotech cluster of Vienna, Austria
A fully integrated 2.45 GHz 0.25 mu m CMOS power amplifier
A fully integrated differential class-AB power amplifier has been designed in a 0.25 um CMOS technology. It is intended for medium output power ranges such as Bluetooth class 1, and has an operating frequency of 2.45 GHz. By using two parallel output stages that can be switched on or off, a high efficiency can be achieved for both high and low output power levels. The simulated maximum output powe