

Din sökning på "*" gav 531151 sökträffar

Statistical Analysis and Modeling of the Behavioral Response to Humidity and Olfactory Cues by the Vinegar Fly Drosophila melanogaster

Statistisk Analys och Modellering av ”Fuktsinnet”- Insekternas Sjätte Sinne Statistisk analys och modellering av bananflugors rörelse med syftet att undersöka hur de reagerar på fukt. Arbetet visar hur flugors beteende kan undersökas genom att analysera deras rörelse och hur skillnader i beteende kan simuleras med en statistisk modell. Sjätte sinnet finns i verkligheten, men hos insekter. De harAnimals are impacted by the humidity of their surrounding environment, it affects their ability of thermoregulation, water retention and their overall well-being. For small insects the effects of the surrounding humidity is even more important as they have a limited water storage which depletes faster in a drier environment. Some insects such as the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster have develop

Familjeterapeutiska interventioner för syskon till barn med kronisk sjukdom eller funktionsnedsättning; en systematisk litteraturstudie

När ett barn är sjukt påverkas hela familjen. Syskon löper risk att få mindre uppmärksamhet av sina föräldrar, och att ta på sig ett större ansvar när föräldrarnas fokus behöver inriktas på att hantera vardagen runt barnet som är sjukt. Vi genomförde en systematisk litteraturstudie av vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ ansats, för att undersöka familjeterapeutiska interventioner med fokus på sWhen a child suffers from chronic illness, the whole family becomes affected. When the parents' focus needs to be on managing everyday life around the ill child, siblings are at increased risk of receiving less attention from their parents, and to take on more responsibility. A systematic literature review with a quantitative approach was conducted to investigate family therapeutic interventio

Characterization and optimization of Rhodosporidium toruloides for production of lipids

Oleaginous microorganisms provide an opportunity to produce oils without the use of arable land for cultivation of oil-containing plants. Oleaginous microorganisms are also capable of storing products of pharmaceutical interest alongside storing polymers, which could open new opportunities in the bioplastic industry. Oily yeasts have several advantages in comparison to alternatives; their doubling

Ecological restoration for human wellbeing: the case of wetland restoration in Jablonné v Podještědí, Czech Republic

Wetland and biodiversity loss affect both ecosystem function and human wellbeing. However, it is argued that the incremental rate of farmland abandonment provides opportunities for ecological restoration to help reverse this negative trend. This thesis applies ecosystem service framework and psychological ownership theory to analyse a wetland restoration project in a semi-urban town of Jablonné v

How do different ingredients affect the fermentation time and structure of plant-based yoghurt-like products?

The market of plant based dairy alternatives such as yoghurt alternatives continues to grow as more information on the environmental impact of traditional dairy products become available. The plant-based yoghurt alternatives come with a new set of problems, including longer fermentation times and poor gel structure formation. The aim of the project was to see if fermented yoghurt alternatives coul

Covid-19 couldn’t car less? Examining the pandemic’s effects on urban mobility and the implications for a carbon-neutral and inclusive transition. A case study from Hamburg, Germany.

The global pandemic of Covid-19 has drastically changed the behaviour of citizens around the world. This research aims to identify actions that ensure low-carbon, inclusive forms of mobility that respond to the behavioural changes during Covid-19. The city of Hamburg, Germany, and its problems with transport-related emissions and socio-economic inequalities serve as a representative case study. Th

Road to Justice: Syrian Gender-Based Violence Survivors and Turkey's International Obligations

Gender-based violence survivors have barriers to access to justice around the globe. However, States are responsible for removing those barriers and ensuring that everyone can access needed services and justice without discrimination regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, disability, or age. Turkey is no exception with its international commitments and domestic laws to

En trovärdig identitet: Migrationsdomstolarnas praktiska trovärdighetsbedömningar i asylmål med sexuell läggning som skyddsgrund

Den här uppsatsens syfte är att utreda hur migrationsdomstolarna i praktiken avgör huruvida asylsökande uppfyller kraven för att få uppehållstillstånd. Enligt svensk rätt ska varje person som känner välgrundad fruktan för förföljelse på grund av sin sexuella läggning få rätt till asyl. Det är dock den sökande som har bevisbördan för att göra sin flyktingstatus sannolik. I asylmål är ofta den sökanThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how the Migration Courts in practice determine whether an asylum seeker meet the criteria to receive asylum. Every person who feels well- founded fear of persecution due to their sexual orientation has a right to be granted asylum, according to Swedish law. It is however the asylum seeker who bears the burden of proof to make their right to refugee statu

Rights of Nature: The current state and potential of implementation of an ecocentric environmental management approach in an anthropocentric society. A comparative case study of the Atrato River in Colombia and the Whanganui River in New Zealand

This thesis exists within the debate of sustainable environmental management, examining the potential of rights of nature in overcoming problems caused by the current neoliberal conservation paradigm such as inequalities in power, lack in indigenous inclusion, as well as using contextually inappropriate approaches. In examining this a qualitative comparative case study research design is applied o

Introducing degrowth to socio-environmental movements in the United States: A case study of the Sunrise Movement and Democratic Socialists of America

In a country with a large historical and current share of emissions, recent climate inaction and political upheaval have disallowed substantial social-environmental reforms from being endorsed. This thesis critically examines the current cycle of contention in the United States by classifying the Sunrise Movement and the Democratic Socialists of America as social movement organizations through the

Pursuing a sustainable future. The capability approach as an alternative to transform neoliberal energy policies in the case of Turkey.

