

Din sökning på "*" gav 532861 sökträffar

Nitric oxide (NO) production in the upper airways is decreased in chronic sinusitis

The nasal concentration of nitric oxide (NO) was measured by chemiluminescence in healthy volunteers 3-68 years of age, and in patients suffering from common cold and chronic sinusitis. The concentration of NO in healthy subjects, 233.2 +/- 66.8 ppb (mean +/- SD), was found to be relatively independent of age and body size. The measured levels of NO did not differ between healthy volunteers and co

COPD exacerbations: the importance of a standard definition

Efforts to assess the efficacy of new therapies in the treatment of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have been hampered by the lack of a widely agreed and consistently used definition. A variety of definitions have been used in clinical studies, based on changes in patient symptoms or the requirement for antibiotic therapy, oral steroids or hospitalisation. To da

Siberian wetlands: Where a sink is a source

[1] A greenhouse gas inventory can for some ecosystems be based solely on the net CO2 exchange with the atmosphere and the export of dissolved organic carbon. In contrast, the global warming effect may be more complex in ecosystems where other greenhouse gases such as CH4 or N2O have significant exchanges with the atmosphere. Through micrometeorological landscape- scale measurements from the large

The cartilage proteoglycan aggregate: assembly through combined protein-carbohydrate and protein-protein interactions

In vitro reassembled aggregates of cartilage proteoglycan (aggrecan) were studied by glycerol spraying/rotary shadowing electron microscopy and compared to the corresponding native (i.e. never dissociated) structures. In both cases a tightly packed central filament structure was observed consisting of the hyaluronate binding region (HABR) of the proteoglycan, link protein (LP) and hyaluronate (HA)

Application Oriented Programming and Control of Industrial Robots

Efficient use of industrial robots requires a strong interplay between user level commands, the motion control system, and external equipment. It should also be possible for an experienced application engineer to tailor the motion control to a specific application in a convenient way, instead of deficient utilization of the device or tricky user programming which is often the case today. A layered

Characterization of a new large area HPGe X-ray detector for low beam current application

In the new sub-micron beamline at the Lund Nuclear Microprobe facility a special large area HPGe X-ray detector has been installed. It consists of eight 100-mm(2)-size detector elements arranged in an annular formation around the beam entrance hole. Different parameters like FWHM, FWTM, peak-to-background ratio and peak-to-valley ratio for each individual detector element as well as their sum spec

Atomic and electronic structure of the Yb/Ge(111)-(3x2) surface studied by high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy

Using high-resolution synchrotron-radiation photoelectron spectroscopy and low-energy electron diffraction, we have studied the electronic and structural properties of the Yb-induced Ge(111)-(3x2) reconstruction with a 1/6 monolayer coverage. We found these properties to be similar in many respects to those of the metal-induced Si(111) and Ge(111) reconstructions described previously in terms of t

Recurrent inguinal hernia: randomized multicenter trial comparing laparoscopic and Lichtenstein repair

Background: The optimal treatment for recurrent inguinal hernia is of concern due to the high frequency of recurrence. Methods: This randomized multicenter study compared the short- and long-term results for recurrent inguinal hernia repair by either the laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal patch (TAPP) procedure or the Lichtenstein technique. Results: A total of 147 patients underwent surger

Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer) diagnostics

Background Preventive programs for individuals who have high lifetime risks of colorectal cancer may reduce disease morbidity and mortality. Thus, it is important to identify the factors that are associated with hereditary colorectal cancer and to monitor the effects of tailored surveillance. In particular, patients with Lynch syndrome, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), have an in

Postantibiotic and sub-MIC effects of benzylpenicillin against Streptococcus pneumoniae with different susceptibilities for penicillin

Background: The purpose of the study was to examine whether penicillin-susceptible and nonsusceptible strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae exhibited different pharmacodynamic responses to benzylpenicillin. Methods: The postantibiotic effects (PAEs) and the postantibiotic sub-MIC effects (PA SMEs) were investigated by optical density against strains of S. pneumoniae with different susceptibilities t

Mild head injuries: Impact of a national strategy for implementation of management guidelines

Background. A national survey in 1996 showed insufficient routines for management of patients with mild head injuries in Norwegian hospitals. Since then, the Scandinavian Guidelines for Management of Mild Head Injuries have been published. Methods. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey of management practice was performed in all 59 hospitals in 2002. We compared the results with figures from 1996

Approximating a sum of random variables with a lognormal

A simple, novel, and general method is presented in this paper for approximating the sum of independent or arbitrarily correlated lognormal random variables (RV) by a single lognormal RV. The method is also shown to be applicable for approximating the sum of lognormal-Rice and Suzuki RVs by a single lognormal RV. A sum consisting of a mixture of the above distributions can also be easily handled.

Development of high temporally and spatially (three-dimensional) resolved formaldehyde measurements in combustion environments

In the present article a multi-YAG laser cluster and a framing camera have been applied for ultrahigh framing rate and three-dimensional measurements of formaldehyde distribution in flames and engines. The measurement technique utilizes a laser/detection system which has been adopted for the generation of eight laser pulses at 355 nm. By combining these lasers with a framing camera, short movies s

The parallel process in clinical supervision with a schizophrenic client.

The authors analyze a male nurse's account of how he experienced his interaction with a female schizophrenic client during sessions of systematic clinical supervision. Notes taken during 15 sessions were analyzed by means of open coding. The analysis revealed the importance of being aware of the parallel process that occurs among the client, the primary nurse, and the unit staff.

The isospin dependent p-n multiplets in the region of doubly magic Sn-100

Experimental data on p-n multiplets appearing in the nuclei near double-magic Sn-100 accesible in heavy-ion fusion-evaporation experiments have been analyzed. Proton-rich nuclei in this region have been investigated using the NORDBALL array. A Ni-58 beams at energies of 270 Mev on Fe-54 and 261 MeV on Cr-50 targets were used. Reaction channel separation was achieved with a 4 pi charged particle mu

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Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling i tysk språkvetenskap behandlar en särskild typ av meningar i dagens tyska: påståendesatser med det finita verbet i början. Denna typ har hittills knappast uppmärksammats av forskningen; en av anledningarna till detta är att den oftast förekommer i talat språk. Den vanliga ordföljdsregeln i tyskan är att verbet står på andra plats i huvudsatsen, på sisThe aim of this thesis is to describe and explain independent declarative clauses in German which have the finite verb in absolute clause-initial position. They are called verb-first declarative clauses. It is shown that this type of clause can be found in a variety of Germanic languages. There is evidence suggesting that this is a very old type with roots in ancient Indo-European. It has thus ex