

Din sökning på "*" gav 533895 sökträffar

When Patenting biotechnology becomes contra-productive to the aim of the Biotech Directive

Biotechnology has been regarded as the problem child of modern Patent Law for a long time. The legislation concerning biotechnology is in constant fluctuation, changing as the case law constantly develops. This leads up to uncertainty regarding what is to be considered as patentable, and what is not. Even today, no stable solution has been found. Furthermore, ethical concerns are given a place w

Unveiling the power of selling spare-parts as a happy-meal

Companies selling industrial machines are seeing a shift where profits are moving from new sales, towards retrieving revenue throughout the whole customer life cycle. Instead of selling new machines, the companies in the industry need to look towards what is referred to as “the aftermarket”. The aftermarket is the part of the market where spare-parts and maintenance services are sold to existing c

Gendered work and power relations in Indonesian NGO:s : A qualitative study from two organizations in Java

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze power relations between Muslim female and male employees, active in working together with gender issues in two Indonesian non governmental organizations in Java. The study analyzes power relations and gendered work among female and male employees in the daily work and aims to give a picture on both female and male experiences from working to

Ett osynligt förtryck? : en kritisk diskursanalys av språket i tre propositioner gällande ett svenskt deltagande i den internationella militära insatsen i Afghanistan

Den internationella militära insatsen i Afghanistan har sedan inledningen varit mycket debatterad världen över. Inte minst i Sverige då regeringen redan under det inledande året beslutade att ställa svensk militär personal till förfogande. Denna studie fokuseras till en svensk kontext och till språket i tre propositioner vilka uttrycker regeringens ståndpunkt gällande ett svenskt militärt bidrag t

Temperature Estimation in Trailer Disc Brake

Automatic brake functions in trucks and cars can save lives but may heat the brakes to dangerous temperature levels. Various types of models for temperature estimation in a disc brake have been evaluated. A homogeneous temperature inside the disc was assumed and this simplification gave adequate modeling results. The implementation was done in Simulink. One model estimated the heat generation base

Ekonomistyrning i byggprojekt

Byggbranschen kritiseras för sitt konservativa tänkande och ineffektivitet. Generellt sett har branschen låg lönsamhet med små marginaler. För att uppnå lönsamhet i ett byggprojekt krävs styrning mot uppsatta projektmål. Mål och vinstmarginaler nås genom ekonomisk styrning. Begreppet ekonomistyrning omfattar alla aktiviteter från planering till uppföljning och avstämning som görs för att upptäcka The construction industry is criticized for its conservative orientation and inefficiency. The industry has a low profitability with small margins. To make a construction project profitable it requires steering towards established project goals. Goals and profit margins are achieved through cost control. The concept of cost control covers all activities from planning to monitoring and reconciliati

Realisering av PLC-system och simulering med mikrokontroller

The purpose of this thesis with the conversion of the industrial press for centrumbrick on Höganäs Bjuf AB was to improve the security for the work- and maintenance personnel. To improve the security a new control system containing a PLC based control logic and HMI was developed. The new control system will improve the work security for the maintenance personal because the operating voltage for se

Exploring the relationships between biodiversity and benthic habitat in the Primeiras and Segundas Protected Area, Mozambique

The Primeiras and Segundas Archipelago Reserve, located in the waters of northern Mozambique, is the largest marine protected area in Africa, extending over 200 km of coastline. Despite the region’s importance for the local economic, information on the marine ecosystem, notably benthic habitat, is very scarce. Twelve atolls were mapped in the region using object-based image classification of very-

Anthropogenic Disturbance in Nocturnal Primates & Conservation Perception in Zaraninge Forest, Tanzania

Galagos are an understudied family of primates which inhabit much of Sub-Saharan Africa, some of which are potentially at risk. The coastal forests of East Africa are home to many galagos, however this habitat is under threat from an increasing human population seeking timber, charcoal and land for agriculture, amongst other pressures. This study used repeated transect methods when estimating the

Commercialisation of the female body : As wombs become ‘stock-in- trade’

This study has focused on the approach of the Indian government with additional voices from women’s rights activist and researchers. The study has investigated how the surrogacy industry is approached and dealt with within the political economy sphere. It presents an exemplifying case of how business based on bio-­‐medical advancements and globalization is dealt with on a national level. The main

Experience antithesis in Nobel Prize lectures: Enhancing understanding of molecular biology by means of active, spatial antitheses?

