

Din sökning på "*" gav 530128 sökträffar

Deletion of the Ink4-locus (the p16ink4a, p14ARF and p15ink4b genes) predicts relapse in children with ALL treated according to the Nordic protocols NOPHO-86 and NOPHO-92

Inactivation of the Ink4 gene locus locus on 9p comprising the tumour suppressor gene p16ink4a and its neighbours p14ARF and p15ink4b is common in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), but the prognostic significance is controversial. DNA from 230 patients was retrospectively analysed by Southern blotting, single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequencing techniques. The resul

How designers work - making sense of authentic cognitive activities

In recent years, the growing scientific interest in design has led to great advances in our knowledge of authentic design processes. However, as these findings go counter to the existing theories in both design research and cognitive science, they pose a serious challenge for both disciplines: there is a wide gap between what the existing theories predict and what designers actually do. At the sa

Mutated alleles of the rod and cone Na-Ca+K-exchanger genes in patients with retinal diseases

PURPOSE. To study the possible involvement of the rod (SLC24A1) and cone (SLC24A2) Na-Ca+K exchanger (NCKX) genes in retinal diseases. METHODS. DNA was collected from unrelated patients with retinal disease, mainly from North America. A human genomic library was screened with the cone NCKX cDNA, and hybridizing clones were sequenced to determine the genomic organization of the SLC24A2 gene. The si

High-pressure studies of titanium pyrophosphate by Raman scattering and infrared spectroscopy

High-pressure investigations of titanium pyrophosphate, TiP2O7, in diamond anvil cell have been performed at room temperature using in situ Raman scattering and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The endeavor was to acquire information on pressure-induced structural transformations such as phase transitions and amorphization occurring in the crystal lattice. The pressure-stimulated al

Children's thoughts about play. A study of how children conceptualize play in preeschool

The present study deals with free play in preeschool. The purpose is to investigate the way children conceptualize play, and the significance of play in preeschool activities. The latter has been illuminated through an analysis of normative documents, and vatious methods have been worked out that show how the possibilities of play can be made use in preschool. Group interviews with children betwee

On Observer-Based Control of Nonlinear Systems

Filtering and reconstruction of signals play a fundamental role in modern signal processing, telecommunications, and control theory and are used in numerous applications. The feedback principle is an important concept in control theory. Many different control strategies are based on the assumption that all internal states of the control object are available for feedback. In most cases, however, o

Measurement of apolipoprotein E (apoE) in cerebrospinal fluid

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a protein involved in transport of lipids and has been implicated to play an important role in regeneration after nerve injury. Determination of apoE in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) thus have a potential interest when studying different forms of brain damage and as a marker of ongoing regenerative processes in the brain. However, previous studies on CSF-ApoE in Alzheimer's

Bedömnings- och utvecklingsfrågor i musikutbildningar

Läromedel som tar upp de två närbesläktade områdena inom musikundervisningen, utvärderingsfrågor samt utvecklings- och examensarbeten, och hur man hanterar dessa områden utifrån musikundervisningens perspektiv.

EBIT spectroscopy of Pm-like tungsten

Methods of VUV electron beam ion trap (EBIT) spectroscopy are applied to the study of Pm-like tungsten (W13+). These data show that theory appears well capable of dealing with these multi-electron (61) ions, at least for high ionization stages. A comparison of other spectroscopic methods applied to the study of other ions of the Pm I sequence is also given, and finally a search for the Pm-like W l

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Abstract in Norwegian Artikkelen presenterer de skandinaviske helgenene Theodor væringen og sønnen Johannes, Russlands protomartyrer med utgangspunkt i russiske kilder, men utifra et skandinavisk perspektiv. Den presenterer likeens den hellige Anna (Ingegerd) av Novgorod med utgangspunkt i både russiske og norrøne kilder.

Faunal turnovers and trilobite morphologies in the upper Cambrian Leptoplastus Zone at Andrarum, southern Sweden

The Furongian (upper Cambrian) Leptoplastus Zone marks a time of critical changes in the evolution of olenid trilobites. This zone, unexposed at Andrarum in Skane, southern Sweden, has been re-excavated and the sequence of faunas and sediments logged in detail. The faunal succession accords with that previously described from borehole cores by Westergard, and the subzones of L. paucisegmentatus, L


Popular Abstract in Swedish Förbättrad patientsäkerhet och omvårdnad av patienter med höftraktur Intervention granskad i det nationella kvalitetsregistret RIKSHÖFT Varje år drabbas ca 18 000 personer i Sverige av höftfraktur efter fall. Höftfraktur är ett samlingsnamn för två frakturtyper i den övre delen av lårbenet. Den ena frakturtypen är lokaliserad till lårbenshalsen (cervikal fraktur) och dAim: Hip fractures are common and costly. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore how different clinical pathways influence safety and quality of care among patients with a hip fracture and to test the usefulness of the national quality register RIKSHÖFT as a working tool. The aim in paper I was to improve the outcome of patients with a hip fracture through optimized preoperative pain relief

MR imaging of the pancreas at 0.3 T using a super-paramagnetic oral contrast medium

Twenty patients with carcinoma of the pancreas identified with ultrasonography and/or CT and confirmed by histology, were examined with MR before and after administration of an oral super-paramagnetic contrast medium. Ten patients were examined after administration of the contrast medium through a duodenal tube. Ten patients drank the contrast medium mixed with a viscosity-increasing agent. Organ

The impact of exacerbations on the asthmatic patient's preference scores

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of exacerbations on mild to moderate asthmatic patients' preference-based, health-related, quality of life scores and also to describe the effect of these exacerbations on daily life. In a survey, 100 mild to moderate asthmatic patients in the United Kingdom were asked to rate three different health marker states on a scale between 0 (death) and

High-spin structure in Er-157 up to and above band termination

The high-spin structure of Er-157 has been greatly expanded using the Gammasphere spectrometer to investigate the Cd-114(Ca-48,5n) reaction at 215 MeV. Many new transitions have been placed in a greatly augmented level scheme up to spin 40h with many collective rotational sequences established. With increasing angular momentum, this nucleus undergoes a Coriolis-induced shape transition from a defo

Phylogeny and ecology of Cetraria obtusata, Coelopogon epiphorellus, and related taxa (Parmeliaceae, lichenized ascomycetes).

The phylogeny of two lichens, Cetraria obtusata from the Alps and Coelopogon epiphorellus occurring in the southern hemisphere is studied. A DNA-matrix based on ITS 1 and ITS 2 sequences of the rDNA is compared with a data set composed of morphology and secondary chemistry characters in phylogeny analyses using PAUP 4.0. The two data sets were entirely congruent. Neither Cetraria obtusata nor Coel