

Din sökning på "*" gav 535932 sökträffar

A comparison between pulsed electric field and moderate electric field for their effectiveness in improving the freezing tolerance of rocket leaves

Two electrotechnologies: pulsed electric fields (PEF) and moderate electric field (MEF) in combination with vacuum impregnation of glycerol as cryoprotectant were used to increase the freezing tolerance of rocket leaves. Rocket leaves were treated with PEF using a nominal field strength of 1200 V/cm or MEF at different combinations of voltage and frequency. Leaves were then immersed in a glycerol

Retained Metabolic Flexibility of the Failing Human Heart

Background: The failing heart is traditionally described as metabolically inflexible and oxygen starved, causing energetic deficit and contractile dysfunction. Current metabolic modulator therapies aim to increase glucose oxidation to increase oxygen efficiency of adenosine triphosphate production, with mixed results. Methods: To investigate metabolic flexibility and oxygen delivery in the failing

Biodiversity and pollination benefits trade off against profit in an intensive farming system

Agricultural expansion and intensification have boosted global food production but have come at the cost of environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. Biodiversity-friendly farming that boosts ecosystem services, such as pollination and natural pest control, is widely being advocated to maintain and improve agricultural productivity while safeguarding biodiversity. A vast body of evidence sh

Lunds domkyrka : Nya tiden: Byggnaden och arkitekterna

Lunds domkyrka är det främsta romanska byggnadsverket i Norden, med en byggnadshistoria som går tillbaka till 1000-talet. Domkyrkan har varit plats för avgörande händelser i politiska, teologiska och kulturella processer. Den nuvarande domkyrkan har här sin bakgrund; fortfarande är den ett centrum i Lunds stad och ett kyrkligt centrum i Sydsverige och Nordeuropa.Den 30 juni 1123 invigde ärkebiskop

Förändring pågår! Förslag på förändringsarbete kring kön och könsidentitet i skolan - Bilaga 2

Att vara trans på olika sätt är ingen nödsituation och behöver inte vara dramatiskt. I stället för att enbart reagera i stunden kan politiker, rektorer, lärare, kuratorer, skolsköterskor och andra vuxna skapa en skola där färre spontana lösningar krävs eftersom det finns ett genomtänkt pedagogiskt och administrativt arbete, det som kallas ”whole-of-school approach” (Bartholomaeus & Riggs, 2017Being trans in different ways is not an emergency and does not have to be dramatic. Instead of reacting only in the moment, politicians, principals, teachers, counselors, nurses and other adults can create a school where fewer spontaneous solutions are needed because there is well thought-out pedagogical and administrative work, what is called the 'whole-of-school approach' (Bartholomaeus & Ri

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En åpen og opplyst offentlig samtale er en forutsetning for et velfungerende demokrati. Dette idealet fordrer at borgere i stor grad tolererer meningsmotstandere fremfor å utvikle fiendtlige holdninger til dem man er uenig med. En rekke studier fra USA har imidlertid vist at borgere i økende grad er fiendtlig innstilt til velgere de er politisk uenig med (Iyengar et al., 2019). Dette fenomenet er

Investigation of the impact of different sugar compositions on the moisture absorption of hard candy when exposed to a humid environment

Hard candy is hygroscopic, implying that hard candy readily absorbs moisture from the environment, resulting in adverse changes in the texture and appearance of the candy. This thesis investigates the impact of different sugar compositions on the moisture absorption of hard candy when exposed to a humid environment. Five different hard candy formulations were exposed to an 8-day storage experiment

Data-driven neuropathological staging and subtyping of TDP-43 proteinopathies

TAR DNA-binding protein-43 (TDP-43) accumulation is the primary pathology underlying several neurodegenerative diseases. Charting the progression and heterogeneity of TDP-43 accumulation is necessary to better characterize TDP-43 proteinopathies, but current TDP-43 staging systems are heuristic and assume each syndrome is homogeneous. Here, we use data-driven disease progression modelling to deriv

Radio Frequency InGaAs MOSFETs

III-V-based Indium gallium arsenide is a promising channel material for high-frequency applications due to its superior electron mobility property. In this thesis, InGaAs/InP heterostructure radio frequency MOSFETs are designed, fabricated, and characterized. Various spacer technologies, from high dielectric spacers to air spacers, are implemented to reduce parasitic capacitances, and fT/fmax are

Detection of Inflammasome Activation in Murine Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages Infected with Group A Streptococcus

Inflammasomes are large multiprotein complexes that assemble mainly in innate immune cells after detection of microbial or sterile insults. Activation of inflammasomes is a key proinflammatory event during infection, and many pathogens have evolved specific evasion mechanisms to evade or inhibit inflammasome activation. One such pathogen is the common bacterium group A Streptococcus (GAS), which c

Large-scale assessment of polyglutamine repeat expansions in Parkinson disease

OBJECTIVES: We aim to clarify the pathogenic role of intermediate size repeat expansions of SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, and SCA17 as risk factors for idiopathic Parkinson disease (PD).METHODS: We invited researchers from the Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease Consortium to participate in the study. There were 12,346 cases and 8,164 controls genotyped, for a total of 4 repeats within the SCA2, SCA3,

The Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights in the Field of Cross-Border Surrogacy: In the Best Interests of the Child?

Surrogacy is prohibited in many European states. However, such a ban is not global. This can create problems when individuals from states where surrogacy is prohibited travel to other states where it is allowed and become legally recognised parents of children born through surrogacy in the latter states. The implications of cross-border surrogacy come into reality when the intended parents return

Comparative proteomic analysis of adult LMPPs and leukemic cells under stimulation of IFNa

Background and objectives: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common type of leukemia in adults with relatively high recurrence. Interferon alpha (IFNa) is a type I interferon and it has been shown to have a therapeutic effect on myeloid malignancies in clinical research especially to prevent potentially risky AML recurrence after chemotherapy. Due to the molecular heterogeneity of the disea

A Tale of Two Sets of Opportunities. An exploration of Inequality of Opportunity among natives and second-generation immigrants in Sweden

This paper examines the extent of income inequality that is attributed inherited circumstances such as social and family background, denoted as Inequality of Opportunity or IOp, for natives and second-generation immigrants in Sweden. The measurement of Inequality of Opportunity captures the between-type inequality, when individuals are grouped into types based on these predetermined circumstances,

More Fish, more Mahasoa? A Quantitative Analysis of Food Security & Poverty Reduction in Rural Small-scale Aquaculture in Madagascar

The role of food-producing sectors such as agriculture and aquaculture in the development process is debated and while some consider industrial production to be the answer, others suggest that small-scale production can also make contributions to poverty reduction and food security. This thesis aims to shed light on these relationships by performing quantitative analyses of the small-scale freshwa

Mind the Gap - From Divide to Prosperity

This thesis investigates the relationship between economic growth and income inequality in the European Union from 1991 to 2019, alongside examining the impact of EU membership on income inequality in Eastern European nations. The theoretical basis of the research is the Kuznets theory, and the study will utilise data from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators and employ a graphical method