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This research aims at studying continuous time models within different stock market environments. We assume that the modeling of continuous time processes may be altered whether an equity market is experiencing a crisis or a pre-crisis period. As a benchmark index, the S&P500 has been chosen for this study and the sampling periods in question include the Black Monday of 1987, the Dot-Com of 20
“Från högt till lågt” - En analys av svenska gymnasieläroböcker och deras användande och framställning av termerna kast och globalisering – 1984 - 2011
What determines and regulates the content of the textbooks for the Swedish gymnasium (secondary school)? In the present comparative and analytic study Swedish textbooks in history and religious studies are examined. The goal is to analyze and compare the textbook approach, interpretation and usage of the terms caste and globalization, as well as the reasons for these depictions. Eric Wolf and Jona
The increased risk of piracy presenting new challenges for marine insurance market
The recent events of piracy, especially in the Gulf of Aden raised the concerns of the international community, shipping businesses as well as the marine insurance industries. The drastic increase in piratical incidents and the costs associated with them started a discussion as to the piracy coverage under modern marine insurance policies. Piracy has oscillated through history between being treate
Operationalising 'sustainability'
Sustainable development “which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,” (WCED 1987) is a global development objective of paramount importance. However, on the ground, ‘sustainable development’ is – in my experience – often little more than a buzzword for securing grants. From a strong sus-tainability standpoint, this thesis doc
Aktierekommendationer som investeringsmetod
Denna uppsats utgår från att undersöka huruvida man kan göra en överavkastning genom att följa aktierekommendationer från analyshus. Analyshusens rekommendationer analyseras var hus för sig men även i en sammanslagning av samtliga rekommendationer. Uppsatsen är en kvantitativ undersökning utifrån köp- respektive säljrekommendationer åren 2007-2009. Resultaten baseras på aktierekommendationernas pr
Applying Supply Chain Visibility - A study at a company in the paper and pulp industry
Title: Applying Supply Chain Visibility – A study at a company in the paper and pulp industry Authors: Filip Adielsson and Erik Gustavsson Supervisors: Fredrik Eng Larsson - PhD Candidate, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Engineering Logistics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University Sponsor: Udo Lück Background: Companies are operating in a more global environment than bef
How was the carbon balance of Europe affected by the summer 2003 heat wave? : a study based on the use of a dynamic global vegetation model; LPJ-GUESS
Extreme events are believed to become frequent, intense and long lasting with climate change. An example of such extreme event is the record breaking summer 2003 heat wave. The 2003 heat wave, accompanied by drought conditions, had severe impacts on the European terrestrial ecosystems. In this study we have used an ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS to investigate how the carbon balance of Europe was affec
Mannens roller och kvinnans roll - En studie om att skapa genus i missbruksvården
The different roles of a man and the role of a woman - a study of creating gender in social work with drug addicts The purpose of this study is to examine the social workers interpretation of gender among their clients, and more specifically how the social workers interpretation of gender affects the meeting with the client. This is a qualitative study based on interviews with six female social w
Timing på månadsbasis
Titel: Timing på månadsbasis – En utvärdering av bankernas placeringsråd Kurs: NEKK01 – Kandidatuppsats 15 hp Författare: Staffan Banck Handledare: Erik Norrman Nyckelord: Månadsspara, marknadstiming, buy and hold, Sharpekvot, indexfonder. Syfte: Att undersöka huruvida en investerare som placerar lika stora belopp i en indexfond varje månad får en avkastning som kan anses signifikant skiljd
Avtalsinstrument med oklara rättsverkningar - en studie av letters of intent och letters of comfort i svensk rätt
I avtalsrätten utgörs en central princip av pacta sunt servanda – löften ska hållas. Denna princip, som på ytan kanske inte ser ut att innebära några svårigheter, kan leda till bekymmer sett inom ramen för användandet av letter of intent respektive letter of comfort. I det moderna näringslivet har ett flertal sätt att sluta kommersiella avtal vuxit fram och lett till att avtalslagens anbud-accepOne fundamental principle within the field of contract law is pacta sunt servanda - agreements must be kept. This principle, which on the surface might not seem very complicated, may cause problems when applied on the use of letter of intent and letter of comfort. In the modern business world several ways of entering commercial contracts have arisen, causing the offer-and-acceptance-model provide
Aktiva hus och levande arkitektur
The question was asked whether or not it was possible to discern a connection between architecture, house functions and household activities among three-aisled longhouses at Lockarp, Malmö. Traces of postholes, along with the findings of artefacts and burnt herb seeds, constituted the major material culture left for revision by this study. The data used was based on reports from the excavation pro
