

Din sökning på "*" gav 532856 sökträffar

Human macrophage migration inhibitory factor potentiates mesenchymal stromal cell efficacy in a clinically relevant model of allergic asthma

Current asthma therapies focus on reducing symptoms but fail to restore existing structural damage. Mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) administration can ameliorate airway inflammation and reverse airway remodeling. However, differences in patient disease microenvironments seem to influence MSC therapeutic effects. A polymorphic CATT tetranucleotide repeat at position 794 of the human macrophage migra

Trafiksäkerhetsgranskning : Genomgång av några länders manualer/riktlinjer

Fyra manualer/riktlinjer har gåtts genom enligt internationella bästa praktik kriterier. Dessa fyra manualer/riktlinjer valdes då trafiksäkerhetsgranskning som en systematisk procedur startade i England och dess grundläggande principer förfinades i Australien. Det är också av intresse hur Sveriges grannländer, Danmark och Norge har utvecklat sina egna nationella manualer.

ATLAS flavour-tagging algorithms for the LHC Run 2 pp collision dataset

The flavour-tagging algorithms developed by the ATLAS Collaboration and used to analyse its dataset of s=13 TeV pp collisions from Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider are presented. These new tagging algorithms are based on recurrent and deep neural networks, and their performance is evaluated in simulated collision events. These developments yield considerable improvements over previous jet-flavou

The Role of Global Actors in Sustainability Transitions – Tracing the Emergence of a Novel Infrastructure Paradigm in the Sanitation Sector

The literature on sustainability transitions increasingly recognizes that sectoral structures transcending national boundaries can both hinder and promote sustainability transitions. Yet there is only limited evidence on the roles of global actors in transforming entrenched socio-technical structures directly at the global scale. To explore the mechanisms of agency at the global scale, we develop

Measurements of W+W- production in decay topologies inspired by searches for electroweak supersymmetry

This paper presents a measurement of fiducial and differential cross-sections for W+W- production in proton–proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider using a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb - 1 . Events with exactly one electron, one muon and no hadronic jets are studied. The fiducial region in which the measurements are perfor

Oxygenation of the Baltoscandian shelf linked to Ordovician biodiversification

Marine biodiversity increased markedly during the Ordovician Period (~487–443 million years ago). Some intervals within the Ordovician were associated with unusually rapid and prominent rises in taxonomic richness, the reasons for which remain debated. Links between increased oxygenation and biodiversification have been proposed, although supporting marine oxygen proxy data are limited. Here we pr

The environmental benefits of relocating buildings

As the climate on earth deteriorates, actions are carried out within Europe to limit the amount of hazardous emissions to lower the environmental consequences due to greenhouse gases. A significant proportion of the emissions can be linked to the construction sector and its use of virgin resources. An area with great development potential within the construction sector is linked to its management

The effect of valve design on the pressure losses in a high-pressure homogenizer : An improved pressure drop correlation for estimating gap height

Understanding how the design of high-pressure homogenizer valves influence pressure losses in the device is of general interest for performance optimizing, and of special importance for developing correlations for predicting gap heights and gap velocities. The traditionally used correlation is from 1975 and based on a limited experimental dataset on gaps that are longer and often of lower capacity

The role of the Sustainable Development Goals for better governance of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

The discussion on the Anthropocene has increased the urgency to promote a sustainable society, considering the planetary boundaries, population growth and resource scarcity. Thus, the United Nations created the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to address this challenge, including 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 SDG targets. In this context, the energy sector is one of the ma

Camera-based automated monitoring of flying insects in the wild (Camfi). II. flight behaviour and long-term population monitoring of migratory Bogong moths in Alpine Australia

Introduction: The Bogong moth Agrotis infusa is well known for its remarkable annual round-trip migration from its breeding grounds across eastern and southern Australia to its aestivation sites in the Australian Alps, to which it provides an important annual influx of nutrients. Over recent years, we have benefited from a growing understanding of the navigational abilities of the Bogong moth. Mea

A Polycrystalline Pd Surface Studied by Two-Dimensional Surface Optical Reflectance during CO Oxidation : Bridging the Materials Gap

Industrial catalysts are complex materials systems operating in harsh environments. The active parts of the catalysts are nanoparticles that expose different facets with different surface orientations at which the catalytic reactions occur. However, these facets are close to impossible to study in detail under industrially relevant operating conditions. Instead, simpler model systems, such as sing

Design and assessment on a bottom-cut shape for latent heat storage tank filled with metal foam

The utilization of phase change materials (PCMs) holds tremendous potential of heat storage domain. The PCM's refractory at the latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) unit bottom hinders the heat storage efficiency, despite the significant improvement in thermal conductivity achieved through the addition of metal foam. This study employs numerical simulation to examine the impact of applying b

Evaporation of serum after long-term biobank storage : A chemical analysis of maternal serum from a large Danish pregnancy screening registry

Background Relying on freezer stored biospecimens is preferred in epidemiolocal studies exploring environmental pregnancy exposures and later offspring health. Storage duration may increase the pre-analytical variability, potentially adding measurement uncertainty. We investigated evaporation of maternal serum after long-term biobank storage using ions (sodium, Na+; chloride, Cl-) recognized for s

Preoperative ctDNA Levels Are Associated With Poor Overall Survival in Patients With Ovarian Cancer

BACKGROUND/AIM: Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), which is shed from cancer cells into the bloodstream, offers a potential minimally invasive approach for cancer diagnosis and monitoring. This research aimed to assess the preoperative ctDNA levels in ovarian tumors patients' plasma and establish correlations with clinicopathological parameters and patient prognosis.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Tumor DNA was

Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride material

This disclosure relates to a polycrystalline cubic boron nitride, PCBN, material that includes a binder matrix material containing nitride compounds. The nitride compounds are selected from HfN, VN, and/or NbN.

Tying Shock Features to Impact Conditions : The Significance of Shear Deformation During Impact Cratering

Impact cratering is associated with extreme physical conditions with temperatures and pressures far exceeding conditions otherwise prevailing at the surfaces of terrestrial planets. As a consequence, shock-metamorphosed rocks contain unique deformation features such as planar deformation features in quartz, high-pressure mineral polymorphs and melted rock. While the physical conditions of formatio

Mate availability determines use of alternative reproductive phenotypes in hermaphrodites

In many species, individuals can employ alternative reproductive phenotypes, with profound consequences for individual fitness and population dynamics. This is particularly relevant for self-compatible hermaphrodites, which have exceptionally many reproductive options. Here we investigated the occurrence of reproductive phenotypes in the simultaneously hermaphroditic freshwater snail Radix balthic

Doing user involvement : shifting interstices and coalescing tensions in care technology

This paper explores user involvement in company practice as a method that is both contingent and transformative. Drawing on ethnographic research in a small- to medium-sized care technology company, we trace how user involvement is enacted in diverse forms to resolve, deal with, and circumvent the frictions and tensions surrounding it. While encompassing similar types of configuration work, these