Din sökning på "*" gav 530125 sökträffar
The hemodynamic and metabolic effects of shivering during acute normovolemic hemodilution.
Stylistic Fronting
If stylistic fronting is analyzed as feature-driven movement into an articulated CP-domain, in particular FocusP in the sense of Rizzi (1997), it is possible to account for two facts about stylistic fronting that so far have received little attention, namely that stylistic fronting has semantic effects and that there are differences in stylistic fronting in subordinate clauses with no overt subjec
Emilie Thomander. Den gifta kvinnan
Using local differential operators to model dispersion in dielectric media
Dispersion of electromagnetic waves is usually described in terms of an integrodifferential equation. We show that whenever a differential operator can be found that annihilates the susceptibility kernel of the medium, dispersion can be modeled by a partial differential equation without nonlocal operators
PARTICIPATION IN NEEDS ASSESSMENT OF OLDER PEOPLE PRIOR TO PUBLIC HOME HELP Older persons', their family members', and assessing home help officers' experiences.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Delaktighet i biståndsbedömning av äldre personer inför kommunalt bistånd. Äldre personers, familjemedlemmars och biståndsbedömares upplevelser. Den äldre generationen förväntas snabbt öka i Sverige och i övriga Europa under de kommande årtiondena. De äldres vårdbehov kommer att öka och därmed förväntas svårigheter att ombesörja tillräcklig kommunal vård och omsorg. ÅlAim: The overall aim of this thesis was to illuminate older persons' experience of becoming in need of public home help and their family members' experience of this situation. Further, the aim was to illuminate experiences of participation in the needs assessment process of older people and influence on decisions about public home help from the perspective of older needs-assessed persons, their fa
Acrylic bone cements: clinical developments and current status: Scandinavia.
This article focuses on bone cement, the cementing technique used, and their influence on aseptic loosening and infection of acrylic and joint implants in Scandinavia.
Preoperative fine needle aspiration from human breast cancer is a valuable sampling material for progesterone receptor and cytometric DNA analysis
In a breast cancer series (n = 54), preoperative fine needle aspiration (FNA) was compared with biopsy at primary surgery as a source of material for the determination of progesterone receptor (PgR) content by enzyme immuno assay. The respective results manifested a strong correlation (r(s) = 0.82). The fact that PgR content was usually higher in FNA samples than in the corresponding biopsy sample
Le , guo and zhe in Mandarin Chinese: a relevance-theoretic account
In this paper, I propose a relevance-theoretic account of the particles le, guo and zhe in Mandarin Chinese. Though conventionally regarded as aspect markers, on closer inspection they seem to contribute to a range of interpretations that cannot be subsumed under a semantic category or a specific temporal representation. The explanatory model presented in this paper builds upon relevancetheoretic
Multivariable Orthogonal Polynomials as Coupling Coefficients for Lie and Quantum Algebra Representations
The main topic of the thesis is the connection between representation theory and special functions. We study matrix elements, coupling coefficient, and recoupling coefficients for the simplest Lie and quantum groups. We show that a large number of multivariable orthogonal and biorthogonal polynomials occurring in the literature may be obtained as coupling coefficients (generalized Clebsch-Gordan
Vowels and diphthongs in Standard Chinese
No title
Abstract in Spanish Inger Enkvist, catedrática de español de la Universidad de Lund, Suecia, trabajó durante tres años en un proyecto de investigación junto con Ángel Sahuquillo, de la Universidad de Sodertorn, también en Suecia, en un proyecto titulado ”Identidad e ideología en la literatura hispánica: un estudio basado en la obra de Juan Goytisolo”. El presente artículo demuestra que el resultad“Ethics and aesthetics in literary research” summaries the main findings in a three-year project on the work of the controversial Spanish writer Juan Goytisolo. The most astonishing result was the realization about the temptations and limitations of literary research: many researchers do not have sufficient knowledge about Goytisolo’s work to be able to formulate a stand; others do not want to cri
New spectroscopic data on Cd-102
Gamma ray spectroscopy of neutron deficient nuclei close to the doubly magic nucleus Sn-100 has been performed using a heavy-ion reaction and the NORDBALL Ge-detector array. Evaporation residues were identified by means of charged particle and neutron detection. Transitions in 31 different evaporation residues were identified. New results on Cd-102 are presented.
Inhibition of Rho-associated kinase blocks agonist-induced Ca2+ sensitization of myosin phosphorylation and force in guinea-pig ileum
Ca2+ sensitization of smooth muscle contraction involves the small GTPase RhoA, inhibition of myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP) and enhanced myosin regulatory light chain (LC20) phosphorylation. A potential effector of RhoA is Rho-associated kinase (ROK). The role of ROK in Ca2+ sensitization was investigated in guinea-pig ileum. Contraction of permeabilized muscle strips induced by GTPgammaS
Differences in fracture pattern between an urban and a rural population: a comparative population-based study in southern Sweden
Differences in the incidence of hip fractures have been reported between urban and rural areas. In this population-based study the characteristics of fracture patterns between the city of Malmo and the nearby rural district of Sjobo were compared. A total of 782 individuals in Malmo and 486 in Sjobo were invited to participate. Fracture history for all invited was registered. The odds ratio for fr
Human papillomavirus genotypes in cervical cancers in Mozambique.
The distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) types in cervical cancers is essential for design and evaluation of HPV type-specific vaccines. To follow up on a previous report that HPV types 35 and 58 were the dominant HPV types in cervical neoplasia in Mozambique, the HPV types in a consecutive case series of 74 invasive cervical cancers in Mozambique were determined. The most common worldwide m
Preterm male infants need more initial respiratory and circulatory support than female infants.
Relationships between locus of control, coping strategies and emotional well-being in persons with spinal cord lesion
Relations between locus of control, coping strategies and emotional well-being in persons with traumatically acquired spinal cord lesion (SCL) were examined. The sample included 132 community-residing adults. Structural equation modelling, including confirmatory factor analysis, was used. A model was hypothesized based on the transactional theory of stress and coping where coping strategies mediat