Business development in Rail Maintenance Evaluation of monitoring axle/wagon distance
Due to recent accidents involving goods wagon axle failure, there is an increasing international focus on axle safety. One way of increasing the safety of goods wagon axles is monitoring the distance traveled by the axle and using this information to improve maintenance of the axle. This fact has sparked the belief that regulations regarding monitoring distance covered by goods wagon axles will be
Psykisk skada på grund av annans personskada - En jämförande studie av det svenska och det engelska rättsläget
Skadestånd ges i svensk rätt till personer som på grund av svarandens vårdslöshet har drabbats av en psykisk skada om skadan kan klassas som en personskada. Hur den psykiska skadan har uppkommit är dock av stor vikt för rätt till ersättning. Om skadan har uppstått till följd av en fysisk skada hos den som lider av den psykiska skadan, föreligger inga särskilda rättsliga begränsningar för ersättninSwedish law awards damages for negligently caused psychiatric injuries if such injuries can be classed as personal injuries. In what manner such a psychiatric injury has emerged is of great importance if damages are to be awarded. If a physically injured person develops a psychiatric injury as a result of that physical injury, then no special restrictions in law apply. There is, however, an except
”Hur tar vi oss upp igen från källaren?” – en fallstudie på Bong AB´s turnaround under 2000-talet
SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera en turnaround. METOD: Undersökningen har gjorts utifrån en kvalitativ metodansats med en fallstudie som angreppssätt. Datainsamlingen består främst av semistrukturerade intervjuer samt olika former av interna dokument från fallföretaget. TEORETISKA PERSPEKTIV: Det teoretiska kapitlet beskriver i ett första skede grundläggande teorier, tidiPURPOSE: The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze a turnaround. METHODOLOGY: The study was conducted by a qualitative method with a case study approach. The data collection consists mainly by semi-structured interviews and different kind of internal documents from the case company. THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES: The theoretical chapter describes in a first stage, basic theories, previous
Kvantitativt förvaltade hedgefonder - En jämförelse mellan kvantitativt och traditionellt förvaltade hedgefonder
The purpose is to compare quantitatively managed funds with other hedge funds and the stock market to see if quant funds perform better than the other groups Methodology: A quantitative methodology is used to collect and analyze historical data over the fund group’s performance. The data is then applied to commonly used measures of performance to conduct the study. Theoretical perspectives: Theori
Kuratorn - från allas springflicka till terapeut på remiss?
The purpose of this qualitative research was to examine how medical social workers define their professional commission and expertise. It also examines whether the idea of their professional role is established among other professions within the healthcare system, enabling them to gain access to and carry out their professional social work. The empirical research, consisting of interviews with 3 m
Is the EQ-5D a Valid Instrument to Assess Health Related Quality of Life of Psoriasis Patients?
The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether EQ-5D is a valid measure of Health Related Quality of Life of psoriasis patients. The objective was carried out by investigating the correlation between the EuroQol EQ-5D and two other Health Related Quality of Life measures, Dermatology Life Quality Index and a Visual Analogue Scale assessed by the patient, as well as two clinical outcome measu
Markfuktighetens påverkan på granens tillväxt i Guvarp
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Drunkningsrisk för skogen? Att mängden vatten i marken är viktig för att granen ska kunna ha så god tillväxt som möjligt är ingen nyhet. Är det för fuktigt drunknar rötterna, på grund av att de inte får en tillräckligt mycket syre. I denna studie har två markberedningsmetoder, högläggning och ingen markberedning, jämförts för att se vilket alternativ som är mestNorway spruce is a coniferous tree with many different fields of application. For an example, they are used as Christmas trees, decoration and as timber or pulpwood. The reason why many foresters in Sweden tend to choose spruce as their main species for plantation is partly because of their fast growth rate and partly because the main products are derived from the actual tree trunks. In the forest
Varumärkesförfalskning - Ett olovligt utbud som drivs av en lovlig efterfrågan på olovliga varor
Varumärkesförfalskning är idag ett allmänt förekommande problem. Utbredningen av förfalskade varor riskerar att minska incitamenten att investera och bygga upp varumärken, på samma sätt som incitamenten att investera i och utveckla läkemedel skulle minska om möjligheten till patent försvagades. Varumärkesförfalskning är ett problem för både konsumenter och näringsidkare. Konsumenterna riskerar attCounterfeiting in gods is a fast growing issue affecting both consumers and businesses worldwide. Consumers might mistake a fake with the original product and traders threaten to weaken their brands and the sale is lost in favour of the counterfeit gods. In the long run the expansion of counterfeiting gods might lead to less incentives for businesses to invest and develop trademarks. From the firs