

Din sökning på "*" gav 532859 sökträffar

Mode som konst? En kvalitativ studie om mode som konstnärlig form

This dissertation is a qualitative study that has examined och concluded whether fashion can be considered as an art form or not. Based on this question, four different kinds of fashion clothes with artistic expressions have been analyzed. It has been based on sociologist Howard Becker’s thesis about the difference between artwork and craftsmanship. The study of the exemplified objects have been s

Helig femininitet, läkande och systerskapets återkomst: könskonstruktion och aktörskap i separatistiska, ny-spirituella evenemang

This paper examines five contemporary spiritual festivals, courses and gatherings for women in a Western post-secular context. The purpose of the paper is to contribute to the current feminist debate on alternative spirituality, often referred to as new age, in regard to gender essentialism and agency. Firstly, the analysis explores how the examined discourses construct women as subjects. Secondly

Valutasäkring med derivat - en fråga om behov och vana? - En kvantitativ studie om benägenheten att valutasäkra genom derivat och om variabler som kan påverka denna

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att, för de noterade svenska icke-finansiella företagen på Stockholmsbörsen år 2018, uppdatera informationen gällande valutariskhantering och analysera vilka variabler som kan påverka valet att valutasäkra med hjälp av valutaderivat. Litteraturgenomgång: Litteraturgenomgången är uppdelad i två delar. Den första delen består av institutionalia om valutarisk och v

Nowcasting with Dynamic Factor Model and Real-Time Vintage Data: A financial market actor's perspective

We develop and examine a dynamic factor nowcasting model (DFM) from the perspective of a financial market participant. The first point of analysis is the examination of its performance. Unlike other papers, we evaluate with daily frequency so that the performance metric reflects a continuous nowcasting signal. Secondly, we examine the effect of using real-time vintage data which avoids look-ahead

På tal om bilden

Syftet med denna uppsats är att fördjupa förståelsen för hur ett retoriskt perspektiv på bilden eventuellt kan främja gymnasielärares arbete i svenskämnet. Uppsatsen grundade sig i en upplevd avsaknad av en vetenskaplig grund att förankra till bilden i svenskämnet. Studien inriktade sig mer specifikt på svensklärares arbete med bilder idag och vad det retoriska perspektivet på bilden kan erbjuda sThe purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of how a rhetorical perspective on pictures can promote the work of upper secondary school teachers in the Swedish subject. The thesis was based on an experienced lack of a scientific base to anchor the image in the Swedish subject. The study focused more specifically on Swedish teacher´s work with images today, and what the rhetorical pers

Jag är här : Internationella studenters närvaro mellan digitala och fysiska miljöer

This study was aimed to explore and describe how international students' presence in physical and digital environments is affected when moving and staying abroad in order to highlight aspects and nuances in life and presence between different environments. The study was conducted through a mixed methods approach with four qualitative interviews with incoming international students in Sweden an

An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Diffusion and Churn Rate of Solar Home Systems in Kenya

Låg tillgänglighet till elektricitet är ett stort problem i Kenya, framförallt på landsbygden, och det förväntas fortfarande dröja flera decennier innan elnätet har nått ut till alla delar av landet. Detta innebar att det finns ett stort behov av andra lösningar som kan förse dessa områden med elektricitet. En av dessa lösningar är Solar-Home-System (SHS), ett system som kan ge elektricitet till lA problem in Kenya is the lack of access to electricity, mainly in rural areas. It will take many decades for the main grid to reach all rural areas wherefore several off-grid electrification options have been put forward to solve this issue. One of them is the Solar Home System (SHS), which is an off-grid solar product that can be used for applications such as lamps, radios, TVs and charging mobi

‘Pinkwashing’ or Protection? A Qualitative Analysis of the City of Copenhagen’s LGBTI+ Policy

Exploring the City of Copenhagen’s LGBTI+ policy, the aim of the thesis is to analyse problems involved in implementing policies within the field of identity politics. The City of Copenhagen has formulated a policy addressing the conditions of LGBT+ people in Copenhagen. However, the implementation of an equalities policy can face problems, as structural discrimination by the wider society is deep

Happiness, Prosperity and Inequality in the 21st Century: The Case of Latin America

Latin American countries are among the happiest countries world-wide despite suffering from vast economic inequality at the same time. Addressing this alleged puzzle, this study analyses the effects of economic prosperity and inequality on happiness in Latin America. Using a pooled dataset of annual surveys from the Latinobarómetro between 2005 and 2018, an advanced three-level model with individu

Eco-labels: A Tool to Enhance Sustainable Consumption - A quantitative study about how consumers knowledge and trust in eco-labels can affect purchase intention

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine eco-label knowledge and eco-label trust, and their relationships to planned sustainable behaviour. This will be done by investigating the Swedish market and more specifically eco-labelled food within the FMCG sector. Methodology: This thesis adopted a deductive research approach which follows a quantitative research method. The data was coll

Exploring the Possibilities of Replacing Mechanics with Magnets

Detta examensarbete undersöker möjligheterna att implementera magneter för flera funktioner i en så kallad ”knob”. Projektet utfördes i samarbete med Sigma Connectivity. Under ett tidigare projekt på Sigma Connectivity uppstod ett intresse för att använda magneter i en av deras produkter. Denna produkt används för att välja alternativ genom att rotera en yttre part eller trycka på knappar på toppThis master thesis investigates the possibilities of implementing magnets for several functions in a knob. The project was carried out in collaboration with Sigma Connectivity. During a previous project at Sigma Connectivity, there occurred an interest in using mag-nets in a product called ”the knob”. This product is used to select options by swiveling an outer part or pushing buttons at the top.