Since 1950s fossil fuels are the main source of anthropogenic emissions (Friedlingstein et al., 2019) and developing economies with their increasing demand of energy are contributing to global fossil fuel consumption increasingly. Turkey, similarly, has been experiencing an increase of energy demand and have been heavily relied on fossil fuels in consumption patterns. This study employs Fairclough

Save the bay: a case study of fisheries co-management in Gökova Bay, Turkey

Overfishing is one of the most serious problems threatening the health of the seas and local coastal communities. Marine Protected Areas with No Fishing Zones are valuable biodiversity conservation tools to ensure the sustainable use of diminishing fish stocks. Nevertheless, to be successful for long-term conservation these areas have to be monitored and rules must be enforced. Using semi-structur

Capital, the ‘Blue Economy’ and the last frontier on Earth: how nature matters in the emerging deep-sea mineral frontier, the case of polymetallic nodules in the Area

Deep-sea mining (DSM) is an emerging extractive industry often portrayed as part of a sustainable oceanic ‘blue economy’ despite being characterized by profound ecological uncertainty. This thesis critically examines the emergence focusing on the extraction of polymetallic nodules, by developing two arguments. First, it argues that DSM represents the ‘subsumption of nature’ by examining its biophy

Investigation of Physical Stability of Baobab Pulp Emulsion – for Food Application

Background and objectives Baonaise is a novel plant-based savoury sauce. Baonaise sauce base (BSB) is produced from baobab fruit pulp. Creaming and phase separation were observed in Baonasie from previous studies at the company. In this study, concentration, temperature and type of oil, speed and time of mixing were studied to investigate the factors influencing the physical stability of baobab p

Mimic Drinking from a Straw in a Lab Environment

In July 2021, single-use plastics will be banned from the European market, meaning that the plastic straws used with Tetra Pak’s portion packs will no longer be permitted. Therefore, Tetra Pak develops new straws, and it is important to test their functionality, something that previously has been done with panel tests. However, Tetra Pak has requested to aid the development process by minimizing t


Life at a music festival can be both a blessing and a curse. It creates a feeling of escaping reality into euphoric happiness and freedom that only music festivals can bring. But one thing can drastically change this mood and make the living at the festival quite miserable – the weather. Rain as well as too high or low temperatures contribute to this negative change of mood. The festival chosen fo

Etisk rekrytering med AI – Hur AI-mognad och företagskultur kan relateras till den etiska medvetenheten

Denna studie syftar till att explorativt undersöka etiska implikationer av artificiell intelligens (AI) inom rekrytering, och studera medvetenheten av dessa relaterat till företags mognad för AI, samt dess företagskultur. Med detta kan en grund för framtida forskning läggas, och möjligtvis bidra med fynd som kan guida praktiker. Studien baseras på forskningsfrågan: Hur kan företags AI-mognad och oThis study aims to explore ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) within recruitment and study the awareness in relation to companies maturity within AI, and its organisational culture. This could serve as a basis for future research, and possibly guide practitioners to use AI in recruitment more ethically. The study is based on the research question: How can AI maturity and organisa

Renewable Ambition: How Subnational Level of Government in Indonesia Implement Transition to Renewable Energy

The global energy system is still dependent on fossil fuels, but it has become necessary to change this system immediately. In this research, I conduct a case study of the Central Java province in Indonesia to consider how an energy transition can be implemented at the subnational level. I investigate factors influencing the adoption of renewable energy in the province. I use the multi-level persp

"Nej, jag har en stol kan jag använda den?" Upplevelser, tankar och känslor hos frivilligt ensamstående mammor kring föräldrablivandet i mötet med mödrahälsovården

Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka upplevelser, tankar och känslor frivilligt ensamstående mammor har gällande sitt föräldrablivande, i synnerhet i relation till sin kontakt med mödrahälsovården. Ensamstående mammor som genomgått assisterad befruktning i Sverige (N=10) deltog i studien. Datainsamlingen genomfördes via semistrukturerade intervjuer med hjälp av en intervjuguide. Materialet aThe aim of this study was to examine the experiences, thoughts and feelings of solo mothers by choice, regarding their transition to parenthood, with special regard to their contact with the maternal health-services. Solo mothers by choice who had gone through assisted fertilization in Sweden (N=10) participated through a semi structured interview carried out with the help of an interview guide. T