

Din sökning på "*" gav 533966 sökträffar

The business angels’ perspective on evaluating early stage start-ups

The process of evaluating early stage start-ups is often considered a great challenge from the perspective of a business angel. The main concern of this study is to investigate the methods that business angels use to evaluate early stage start-ups and which, if any, methods are used for the final valuation. The lack of previous theoretical research on the valuation methods of business angels and e

Att förebygga agentproblem - En fallstudie i rekryteringsprocessers effekt på agentproblem

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur rekryteringsprocesser kan agera som en förebyggande process mot agentproblem. Metod: Via en kvalitativ forskningsmetod genomfördes en enkel fallstudie med hjälp av intervjuer, observationer och dokumentation. Åtta intervjuer och två observationer genomfördes. Data analyserades med en kombination av pattern-matching och grundad teori. Teoretiska perspektPurpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how recruitment processes can help prevent the emergence of agency problems. Method: Following a qualitative research design, a single case study was conducted using interviews, observations and documentation. Eight interviews and two observations were conducted. Data was analysed through a combination of pattern-matching and grounded theory.

Syntax som stilistisk särprägel : Att överföra originalets stil vid översättning av engelsk skönlitteratur Författare: Agneta

Som grund för denna uppsats ligger en översättning av delar av första kapitlet i romanen The Children Act (2014) av den brittiske författaren Ian McEwan. Efter en analys av källtexten enligt den analysmodell Hellspong & Ledin har beskrivit i Vägar genom texten. Handbok i brukstextanalys (1997) följer ett avsnitt med överväganden inför översättningen. Där presenteras val av global och lokal öve

Utbud och preferenser på kontorshyresmarknaden i Stockholm CBD

Rapporten behandlar hyresgästens preferenser vid val av lokal inom Stockholm CBD. Detta analyseras i kontrast till vad hyresvärden upplever att hyresgästen efterfrågar. Därtill adderas aspekter så som hyresgästens uppfattning av befintlig lokal och hur deras betalningsviljor har förändrats för ett antal föreslagna åtgärder. Preferenser som valts att undersökas är; närhet till kollektivtrafik, kundThis thesis analyzes the tenants’ preferences in choosing a location to establish a business within Stockholm CBD. The report analyses the difference between the tenants’ preferences and the landlords’ perception of the tenants’ preference. The tenants’ perception of present lease and how the willingness to pay changes for proposed actions were also analyzed. The purpose of the report is to descri

System identification for control of temperature and humidity in buildings

HVAC systems are widely used to provide a good indoor air quality in buildings. Buildings stand for a substantial part of the total energy consumption in developed countries, and with an increased focus on cost reductions and energy savings, it is necessary to use intelligent and energy-efficient controllers. Accurate models describing the dynamics of the building system is a good basis for intel

The impact of context on followers' constructions of leadership

This thesis contends that focus within the leadership research has often been either on leaders or followers instead of acknowledging both parties. Similarly, fragmentation and ambiguity among followers’ constructions has often been ignored, underestimating the complexity of leadership as a social construction process. Additionally, even within more relational and social constructionist views, the

Förnyelse av Eleikos produktsortiment

The aim for this Master Thesis was to design a new product used in weight training for the Swedish barbell company Eleiko. From the beginning nothing was specified about what sort of equipment that was going to be designed. The thesis has gone through the whole process from figuring out what type of product will be most beneficial for the company to having drawings ready for building a prototype.

Ungdomarnas fritid - KFUM:s årliga rankning av Svalövs Kommun

Youth`s leisure time is a valuable time which can be used by the society to improve their competences and prevent the youths from crimes which cost society in term of economic expenditure and public safety loss. Svalov municipality has been ranked, according to Kfmu, as one of the worst municipality in Sweden in providing recreational activity for their youths. The study looks at the relation betw

Kartering av kriminalitet i Malmö - Brottsförebyggande rumsliga arbetssätt

Crime prevention is an important part of the police duties and a part of increasing security in society. Crime prevention can be long-term projects, where some of the work might be visiting schools to promote children and teenagers from future crimes, or short-term projects when possible crimes are prevented in place. One type of crime prevention is to show the most crimefrequent locations with th

