

Din sökning på "*" gav 533459 sökträffar

I säkert förvar - En diskursanalys av debatten kring ett kritiserat förvar inom svensk lagstiftning

The use of detention centers for refugees in Sweden has been criticized over the last couple of years. The lack of resources and the shortage of accommodations have resulted in the use of alternative facilities such as police detentions and prisons. These alternative facilities has since 1994 been criticized by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture. But still the alternative detenti

A duty to address human rights violations?

This thesis concerns the impact of instrumental benefits and norms on state behaviour in international relations. This is studied on the case of the EU’s and Japan’s initiation of enforcement against North Korea in the UN Human Rights Council, which has garnered increased attention since 2013 when a commission of inquiry successfully put the issue on the international community’s agenda. I ask w

Skakad bortom rimligt tvivel? - Svenska domstolars bevisvärdering av medicinsk sakkunnigbevisning gällande diagnosen skakvåld

Den senaste tiden har ifrågasättandet av diagnosen skakvåld fått mycket uppmärksamhet, bl.a. eftersom HD i NJA 2014 s. 699, just på grund av ovan nämnda ifrågasättande, friade den tilltalade från anklagelserna om skakvåld. I ett annat fall beviljade HD resning för en man som tidigare dömts för skakvåld. Syftet med denna uppsats är att granska diagnosen skakvåld ur ett juridiskt perspektiv. Det skeRecently the questioning of the diagnosis ’shaken baby syndrome’ has received attention, partly because the Supreme Court in a judgment, because of the poor scientific evidence base for the diagnosis, acquitted the defendant from the accusations of shaking his baby. In another case the Supreme Court granted a man, who had been sentenced to prison for killing his daughter by violent shaking, a new

Det Hyperindividualiserade kollektivhuset

The collective housing movement in Sweden has undergone a lot of changes since it started in the 1930s. It has identified different problems over the years, but the solution has always remained the same. In my thesis I ask if these changes can be explained with individualization-theories, and my hypothesis is that the movement has been individualized. I have chosen to analyze the collective housin

Aid in continuity - Swedish foreign aid policies as myth

This thesis drives a twofold argument about the Swedish policies on foreign aid and development. First of all is it stated how there has been a continuity in this particular field of policy has since its inception in the 1960s and the issue has in the closest become depoliticised in mainstream politics. With the intent of bringing this field of policy back in to the light of politics and ideology

Little Boxes - Om normalitet bland barn i tidig förskoleålder

Den här uppsatsen kommer att redogöra för min undersökning om huruvida personalen i en icke-konventionell förskola presenterar ett normalitetskoncept för barnen som en omedveten strategi att uppbringa lydnad hos dem. Uppsatsen baserar sig på en fältstudie, uppdelad på två dagar, som jag gjorde under hösten 2015 på en svensk förskola. Förskolan tillämpar så kallad Reggio Emilia-pedagogik, vars huvu

Den osynliggjorda kampen: Röster om aktivism och motstånd bland personer med intellektuella och neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer

This study is based on interviews with people with intellectual and neuropsychiatric functional diversity. The aim was to examine how people with intellectual and neuropsychiatric functional diversity pursue resistance and activism and construct their position within the activism. I also wanted to investigate how the activist position can be possible to intake for the interviewees, even though the

The survival of moth larvae feeding on different plant species in northern Fennoscandia

Northern Fennoscandia belongs to the sub-arctic environment and its forests are mostly composed of mountain birch trees (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii). Outbreaks by autumn moth (Epirrita autumnata) and winter moth (Operophtera brumata) are one of the most important natural disturbance factors in the mountain birch forests, with important implications for future ecosystem functioning. If ther

Deflation och Aktiemarknaden - Lärdomar från Japan

Syftet med undersökningen har varit att utröna hur existensen av deflation påverkat aktiemarknaden. Den data som låg till grund för den ekonomiska analysen var främst finansiell data, men också makroekonomisk data, från Japan mellan 1969 och 2015. Data från USA i samma period förekom också. Den ekonomiska analysen gjordes genom att testa samband med OLS- och binärvalsmodeller. Inflation, och som