This qualitative study explores whether antithesis, as a didactic rhetorical tool, may enhance the likelihood of understanding complex biology-related information. Research shows that students lack the ability of communicating expert knowledge to laymen since they do not understand subject matter well enough themselves due to scientific language. Hence, scientific language use should be studied in

Spelarkontrakt i professionell fotboll - En jämförande studie mellan fotbollens och arbetsrättens regler

I dagens kunskapssamhälle så ökar arbetsgivarens behov av att binda arbetstagare med särskilda kompetenser då de är så kallade nyckelmedarbetare. I vissa fall kan hela bolagets värde utgöras av arbetstagarna. Därför ökar också användandet av konkurrensklausuler. Normalt sätt så tar den sikte på arbetstagarens förehavanden efter det att denne har lämnat sin anställning. Men för de allra flesta så hThe necessity is high for employers to keep employees with particular skills in today's knowledge-based society. In some cases, the entire value of the company is based on the skills of the employees. Therefore there is also an increase in the use of non-competition clauses. Normally, it effects the employee’s actions after the employment relationship is terminated. For most people, it has als

Development of a new dosimetry technique

In order to minimize the damage inflicted in healthy tissue during radiotherapy, it is vital to verify the dose absorbed by the patient. A common approach is the use of dosimetry gels in which local radiolysis processes are induced through radiation. As the subsequent read-out using Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques is time-consuming, the here presented thesis investigates a new approach based

Development of narrow-bandwidth filters for the suppression of scattered light for optical and ultrasound analysis of tissue

Ljud och ljus för att upptäcka cancer En märklig kombination, kan man kanske tycka, men i den teknik som kallas ultraljudsmodulerad optisk tomografi (UOT) är det just ljud och ljus, specifikt ultraljud och laserljus, som kombineras. I korta ordalag går tekniken ut på att man skickar in en kort ultraljudssignal i kroppen, varpå man direkt skickar in laserljus från ett annat håll. När de två krockarUltrasound-modulated optical tomography (UOT) is a proposed diagnostic technique with potential as a means of discovering cancerous tumours. The technique combines ultrasound and laser radiation to probe tissue in a non-invasive, harmless way. An important aspect in UOT is the ability to distinguish the probing light from background scattered light generated by the technique, which limits its reso

Bly i jord och växter: Tillväxt och blyupptag

Jord i anslutning till skjutbanor innehåller ofta mycket höga blyhalter. Blyföroreningarna medför ett ökat upptag av bly i de växter som växer i jord från skjutbanor. Matväxter från skjutbanor kan kraftigt överskrida gränsvärdena för bly i livsmedel. För växterna medför blyexponeringen en omfördelning av biomassa, från rötter till skott. Bly är en tungmetall, och är giftig för såväl växter som djThis study investigates how lead content and bioavailability in soil affects growth and root/shoot ratio in three commonly cultivated species: wheat (Triticum turgidum), clover (Trifolium) and radish (Raphanus sativus). The study investigates the levels at which soil lead content contribute to toxic effects in plants, and when it may pose a risk to consumers. In addition, lead accumulation and the

The motivation to become entrepreneurial in a mature industry: A Case Study on the individual entrepreneur in the renewed Swedish beer industry

Purpose – This paper attempts to increase understanding of industry renewal as a subject of research within the field of entrepreneurship. It provides insights for future research in economics and industrial organization. We make use of research findings on entrepreneurial motivation, cognition and the environment. Furthermore, it attempts to answer the question: ‘Why do entrepreneurs become activ