

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Rum vid havet

Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att gestalta en plats för yoga, meditation och bad. I samband med detta har jag velat undersöka hur hav och natur kan samverka med arkitektur för att skapa en kontemplativ miljö. Avsikten har varit att synliggöra en liten plats i skärgården i syfte att tillvara ta naturens och havets lugnande och välgörande egenskaper. Landsort Öja är den södra skärgårdensThe purpose of this thesis has been to create a place for yoga, meditation and bath. Doing this, I have wanted to investigate how the ocean and nature can cooperate with architecture to create a contemplative environment. The aim has been to highlight a small place in Stockholm’s archipelago and make use of the calming and beneficial effects of nature and the ocean. Landsort Öja is the southernm

Iterative Learning Control for Preparative Chromatography

Det fins en önskan om fullständigt automatiserade nedströmsprocesser i framställandet av proteiner för läkemedelsbruk. En del av nedströmsprocessen är preparativ kromatografi. En god separation mellan produkt och andra proteiner, samt god produktivitet, är av intresse. På grund att kromatografisk separation ofta körs satsvis så skulle en iterative learning controller (ILC) vara ett bra val för attThere is a desire for a fully automated downstream process in pharmaceutical protein production. One part of the downstreaming process is preparative chromatography. A good separation between the product and other proteins, as well as good productivity, are desired. Due to the batch nature of chromatographic separation, an iterative learning controller (ILC) could be a suitable choice for achievin

Dynamical Borel-Cantelli lemmas and applications

The classical Borel–Cantelli lemma is a beautiful discovery with wide applications in the mathematical field. The Borel–Cantelli lemmas in dynamical systems are particularly fascinating. Here, D. Kleinbock and G. Margulis have given an important sufficient condition for the strongly Borel–Cantelli sequence, which is based on the work of W. M. Schmidt. This Master’s thesis deals with an improvemen

Vägtransport av farligt gods - beräkningsmodell för olycksfrekvens

Varje dag transporteras det en mängd olika farliga ämnen på våra vägar. Ämnena kan ha en mängd olika egenskaper som gör att de kan vara farliga för både människor och miljön ifall det sker en olycka med transporten och ämnena släpps ut. Därför är det viktigt att man planerar samhället på ett klokt sätt så att skadorna inte blir så stora ifall en olycka sker. Till exempel ska man inte bygga bostädeA novel calculation model for estimating the frequency of accidents involving transport of dangerous goods on road links is proposed. It has been developed through a design process using background knowledge gathered through study and analysis of literature and through interviews with people having expertise within the field. The purpose of the model is to be used for risk analysis in societal pla

Pack your bags: A Mulberry Repositioning case

In 2012, Mulberry, a well-established British fashion brand recognised for its leadership in the affordable luxury category appointed a new CEO. This CEO aspired to reposition the brand to a target a more premium segment. The aftermath of this repositioning saw the resignation of Mulberry’s creative director, a downturn in customer patronage and several profit warnings. So what should Mulberry do

Konsten att memorera musik: Att lära sig spela utan noter

I detta arbete utforskas olika minnestekniker för att kunna framföra musik utan noter. Det är huvudsakligen experiment för grund av egen kunskap för författaren, men även andras teorier om inlärning och framförande av musik från minnet.In this work different memory techniques are explored to be able to perform music by heart. It is mainly experiments for the sake of the author's own knowledge, but also theories of others about learning and performing music from memory.

Common ground

A designer who engages in social problems is often an outsider, intervening in an environment with existing social structures. How can a designer contribute to finding durable solutions for social problems? What are the responsibilities of a social designer? And what role do power differences play? These questions were explored both theoretically and practically. The first by comparing social desi

Design, Method Development, and Synthesis of Novel Galectin-9N Inhibitors

Introducing an N-sulfonylamidine substituent in galactose increased the selectivity for galectin-9N, a protein involved in functions of the immune system, and is believed to have roles in autoimmune diseases and cancer. In this work, a fast method for regioselective monoalkylation of galactose by microwave irradiation was developed, and eight potential galectin-9N inhibitors were synthesized. Mole

Re-thinking green roof design : The prospect of a carbon sink structure investigated through a life cycle cost-benefit analysis

Green Roofs (GRs) have been used worldwide as a solution for greening cities, while providing useful services to society such as storm water management, improved air quality, energy savings, and increased biodiversity, to name a few. However, the environmental impact of their structure has been understudied, and more importantly, the carbon cost related to the use of materials that have a high car

Urbana grönområden och deras koppling till människors hälsa och välmående - en undersökning av befolkningens och kommunens inställningar i Lund

