Din sökning på "*" gav 530145 sökträffar
Natural Products from Cameroonian Medicinal Plants
Natural product chemistry is a main research area in Cameroon, as well as for the division of Bioorganic Chemistry at Lund Institute of Technology. A review of the results obtained recently with Cameroonian medicinal plants shows that a large number of compounds, many with complex structures, have been isolated and characterised, and the work presented in this thesis is part of this effort. Based
Reproduction of Meaning and Women’s Autonomy
Structural reliability analysis of concrete dams - theory and case study
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Polysemy or generality? Mu
This chapter proposes a conception of lexical meaning as use-potential, in contrast to prevailing atomistic and reificational views. The issues are illustrated on the example of spatial expressions, pre-eminently prepositions. It is argued that the dichotomy between polysemy and semantic generality is a false one, with expressions occupying points on a continuum from full homonymy to full monosemy
Bacterial and fungal growth in soil: The effect of temperature and substrate addition
Bacteria and fungi are the main agents in decomposition of soil organic matter. Their activity is determined by the availability and quality of substrate, especially its content of carbon, but also nitrogen and phosphorus. Other environmental factors, which affect the activity of the microbial community in soil, are temperature, moisture and pH. In this thesis the focus was on how temperature and
Nätjournalistik : En explorativ fallstudie av digitala mediers karaktärsdrag på fyra nyhetssajter
Popular Abstract in Swedish Internet har under de senaste tio åren växt från marginalföreteelse till ett populärt och mycket använt medium. Många företeelser och tjänster tar steget över till Internet och bland dessa finns även journalistik. I fokus för denna avhandling står förändringsprocesser för journalistikens villkor, ideal och normer när nyhetsjournalistiken bedrivs på?Internet studerade utDuring the last decade the Internet has become a widely used source of information for the average person and also a publishing tool for media corporations. The transition of journalism from one medium to another is one with important implications as the world wide public consumption of online news grows. This dissertation puts focus on how journalistic content changes when it's published on the W
Video Activism 2.0 : Space, Place and Audiovisual Imagery
EU:s sockerreform: Effekter för u-länder som exporterar socker till EU
Sockerproduktionen tillhör de sektorer inom EU som erhållit de högsta stöden inom ramen för den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken. Motståndet mot en reform har därför av förklarliga skäl varit stort från främst råvaruproducenterna samtidigt som reformkraven växt sig allt starkare. När nu EU har lyckats få majoritet för ett steg i en reformering av sockerregleringen innebär detta ett väsentligt genombr
Cultural Analyst Wanted: Borders and Careers in the Cultural Economy.
Genusforskningens läge och institutionella situation våren 2010 – en nulägesöversikt
Toward adaptive logistics management
The aim of this paper is to discuss the implications of a complex adaptive systems approach to the management of logistics operations. The research is a result of the need for managers of logistics operation to be able to adapt to the ever-changing demands of their environment and customer demands. The identified emphasis of mechanistic assumptions in traditional modeling of logistics is discussed
Decision support for product release planning based on robustness analysis
Decision-making in requirements engineering often needs to be done in the presence of uncertainty. Rigorous methods can help to increase the probability of making the most appropriate decisions under the given circumstances. Robustness is a measure for the degree of stability of a solution in case of changes in the problem parameters. This paper presents a method (called DECIDERelease) that applie
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
Nordiska teleskopet moget för invigning
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The Project Based Mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol - Credible Instruments or Challenges to the Integrity of the Kyoto Protocol
Arbetskraftsmigration, fack och arbetsgivare
The adsorption and charge transfer dynamics of bi-isonicotinic acid on Au(111)
The interaction of bi-isonicotinic acid (4,4[prime]-dicarboxy-2,2[prime]-bipyridine) with the Au(111) surface has been investigated using electron spectroscopic techniques. Near edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra show that monolayers of the molecule lie flat to the surface and also reveal that the monolayer is sensitive to the preparation conditions employed. Core level x-ray ph