Building and Maintaining Psychological Safety and Trust in Virtual Teams

The recent virus COVID-19 has forced companies around the world to change the way they work. Teams who usually work together in the same physical space are now experiencing working virtually from home. Previous studies demonstrate the importance of psychological safety and trust in the aim of building high-performing and effective teams. A virtual setting implies new challenges and opportunities f

Innovation for Social Inclusion - The Role of Researchers in the Global South

Knowledge inequalities persist between the Global North and the Global South, but also within countries between privileged and underprivileged segments of society. The purpose of this study is to understand the motives of researchers from basic science and technology to investigate on socially demanded issues as well as the obstacles they encounter. The study is based on the experiences from eleve

Impact of economic growth on income distribution in East Asian emerging economies

Income inequality is one of the main topics that worried economists in recent decades. It became more popular, especially starting with the integration process of East Asian economies’ to the global market as a result of the globalization process. And there are lots of approaches on economic growth’s positive and negative effects on income distribution. Its impact on income distribution has been t

Metodik för utmattning av asfaltbruk

Omfattande studier på Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH) har under de senaste åren inriktats på hur egenskaperna i asfaltbruk kan optimeras eftersom de har avgörande betydelse för asfaltens funktion. Förutom naturligt förekommande filler i asfaltmassa har tillsatser såsom vaxer, fibrer och polymerer blivit allt vanligare. Hur dessa tillsatser påverkar asfaltbrukets egenskaper är viktigt att utreda för The durability of asphalt can be investigated with fatigue tests, which unfortunately are very laborious and costly. Therefore, they are not used as often as they should. At LTH in Lund, an alternative method is utilized using a dynamic shear rheometer, DSR, on asphalt’s mastic for fatigue properties testing. The properties of asphalt mastic are crucial for the asphalt pavements ability to withsta

'Too few of us', again? The Fertility Discourse in Finnish Media in 2019

This qualitative study examines the dominant fertility discourse in Finnish media in 2019, when the total fertility rate dropped to an all-time low level, spurring media debate and political attention. The study analyses the representations and framings of fertility, and the underlying norms, assumptions, power-structures and silences in the dominant discourse using discourse analytical tools, mor

Passion för nation - En kvalitativ studie om motivation till ideellt engagemang inom studentnationer

Nyckelord: Agentteori, Motivation, Studentnationer, Ideellt arbete, Hierarki. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka vilka motivationsfaktorer som ligger bakom ideellt arbete på studentnationer. Studien ämnar därmed att utveckla det område inom agentteorin som berör icke-monetära incitament, det vill säga hur man kan skapa motivation till att följa direktiv och riktlinjer mot principalens mål när monetärKey words: Agency theory, Motivation, Student nations, Volunteer work, Hierarchy. Purpose: The purpose is to examine which motivational factors are the underlying reasons for volunteer work at student nations. The purpose is also to develop the area within agency theory that regards non-monetary incentives, in other words how to create motivation towards following directives and guidelines towards

Multitask Convolutional Neural Network Emulators for Global Crop Models - Supervised Deep Learning in Large Hypercubes of Non-IID Data

The aim of this thesis is to establish whether a neural network (NN) can be used for emulation of simulated global crop production - retrieved from the computationally demanding dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) Lund-Potsdam-Jena General Ecosystem Simulator (LPJ-GUESS). It has been devoted to elaboration with various types of neural network architectures: Branched NNs capable of processing in

Sustainability risks in multi-tier supply chains. A dynamic capabilities perspective on integrating remote sensing technology into sustainable sourcing to manage sustainability risks in upstream supply chains.

The raw material tier in companies’ supply chains can be a hotspot for sustainability issues like deforestation and resulting legal, reputational, financial and operational risks – yet companies’ supply chain management efforts as well as research on sustainable supply chain management still focus on direct suppliers due to poor upstream transparency. With technical progress, remote sensing and sa

Designing a Global Manufacturing Network for Local Final Assembly

This master’s thesis explores how a Global Manufacturing Network can be designed with predefined requirements for local final assembly at an overseas plant. This was done in collaboration with Alfa Laval, where the global manufacturing network of Freshwater Generators (FWGs) was analyzed. The study evaluated options of sourcing directly from suppliers and via the main factory to different extents.