Vilken betydelse har bevarandet av urbana grönområden i Lund ur ett hälsoperspektiv? Stress i vardagen har nog de flesta upplevt och det är viktigt att det finns rum inom städerna för återhämtning. Urbana grönområden har i denna studie visat sig utgöra en viktig betydelse och ha en positiv påverkan på människors upplevda hälsa och välmående i Lunds tätort. Grönområden bidrar med flera olika och vDensifying cities has become a way to make room for the increasing urban population. By doing so, the urban green areas risk being reduced as well as the population’s availability to them. Research has shown that interaction with nature and green spaces contribute positively to human health and well-being. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the inhabitants and municipality view the u

Förändrat leveranssamhälle: e-handlens konsekvenser på leveransinfrastrukturen

Tidigare forskning visar förändring i val av handelskanal vilket har givit en tillväxt i e-handeln men även minskning av postbrev. Med denna förändring har övergång från brevinkast till fastighetsboxar endast delvis och tillfälligt lättat på problemen postmarknaden står inför. Förändrad konsumtion i kombination med växande befolkning och boendesituationer har resulterat i problematik kring leveran

Sydstaternas svaga länk

”The prisoners taken here were better clothed than any we had seen before. All provided with overcoats and jackets or [sic] a much better material than our own. They were of English manufacture, much darker than the United States uniform, and this furnished conclusive evidence of successful blockade running”. These words were noted on Confederates from Hay´s Louisiana brigade by their Union captor

Tröskelbegreppet - Det gränslösa begreppet

The threshold concept is a popular term at the moment in contemporary Swedish defense alignment and defense debate. Terms like threshold, with various meanings and adopted usage can be confusing in what the real definition of the term actually are. The problem with unclear definitions of terms such as the threshold is that it could lead to misconception or in worse case become a word of platitude,

Tick data clustering analysis establishing support and resistance levels of the EUR-USD exchange market

Our aim is to use clustering algorithms in order to compute support and resistance levels within an intra-day trading setting. To achieve this we use a tick data set from the EUR-USD exchange market during 2019 as a measure of market activity. Both the Gaussian Mixed Model (GMM) and an altered form of Kmeans clustering will be used as clustering methods where each method will be evaluated using a

Generation and Characterization of Intense Attosecond Pulses

Research on ultrafast dynamics in atoms and molecules requires short pulses. In order to resolve processes taking place on a femtosecond timescale sufficiently, these pulses require a duration on the attosecond time scale. This thesis is about the generation of such attosecond pulses via high harmonic generation (HHG) in argon gas by a terawatt infrared (IR) laser source. The pulses are applied in

Årsringar - Arkitektur för den åldrande människan

Abstract Our society is facing a changing demographic with an increasing proportion of the elderly, and in addition there is an increased need for housing adapted for this older population. There is much in the physical environment that can be adapted to meet the needs of the coming generation of elderly people. The need of healthcare for today’s elderly will look different from previous generat

Genetic and cell biological studies of the Streptomyces venezuelae orthologue of Mycobacterium septation factor SepIV A

Characterization of a gene associated with polar growth in Streptomyces venezuelae Bacteria display a variety of shapes which includes spheres, rods, spirals etc. This variety of cell morphology is determined by the cell wall and the cytoskeleton, and by mechanisms that control growth, cell division and cell wall synthesis for example in response to the surrounding environment. Streptomyces spp.

Unlocking liberation : a study on critical pedagogy projects with Saraguro women, Ecuador

How can critical pedagogy (CP) further Indigenous women’s sociopolitical agency and liberation? This case study is engaging with a CP project conducted by the Ecuadorian NGO GAMMA with Indigenous Saraguro women. Given its methodological approach, the project represents an interesting case for looking into alternatives to top-down and technocratic capacity building approaches within mainstream deve

BIM i Trafikverket - En kvalitativ undersökning av möjligheter och hinder för implementering

BIM, byggnadsinformationsmodellering, är ett arbetssätt som blir allt vanligare. Det innebär att olika objekt bygger upp en övergripande 3D-modell där man kan finna mängder av information om dessa objekt. Ett objekt kan vara allt ifrån en bropelare till en elstolpe. Syftet med denna rapport är att utifrån Trafikverkets roll som beställare undersöka vilka för- och nackdelar det skulle innebära med BIM, Building Information Modeling, is an increasingly common way of working. This means that different objects build up an overall 3D-model where you can find lots of information about these objects. An object can be anything from a bridge pillar to an electric pole. The purpose of this report is to, based on the Swedish Transport Administrations’ as a client, investigate the advantages and disad