

Din sökning på "*" gav 532856 sökträffar

Role of maxilla 2 and its setae during feeding in the shrimp Palaemon adspersus (Crustacea : Decapoda)

The movements of the basis of maxilla 2 in Palaemon adspersus were examined using macro-video recordings, and the morphology of its setae was examined using both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The basis of maxilla 2 performs stereotypical movements in the latero-medial plane and gently touches the food with a frequency of 3-5 Hz. The medial rim of the basis of maxilla 2 carries thr

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Dalhedes undersökning i två band koncentreras kring en protestantisk ”Augsburger-Kreis” med familjen Pemer, som i Sverige brukat kallas ”vallonsk”. Den moderna uppfattningen att de tyska invandrarna till Sverige alla varit nordtyskar, kritiseras med framgång. Religionen undersöks som ”förbindande element”, och protestanternas osäkra situation i Augsburg undersöks noga, med införandet av den nya ka

Functional dynamics of human FKBP12 revealed by methyl C-13 rotating frame relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy

Transverse relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy can provide atom-specific information about time scales, populations, and the extent of structural reorganization in proteins under equilibrium conditions. A method is described that uses side-chain methyl groups as local reporters for conformational transitions taking place in the microsecond regime. The experiment measures carbon nuclear spin rel

Electronic properties and structure of a complex incorporating a self-interstitial and two oxygen atoms in silicon

The electronic properties and structure of a complex incorporating a self-interstitial (i) and two oxygen atoms are presented by a combination of deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), infrared absorption spectroscopy and ab-initio modeling studies. It is argued that the IO2 complex in Si can exist in four charge states (IO2-, IO20, IO2+, and IO2++). The first and the second donor levels of the

Listening in pheromone plumes: Disruption of olfactory-guided mate attraction in a moth by a bat-like ultrasound

Nocturnal moths often use sex pheromones to find mates and ultrasonic hearing to evade echolocating bat predators. Male moths, when confronted with both pheromones and sound, thus have to trade off reproduction and predator avoidance depending on the relative strengths of the perceived conflicting stimuli. The ultrasonic hearing of Plodia interpunctella was investigated. A threshold curve for evas

Knowledge and recognition of ecosystem services among the general public in a drainage basin in Scania, Southern Sweden

Human preferences are likely to depend on such things as knowledge and information, propaganda and advertising, and formal (laws) and informal (norms) institutions. We focus on knowledge about how nature works and how this may be manifested in recognition of ecosystem services among the general public. Participants and non-participants in a plant nutrient abatement programme with detention ponds i

Utsatta barns hälsa

Studie av hälsa och ohälsa bland barn som placerats på barnhem i Malmö under 1980-talet.

Slavmoral: Teologiska perspektiv på Mose lag

Slave Morality: Theological Perspectives on the Law of Moses. The fusion between the regulations for human relations and behavior on the one hand and worship of and belief in YHWH on the other is the most prominent feature of Biblical Law. The historical background and growth of this characteristic is here investigated and some of its theological implications are scrutinized. Beginning with the la

Dynamic arraying of microbeads for bioassays in microfluidic channels

This paper proposes a new dynamic mode of generating bioanalytical arrays in microfluidic systems, based on ultrasonic trapping of microbeads using acoustic forces in standing waves. Trapping of microbead clusters in an array format within a flow-through device is demonstrated for the first time using a device with three integrated ultrasonic microtransducers. The lateral extension of each trappin

Development of Time Resolved Laser Imaging Techniques for Studies of Turbulent Reacting Flows

In the present thesis the development and application of a novel laser diagnostic system for high speed spectroscopic imaging of turbulent combustion phenomena is presented. The system is capable of recording sequences of up to 8 images with a separation between consecutive images as short as microseconds. The system allows a number of established laser diagnostic techniques to be used, extending

Why the far-future matters to democracy today

As the complexity of social and political interaction becomes increasingly over-whelming it is only natural that the pragmatic, technocratic, and expert-driven character of contemporary policy-making is even further consolidated. Though making use of existing knowledge this approach may lead to a deprivation of the democratic debate as the time horizons are shortened and the number of significantl

Effects of intravenous calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on local blood flow in the cat

The effects of i.v. calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on regional blood flow, vascular resistance, heart rate and cardiac output in cats were studied using the microsphere method. Three series of experiments were performed. In the first there was no pre-treatment of the animals. In the second the animals were pre-treated with indomethacin (5 mg kg-1) in order to prevent the formation of prost

God livskvalitet efter hjärtoperation. Bedöms lika av patient och anhörig

In a series of 83 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting for angina, perceived QOL (quality of life) was rated by the patients and their spouses, preoperatively and at two and 12 months postoperatively, using the SWED-QUAL instrument. One year after surgery, QOL had improved to a level which might be expected of a normal population comparable in age and gender distribution. Good corre

Extracellular MUC3 mucin secretion follows adherence of Lactobacillus strains to intestinal epithelial cells in vitro

Background: Mucins are large complex glycoproteins that protect intestinal mucosal surfaces by limiting access of environmental matter to their epithelial cells. Several mucin genes have been described, including MUC3 that is a membrane associated mucin of the small intestine. Increased MUC3 mRNA transcription is induced by incubation of intestinal epithelial cells with a Lactobacillus strain know

Expression of an LDL receptor allele with two different mutations (E256K and I402T)

AIMS: To investigate the disease causing event in patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia, carrying two mutations each, E256K in exon 6 and I402T in exon 9, of the gene encoding the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. It was not known whether the mutations were positioned in cis or trans, or if they were each pathogenic separately or only when present together. METHODS: Polymerase chain r