

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Matchning - Kontaktperson enligt LSS

Den här studien ägnas åt att närmare fördjupa sig i hur kontaktpersoner enligt LSS upplever och ser på betydelsen av en matchningsprocess mellan brukare inom LSS och blivande kontaktpersoner. Rekrytering av kontaktpersoner sker på uppdrag av kommunerna i vårt land. Matchningsprocessen kan skilja sig åt från kommun till kommun och uppdraget att utföra insatsen kan utföras av socialsekreterare inom

Towards the synthesis of a fluorinated diphosphine compound for the study of C-F activation

Popular Science Summary The aim of this thesis is to develop a method for the selective cleavage of a carbon fluorine bond with a transition metal. The main focus is directed towards the synthesis of a gemdifluoro, syn-diphosphine compound XX. When treated with iridium the metal should bind to the phosphines which keeps it close enough to the carbon fluorine bond to break it and form what is known

"Populists are actually Democrats!" : A Content Analysis of Interviews and Speeches Given by Nigel Farage Against the Backdrop of Populism and Euroscepticism

Abstract With Europe and the EU facing a time of constant political changes and financial crisis in to the Eurozone, the rise of phenomena like Euroscepticism and Populism are more topical than ever. Through the use of populist rhetoric, Eurosceptic parties, such as the British UK Independence Party (UKIP), are gaining support across Europe and have proven their influence on the European politica

Salt transfer under irrigation with treated wastewater in semi-arid Tunisia

A continuously growing population in the world has resulted in more agricultural activity in arid- and semi-arid areas where it once was harder to cultivate crops. Due to the high evaporation and the lack of rainfall in these areas it is necessary to irrigate the fields. In some areas it has become more and more common to use treated wastewater as an alternative irrigation source. When the soil is

Johan Ekeblad - Kulturskridning, mentalitet, genre

Johan Ekeblad was a Swedish diplomat and nobleman during the period of the Swedish Empire in the 17th century who is mostly known for his letters, written in an impressionistic and highly modern style. This paper aims to treat Johan Ekeblad and his writing as a representative of a new form of mentality that emerged amongst Swedes when Sweden due to its new power reemerged on the European scene. Th

Iscensättning av vardagen - En undersökning av genremotivet i det holländska 1600-talsmåleriet

Min uppsats, Iscensättning av vardagen – en undersökning av genremotivet i det holländska 1600-talsmåleriet, handlar om hur hemmet skildras i det holländska 1600-talsmåleriet. De s.k. genremålningarna visar hemmet och vardagen, och i uppsatsen förklarar jag hur målningar med vardagliga motiv fick genomslag i Holland under 1600-talet. Kyrkan och adeln var inga stora beställare av konst, och det fan

Coachning med fokus på ledarskap

The purpose of this study was to explore the head coaching through greater understanding of clients' experiences of the coaching process. The study should be classified as a qualitative study with phenomenological approach. All participants in the study were middle managers and were employed at a company that is a leading Austrian supplier with headquarters in Vienna (Austria). The company als

Digital Marknadsföring - En värdeskapande process

Titel: Digital Marknadsföring – en värdeskapande process. Seminariedatum: 2013-01-17 Kurs: FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring Författare: Ina Farag, Nick Hercberg och Nathalie Lameri Handledare: Lars Carlman Bakgrund: Utvecklingen av internet har både skapat nya trender hos företagen och konsumenterna, där digital teknik på senare år har fått en stor betydelse i vardagen.

The application of GIS-based binary logistic regression for slope failure susceptibility mapping in the Western Grampian Mountains, Scotland

Slope failure has resulted in significant disruption to the Scottish road network in recent years and failure processes are widely considered to pose a very real risk to both infrastructure and road users. The manifestation of proposed regional climate variations could increase the hazard posed by landslide and debris flow activity within upland environments. It is therefore in the interests of de

Environmental monitoring of bio-restoration activities using GIS and Remote Sensing

The main goal of this research was the development of GIS and Remote Sensing based methodology for environmental monitoring of bio- restoration activities of disturbed vegetation cover along oil pipeline corridor. For the achievement of the main goal, high – resolution multispectral IKONOS and FORMOSAT satellite images acquired during vegetation peak seasons in 2007 and 2008 were processed by poly

