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Högskolelärares personliga teorier om sin pedagogiska praktik

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna studie beskrivs och analyseras högskolelärares personliga teorier om sin pedagogiska praktik i högskolans grundutbildning. I anslutning till t.ex. Polanyi (1958) och Bourdieu (1990) har högskolelärare utvecklat en personlig praktisk teori som deltagare i ett akademiskt socialt sammanhang, först som studenter sedan som lärare. Denna kan ses som deras ”pedagogik” In this study university teachers? personal theories of their pedagogical practice in basic courses in undergraduate education are described and analyzed. According to for example Polanyi (1958) and Bourdieu (1990) university teachers have developed a personal practical theory as participators in an academic social context, first as students then as teachers. This can be seen as their ?pedagogy? a

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Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen omfattar två delstudier. Huvudfokus är en fältstudie, där syftet är att förstå obotlig sjukdom och döden som konkreta erfarenheter på aktörsnivå. Med hjälp av observationer och intervjuer följs nio döende, anhöriga och sjuksköterskor under en tid i familjens hem. Den andra delstudien är en diskursanalys av danska socialpolitiska rapporter om det palliativa The dissertation deals with two part-studies. The main focus is a field study the purpose of which is to understand incurable disease and death as hands-on experiences at the player's level. With the aid of observations and interviews, nine dying people, relatives and community nurses are followed in the families? homes over time. The second part-study is a discourse analysis of Danish health-poli

Pervaporative aroma recovery during beverage processing

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna studie har de grundläggande aspekterna på mass- och värmetransport i membrantekniken pervaporation studerats. Speciell tonvikt har lagts vid pervaporations användbarhet i samband med aromämnesåtervinning. Masstransporten i pervaporation påverkas av ett yttre masstransport- motstånd kallat koncentrationpolarisation. Detta fenomen kan orsaka att fluxen av de seleIn this study, the fundamental mass and heat transfer properties of the membrane separation process called pervaporation were investigated. The suitability of pervaporation for aroma compound recovery was especially evaluated. The mass transfer in pervaporation is affected by an external mass transfer resistance in the liquid feed boundary layer, i.e. the concentration polarization phenomenon. Th

"En oas mitt i våldet". Fredsutbildning som ett medel att förebygga våld i Palestina 1920-1948

I ett oroligt och våldsdrabbat Palestina satsade Anglikanska kyrkan på fredsbyggande utbildning under den brittiska mandatstiden 1920-1948. Intentionen bakom skolorna var dialog mellan barn av olika trosuppfattningar som indirekt skulle syfta till fredsfostran. I de anglikanska skolorna blandades judiska, kristna och muslimska elever med olika nationell bakgrund. Detta var ett unikt försök att sk

The regulation of factor Va activity by activated protein C -Importance of the individual activated protein C cleavage sites in factor Va

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodcirkulationen fungerar i kroppen som ett transport system för proteiner, syre och andra metaboliter. Blodet har den svåra uppgiften att vara flytande och samtidigt kunna koagulera på ställen där kärlet går sönder. Störning i denna balans leder till sjukdomar som hjärtinfarkt och blodpropp eller motsatsen svåra blödningar. Det protein som jag har studerat ingår vid The subject of this thesis is the activated protein C (APC)-mediated inactivation of factor Va. The activated form of factor V (FVa) is a procoagulant cofactor for Factor Xa (FXa) in the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. The procoagulant function of FVa is down regulated by APC through proteolytic cleavage at three sites, Arg306, Arg506 and Arg679. The cleavage at Arg506 is kinetically favore

Incentive Based Procurement in Construction Partnering

This study is a description of an effort to investigate contractors’ and subcontractors’ views of how incentives relates to partnering. In order to understand the contractual relationship between the contractor and subcontractor in partnering projects data were collected by using archive materials, on-site observation and through interviews. The result from the document analysis and observations w

Antioxidant Capacity in Fruit and Vegetables -Cultivar Variation - Storage Conditions - Human Antioxidant Status

Popular Abstract in Swedish De positiva hälsoeffekterna av ett högt intag av frukt och grönsaker har diskuterats intensivt under de senaste årtiondena. Flera befolkningsundersökningar har visat på samband mellan ett ökat intag av av frukt och grönsaker och en minskad risk för flera kroniska sjukdomar. Antioxidanter i vegetabilier anses vara en stor bidragande orsak till detta samband tack vare derThe health-promoting effects of fruits and vegetables have been extensively discussed during the past decade since epidemiologic studies have shown relations between increased intake of fruit and vegetables and decreased incidences of several chronic diseases. It has been suggested that antioxidants are a main contributors to the observed effects, for example by acting as scavengers of free radica

Microfluidic biosensing systems based on enzymes, antibodies and cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kemister kallas de, som förstå att utreda hwad hwarje sak består utaf, och huru man af beståndsdelarne må kunna sammansätta nya ämnen. Kunskapen härom kallas Kemi. Den största Kemisten war wår landsman Jacob Berzelius, som föddes 1779 i Wäfwersunda i Östergötland och dog i Stockholm 1848. Så skriver N. J. Berlin i sin Läsebok i Naturläran för Sweriges Allmoge utgiven åThe rapid developments within the life science and biotechnology areas put up ever-new demands on more sophisticated techniques and methods for chemical and biological analysis to reach deeper insight into the events at molecular level. Miniaturisation of assays and systems on microchips is one way to increase throughput and advance through parallel analysis lines, multiplexing and integration. Th

Studies of two Yersinia proteins: YopJ, an inhibitor of inflammatory responses, and YpkA, a RhoA/Rac-binding kinase

Eukaryotic cells possess sensitive systems for the detection of microbes and microbial-derived products. Bacteria-eukaryotic cells contact triggers several signaling pathways, most of which are dependent on protein-protein interactions followed by phosphorylation, leading to activation of defense mechanisms. Yersinia bacteria have evolved different strategies to interfere with eukaryotic host defe

Microscale Acoustofluidics

The manipulation of cells and microparticles within microfluidic systems using external forces is valuable for many microscale analytical and bioanalytical applications. Acoustofluidics is the ultrasound-based external forcing of microparticles with microfluidic systems. It has gained much interest because it allows for the simple label-free separation of microparticles based on their mechanical p