

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar


This master thesis investigates the use of waterfront locations in the town of Karlskrona. Based on current conditions and future scenarios, a design proposal for new permanent architecture located at the central square of Fisktorget is presented. NHAVET aims to contribute to new experiences that bring the population closer to the sea. It is a meeting point for food, events and communication which

Can augmented reality supplement traditional human-machine interfaces?

In this master thesis, the possibilities and limitations of using handheld aug- mented reality (AR) as a complement to a regular human machine interface (HMI) are explored. This was done by developing a mobile application for An- droid and connecting it to a real machine, making it possible to perform actions on the machine through the AR application. A user study with 20 test subjects was conduct

Using deep learning to remove computed tomography artifacts due to hip replacement

Computed Tomography (CT) is the most common diagnostic method for cancer and prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in Sweden. Some of the patients that get scanned have hip replacements that cause artifacts in CT scans that make the CT images unreadable for physicians. In this Master’s Thesis an autoencoder model was implemented to reduce artifacts due to hip replacements in CT image

The impact of delivery lead time on customer conversion

Delivery lead time (DLT) is seen as one of the most important service factors affecting the consumers willingness to fulfill a purchase within online retailing (Esperet al., 2003). The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effect variations in the offered DLT have on customer conversion rate within e-commerce. This is done by analyzing historical online customer demand data from a case comp

Chemical recycling of cotton-based waste textiles by sulfuric acid hydrolysis

Vi har lyckats utveckla en metod för att utvinna glukos ur kasserade bomullstyger, som i sin tur kan användas för att producera nya kemikalier och biobränslen. På så vis kan vi hjälpa textilindustrin att bli betydligt mer hållbar. Mycket av kläderna i min garderob är begagnade, det beror delvis på att jag gillar känslan när man lyckas hitta något oväntat trevligt fynd, men också för att återanvänLarge amounts of waste textiles are produced annually, of which only a small fraction is recycled currently. The purpose of this study was to develop a method to recycle cotton-based waste textiles chemically that can be coupled to the production of biofuels or green chemicals. Bedlinens, labeled 100% cotton, were dissolved and hydrolyzed in sulfuric acid to produce a glucose solution without the

A phonological reconstruction of Proto-Omagua–Kokama–Tupinambá

Tupí-guaraníspråken omagua [omg] och kokama [cod] utgör intressanta exempel på omfattande språkkontakt i Amazonas. Detta framgår av språkens lexikon, som till största delen består av ord från tupí-guaraníspråk, men med en hög andel ord från obesläktade språk. Det framgår också av grammatiken, som skiljer sig mycket från andra tupí-guaraníspråk. Det språk som var huvudsaklig lexifierare i kontaktsiThe Tupí–Guaraní languages Omagua [omg] and Kokama [cod] constitute interesting examples of heavy language contact in Amazonia. This is evident from their lexicon, which is mostly Tupí–Guaraní, but with a high percentage of non-Tupí–Guaraní forms, and the grammar, which is very distinct from other Tupí–Guaraní languages. The lexifying Tupí–Guaraní language in this contact situation is believed to

Finns det samband mellan självförverkligande, inneboende kontra externt orienterad motivation och socialt jämförande?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka förhållandet mellan självförverkligande, socialt jämförande och motivation. För socialt jämförande mättes både en generell benägenhet och benägenhet att jämföra i olika riktningar (uppåt eller nedåt). Den operationella definitionen för motivation utgick ifrån de kausalitetsorienteringar som återfinns inom self-determination theory. Datainsamling skedde i form aThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self actualization, social comparison, including upward and downward comparison, and different types of motivation as defined by the proposed causality orientations within self determination theory. Data was acquired through a survey distribution. The sample consisted of a convenience sample (N=131). The results, from a correlat

No title

This text is a qualitative study based on interviews with gender non normative co-parents who have experiences with the Danish healthcare system in the process of becoming a parent. The study explores how experiences with the healthcare system can be understood as a part of their subjectivation. Through the lens of queer feminism, represented by Judith Butler, it thus critically investigates how s

Sustainable Fashion

Background: The fashion industry is one of the world’s largest and most creative sectors in the retail industry, but also one of the most polluting industries globally. More and more clothes are produced than it is needed, and this has been a usual process in the fashion industry to meet consumers’ needs. Consumers can also be responsible for the environmental degradation, even though most of the

