

Din sökning på "*" gav 530146 sökträffar

Basic English Grammar : A web linked course

Basic English Grammar A web linked course Basic English Grammar is not a grammar book per se, with para­graphs and rules, but a course designed specifically for speakers of Swedish who wish to improve their proficiency and confidence in English. Since most Swedish speakers have a great deal of intuitive knowledge about the structure of the English language, the authors have integrated exercises i

Flow optimization in IP networks with fast proactive recovery

The post-failure convergence of the shortest path routing (SPR) protocols used in IP networks can be too slow to meet the restrictive requirements (i.e., maximum allowable delay, jitter, etc.) of the multimedia services and therefore new restoration mechanisms combined with IP routing are of interest. The paper addresses optimization of three potential rerouting mechanisms based on the IP fast rer

Fantastiska fåglar

Fantastiska fåglar tar oss med på en fascinerande och omväxlande resa från lappugglor och kungsörnar uppe i norr till afrikanska hornskator och albatrosser i syd. Brutus Östlings högst personliga fågelporträtt har funnit hängivna betraktare långt utanför de rena fågelentusiasternas krets, och hans tidigare böcker har även sålts till USA, Kanada, Australien och Storbritannien.

Time-resolved laser spectroscopic studies of atoms, ions and Molecules

Time-resolved laser spectroscopy has been performed to study the radiative properties of various microscopic systems. Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) techniques, natural radiative lifetimes have been studied not only in neutral B, S, Ge, Ce, Pb, and in singly ionized V, Fe, Zr, Mo, La, Ce, Eu, Gd and Yb, but also in doubly ionized La, Ce, Pr, Eu, Er, Gd, Tm, Lu, and W. Data are compared wit

6 x Saudek. Aspekter på ett konstnärskap

6 x Saudek. Aspects of an Artist’s Work is about the Czech photographer Jan Saudek (b. 1935) and his pictures. The thesis deals with Saudek’s photography from the 1960s up to and including the 1990s and comprises six relatively self-contained chapters. Each chap-ter takes up a specific range of problems: they deal with issues concerning connections between photography and theatre (chapter 1); issu

Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation in the Application to Biological Macromolecules

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling presenteras tillämpningar av separationsmetoden asymmetrisk flödes fältflödesfraktionering (AsFlFFF) på biologiska makromolekyler. Många svåra ord redan i den första meningen? Nedan följer en populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning, avsedd att ge ”hobby-vetenskapsmannen” en inblick i avhandlings-området. Här beskrivs kortfattat, den i avhandlingen utnyttjaAsymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) is especially useful in the application to biological macromolecules due to the absence of a stationary phase in the separation channel. As a result no upper exclusion limit occurs and low shear forces affect the sample components. In addition, native condition, most suitable for the samples analysed, can be used since no consideration has to be

Wave modeling and fault localization for underwater power cables

This paper describes some preliminary results regarding Time-Domain pulse Reflection (TDR) measurements and modeling performed on the Baltic Cable submarine HVDC link between southern Sweden and northern Germany. The measurements were conducted in collaboration between the Linnaeus University, Lund University, Baltic Cable AB and ABB High Voltage Cables AB, and is part of the research project: “Fu