Varför får inte mamma bli partner? – En studie om påskrivande revisorer och jämställdhet

Titel: Varför får inte mamma bli partner? – En studie om påskrivande revisorer och jämställdhet. Seminariedatum: 2015-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69 Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå Författare: Carl Miörner, Eric Ohlson, Jakob Widin Handledare: Amanda Sonnerfeldt Nyckelord: revision, revisionsbranschen, genus, påskrivande revisor, föräldraskap, homosocial reproduktion. Syfte: att beskriva jäm

Vård- och omsorgsdidaktisk kommunikation med hjälp av interaktiva medier

Sveriges kommuner och landsting har fått i uppdrag att starta projekt för att nationen skall bli ledande i IT i ett kommande informations- och kunskapssamhälle. Inom vården används tekniska hjälpmedel alltmer för övervakning i hemmet och internet används för dokumentation, vårdplanering, rådgivning mm. Denna undersökning granskar i första hand: Hur hälsovetare och sjuksköterskor i E-hälsans regi a

The dominant logic of an industry: exploring a holistic view of value capture

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the relationship between environmental factors and value capture capabilities and their effect on value capture. A qualitative Case Study was conducted based on interviews from five Key Account Managers and the CFO and CEO of a Business to Business firm operating in the Nordic region. This thesis shows that despite having a superior value offering and high

Explaining the Performance of Swedish Mergers & Acquisitions: Follow the Money or the Stock Market?

Title: Explaining the performance of Swedish mergers & acquisitions - Follow the money or the stock market? Seminar date: 2015-06-04 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project in Corporate Finance, Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS-Credits Authors: Eleonor Andræ, Leonard Bergström, Ebba Friberg, Gustav Krieger Advisor: Rikard Larsson Key words: CAR, Pretax operating cash flow, Mergers, Sweden, Regression analy

Vapengravar och krigaridentitet

This thesis is about understanding weapon graves and the symbols in the grave goods. To try and see what lies hidden behind the Viking Age warrior identity and understand the theatrical side of Viking Age graves. By analyzing the weapon and equestrian graves the author hopes to see the mentality of the peoples during the Viking Age. The grave goods are the key to understand people’s beliefs and vi

When Patenting biotechnology becomes contra-productive to the aim of the Biotech Directive

Biotechnology has been regarded as the problem child of modern Patent Law for a long time. The legislation concerning biotechnology is in constant fluctuation, changing as the case law constantly develops. This leads up to uncertainty regarding what is to be considered as patentable, and what is not. Even today, no stable solution has been found. Furthermore, ethical concerns are given a place w

Unveiling the power of selling spare-parts as a happy-meal

Companies selling industrial machines are seeing a shift where profits are moving from new sales, towards retrieving revenue throughout the whole customer life cycle. Instead of selling new machines, the companies in the industry need to look towards what is referred to as “the aftermarket”. The aftermarket is the part of the market where spare-parts and maintenance services are sold to existing c

Gendered work and power relations in Indonesian NGO:s : A qualitative study from two organizations in Java

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze power relations between Muslim female and male employees, active in working together with gender issues in two Indonesian non governmental organizations in Java. The study analyzes power relations and gendered work among female and male employees in the daily work and aims to give a picture on both female and male experiences from working to

Ett osynligt förtryck? : en kritisk diskursanalys av språket i tre propositioner gällande ett svenskt deltagande i den internationella militära insatsen i Afghanistan

Den internationella militära insatsen i Afghanistan har sedan inledningen varit mycket debatterad världen över. Inte minst i Sverige då regeringen redan under det inledande året beslutade att ställa svensk militär personal till förfogande. Denna studie fokuseras till en svensk kontext och till språket i tre propositioner vilka uttrycker regeringens ståndpunkt gällande ett svenskt militärt bidrag t

Temperature Estimation in Trailer Disc Brake

Automatic brake functions in trucks and cars can save lives but may heat the brakes to dangerous temperature levels. Various types of models for temperature estimation in a disc brake have been evaluated. A homogeneous temperature inside the disc was assumed and this simplification gave adequate modeling results. The implementation was done in Simulink. One model estimated the heat generation base