Invasiva främmande växter - ett växande problem

Biologisk mångfald minskar globalt till följd av habitatförstörelse, föroreningar, överexploatering, klimatförändring och ökad spridning av invasiva främmande arter. Dessa sprids framförallt via transporter och eftersom ca. 85% av alla transporter till Sverige passerar Skåne drabbas regionen hårt. I Skåne är Hässleholm en av de största kommunerna samt en knutpunkt för olika transporter och är därfBiodiversity is decreasing globally due to habitat destruction, pollution, over-exploitation, climate change and the increasing spreading of invasive alien species (IAS). The Swedish legislation on IAS is new and has not been implemented in the municipality of Hässleholm and therefore a study was required. The aim of my study was therefore to investigate how the municipality works with IAS. The IA

Barnmorskors erfarenheter av menskopp och att informera kvinnor om att använda menskopp vid menstruation

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Det är inte alltid lätt att ha mens, men oavsett hur vi än mår så har vi oftast tillgång till mensskydd. I vissa länder har menskoppen blivit ett omtyckt mensskydd, men kunskapen om hur ofta kvinnor i Sverige använder menskopp eller vilken information som ges är sparsam. Syfte: Att beskriva barnmorskors erfarenheter av menskopp och att informera kvinnor om användandet av den un

An ERP Study of Competitive Memory Retrieval in a Lateralized Auditory Task

Selectively retrieving memories can lead to forgetting of related, but irrelevant memories. The forgetting of competing memories has been seen in several behavioral studies, but neural evidence of the process underlying this finding are scarce. One hypothesis is that the brain handles competition at retrieval by inhibition of the competing items to facilitate target retrieval. The effect of this i

Modeling and Off-Design Prediction of an Organic Rankine Cycle

The background for this master thesis project is a problem to describe performance of a small 150 kW organic Rankine cycle power plant. Climeon AB in Kista, has developed the unit, and the product is currently in use at different customers. The ”HP150” unit is made with a modular approach. It is a factory made box-shaped unit which is able to be installed at a variety of sites. The aim of this proj

Enhancing practice routines to reach the ultimate goals

This thesis, titled ”Enhancing practice routines to reach the ultimate goals” consists an overview over some fundamental aspects regarding individual instrumental practice, how they occur and affect the musicians practice routines. Thesis includes a survey based on interviews made to professional musicians and we later analyze how the aforementioned aspects come to fruition in the gathered materia


The motivation behind the project was to examine if and how the product attachment value could be prolonged through the form and features of the product. Existing research and literature was used to form an understanding on how we value our belongings, from this four general determinants where clear: pleasure, self-expression, group affiliation and memory. They, together with the study of ordinar

Temporal and genetical constraints of the Cu-Co Vena-Dampetorp deposit, Bergslagen, Sweden

Bergslagens malmprovins är känd för att innehålla stora Zn-Pb-Ag- och Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-sulfidförekomster med tillhörande järnoxidskarn och många studier har fokuserat på att förstå dessa förekomster. Cu-Co-förekomster som Vena-Dampetorp-förekomsten har emellertid fått mindre uppmärksamhet. Vena-Dampetorp-förekomsten är en disseminerad och åderstödd Cu-Co-mineralisering som förekommer i en 1,89 Ga ryoliThe Bergslagen Province is known for containing major Zn-Pb-Ag and Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag sulphide mineralizations with associated iron-oxide skarns and a lot of research have focused on understanding them. However, Cu-Co deposits like the Vena-Dampetorp deposit have received less attention. The Vena-Dampetorp deposit is a disseminated and vein Cu-Co mineralization hosted primarily in a 1.89 Ga rhyolitic to

Låt oss fästa

För att fånga den perfekta bilden krävs rätt ljus och timing, men det finns även mycket annat som kan hjälpa dig när du fotograferar. Fotografering är en prylhobby och även hobbyfotografer har en tendens att samla på sig diverse gadgets. Jonas Lundin var en av dessa hobbyfotografer som kände att han saknade en produkt på marknaden. En produkt där han kunde ha sina kameraobjektiv mer lättillgänglig

Ondh quinna ær diæwlsins dura naghil – En genusvetenskaplig studie av blyamuletter från medeltidens Danmark

Schilling, S., 2019. Ondh quinna ær diæwlsins dura naghil – a gender study of lead amulets from medieval Denmark. During the middle ages, witches, sorcerers, elves and demons were lurking everywhere you walked and the fear of becoming possessed with a demon were every person’s worst fear. The church provided a form of protection that guaranteed safety by the power of God’s word. From the period of