A case study of route solving for oversized transport : the use of GIS functionalities in transport of transformers, as part of maintaining a reliable power infrastructure

Power supply is a social necessity, and will so continue to be in the near future. Therefore, safe and steady deliverance of power supply is a fundamental duty of the societies and the preparedness of the vulnerability of the infrastructures is highly prioritized. The power supply comprises every component needed for transmission of electrical power from generation to consumption, power transform

Using remotely sensed data to explore spatial and temporal relationships between photosynthetic productivity of vegetation and malaria transmission intensities in selected parts of Africa

Spatial and temporal variations in malaria transmission are naturally associated with prevailing climatic and environmental factors, for example rainfall, humidity, temperature and human activities. These factors influence malaria transmission mainly in non-deterministic ways, making them less appropriate for accurate geographical mapping of malaria risk. One distinctive phenomenon, ‘photosyntheti

The Entrance—the Believers’ Access to the Heavenly Sanctuary in the Epistle to the Hebrews

The aim of this essay is to explore the motif in the Epistle to the Hebrews of the believers’ entry into the Heavenly Sanctuary. The author portrays how Christ, on behalf of the believers, has entered into heaven with his own blood as a high priest and as a forerunner. But the author also exhorts his readers that they ought to enter the Sanctuary (Heb 4:14–16, 10:19–22). It is this theme I explore


There is a story behind everything, that is what makes life interesting. In this project the aim was to use such stories as an inspiration in order to create several pieces of furniture. This could be seen as an example on how a process that from the beginning was very fuzzy, in the end could result in something very tangible.

Förbättringsåtgärder för ställverk 59

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att pressentera ett antal tekniska lösningar för att förbättra säkerheten och kapaciteten i ställverk 59. Ställverk 59 är den vanligaste ställverkstypen på Trafikverkets järnvägsnät. Grundkonstruktionen är utvecklad på 1950-talet, men ställverkstypen nybyggs fortfarande trots konstruktionens ålder. Ända sedan järnvägen infördes har det funnits behov av att styra t

Mobile map client API : design and implementation for Android

Scientific summary: The fast development of computational power of the mobile phone have made it a suitable platform for running map applications. Both public and field working professionals can benefit from easy access to a mobile map client application with features such as route planning, location based services and simple GIS operations. This master's thesis describes the mobile operating The fast development of computational power of the mobile phone makes it a suitable platform for running map applications. Both public and field working professionals can benefit from easy access to a mobile map client application with features such as route planning, location based services and simple GIS operations. This master's thesis describes the mobile operating system (OS) Android from

"...men det är ju mer än bara Bruce Springsteen" Evenemangsstadens betydelse för Göteborg

Det finns idag en idé om att städer, likt varor, måste marknadsföra sig för att på detta sätt sticka ut ur mängden och därmed visa sin unika nisch. I Göteborg finns tanken att marknadsföra staden som en evenemangsstad. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur argumentationen för och emot denna marknadsföringsbild presenteras samt hur risken att bilden av den marknadsförda staden och den upplevda st

"Where life comes together", the imagined meanings of lived geographies, a case study of two gated communities in the greater cairo region, egypt

This essay concerns the imagined meanings of life in relation to Mivida and Al Rehab, two gated communities in the Greater Cairo Region, Egypt. It is based on promotional material and interviews conducted with relevant actors. It discusses, through a Gramscian-Foucauldian approach, how hegemonic narratives of life and the urban constitute privatized lived geographies, where the neoliberal subject

Börringesjön - en svårgenomskådad sjö

Alla ekosystem, skogar, sjöar, hav etc., är föränderliga och står under konstant påverkan, såväl inre som yttre, vilken försöker driva det för stunden rådande tillståndet åt olika håll. Sjöar har två dominerande tillstånd som de kan befinna sig i, antingen är de näringsfattiga och klara eller så är de näringsrika och grumliga. I den har studien har jag undersökt Börringesjön, i södra Skåne. SyftetAbstract All ecosystems, forests, lakes, seas etc., are changeable and are under constant influence, inner as well as outer, that try to push the for the moment present state in different directions. Lakes have two dominating states in which they can exist, they are either clear and low in nutrients or turbid and high in nutrients. In this study I have been examining lake Börringesjön in the sout