Nöden har ingen lag

Title: Necessity knows no law : A qualitative study on the processing of emergency assistance in the social services. The aim of this study was to examine how social workers make decisions about financial aid in emergency situations when the user does not have food for the day. We wanted to find out what the social worker needs to know about the user to make a decision and which decision basis th

Kvalitetsgranskningarna och förskoleverksamheternas utveckling- En kvalitativ undersökning av förskolechefers och förskollärares erfarenheter

Syftet är att undersöka vilka erfarenheter professionella har av kvalitetsarbete i förskolan och av vilka verkningar det skärpta kravet på systematiskt kvalitetsarbete har för professionen. Ansatsen är kvalitativ och empirin består av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer av nio professionellas erfarenheter av att bedriva systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i förskolan. Urvalet består av förskollärare och fö

En droppe i havet : Professionellas syn på sin roll och funktion inom NGO:s i Chiapas, Mexiko

Social workers today have the whole world as their work field and the global social work is often carried out in international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). To work internationally and in NGO's have according to previous research shown to be complex. Therefore the aim of this study was to examine international professionals and their views on their role and function working in NGO´s s

Development of a Tunable Frequency Shift Filter Using a Praseodymium Doped Y2SiO5-Crystal

In this thesis, a tunable frequency shift filter (FSF) with a 1 ~ 2 MHz passband created in a praseodymium doped Y2SiO5-crystal using a special hole burning technique is developed and tested. The FSF is able to shift the frequency of its passband and the light passing through the passband by applying an external electric field, where the frequency shift is proportional to the applied field. Since

Women's Aspiration for Leadership - An Experimental Study on Agency and Gender

The present study examined the effect of manipulated (threatened or affirmed) sense of agency on Swedish students’ preference for leadership, by ease of retrieval. Three hundred and twelve students (Mage = 23.04, SD = 2.70) participated in the experiment. The aim of the study was to investigate whether individuals’ leadership preferences was affected by perceived sense of agency. By contrasting a

Ett rationellt samhälle för alla

This essay deals with the concept of rationality. More precisely how rationality is defined within the thoughts of the philosopher Jürgen Habermas and what consequenses this may have for different views of life. By analyzing Habermas thoughts with the experiences obtained from a presumptionistic perspective the study takes form as a critical evaluation of Habermas outspoken pluralistic and accep

Våldet och könets betydelse - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur våld i nära relationer framställs i svenska dagstidningar

The aim of this study was to examine how swedish newspapers writes about domestic violence from a gender and a categorization perspective. Violence between partners is an social problem that affects both men and women which crime reports shows. In this study we’ve done a content analysis on 27 newsarticles from five swedish newspapers. For this study we’ve asked these two research questions: How d

Differences and Similarities between Extratropical Cyclones during Summer and Winter

Vinterhalvåret- tiden på året då stormarna trivs som bäst Det hände varje år, kanske flera gånger om året. Kuststäder svämmar över, granarna faller som plockepinn och strömmen går. Det stormar. Men varför? När det pratas om stormar i våra breddgrader syftas det nästan alltid på kraftiga vindarna som uppstår i samband med storskaliga lågtryckssystem, så kallade extratropiska cykloner. Dessa kan bilExtratropical cyclones (ETC) are synoptic scale low pressure systems, which have a large impact on the weather in the mid latitudes. These low pressure systems usually develop during several days and are connected to fronts. Thus, they can bring cloudiness, rain and even severe weather including strong winds. Extratropical cyclogenesis occur in regions of baroclinic instability and is thus a resul

Designing an Experiment to Investigate Slow Light Effects in Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators

Slow light and Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators are two interesting and useful fields with applications in optical sensing and laser stabilisation among others. Slow light can lead to long interaction times which are useful in light-matter interactions such as sensitive non-linear optics. Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators have small mode volumes and strong beam confinement leading to high Quali

Analysis of NDVI variation and snowmelt around Zackenberg station, Greenland with comparison of ground data and remote sensing

Snow and permafrost are significant climatic factors affecting the climate in high latitudes and especially in arctic regions. Moreover, results of conducted scientific studies have shown that snow is crucial for photosynthetic activity and therefore vegetation vigor and growing season in arctic environments. This master thesis aims to investigate the changes in photosynthetic activity in Zackenbe